cannibal corpse in birmingham AL
I heard a rumor about this show and i thought, no way Cannibal Corpse would play at the damn High Note Lounge. I checked their official site and the show is there though, August 17 at the HighNote. It's listed as part of the SOTU tour, but that date isn't listed on the SOTU site (it says the last date is the 12th). I hope it's not really part of that shitty tour... if all the bands on that tour showed up at the Highnote lounge, it would be a capacity crowd already.
The 'Corpse isn't anything special to me but I'd go to that show if it was cheap, just because bands like that don't swing through Alabama ever, unless they're on the bus trying to get to Atlanta.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.