2006-06-15, 17:04
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: England
Posts: 274
I'm saying this for your own benefit, but seriously, get off your arse and do it yourself. It'll take ten minutes to construct a diagram, and you'll actually absorb the basics faster through constructing it.
You'll realise how simple the natures of the diminished scales are: take whole-half for example
You'll grasp the relative positions and the sounds, and how they are grouped together then spaced about for example.
Not being an arse about it all, but I remember the days when I used to ask questions liek this, thinking that a media source would fill me with wisdom just by printing it. Doing something yourself allows you to learn it far better. I don't understand why you need a diagram though, as it stands, the diminished scales are far simpler than even your basic pentatonic minor scales to adapt to and learn, because of the spacing and the general sound they create