2006-04-04, 08:55
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
heres a few from an old scrapbook
theses are old, like 4 years old, ive kinda touched them up
[broken landscape]
where bandana gang controlled boulevards
are covered in trash+jesus saves cards
some shell of an man offers
sandwich board salvation upon
a red light district annihilation
radiation jesus A bomb will soon come!
glass screen shrine eminates the ultimate fuck all
of puppet show press conference soothsayers guided
by telepromter oracles puke rubbish,proxy,doublethink,verbatim
watch the live feed of auguries now divined from the entrails of an annihilation
update the hate!
our Ignorance, a machine vitue of statecraft
[waves of slime]
words were softly spoken with a rain of surgical steel destruction
hepititus freedom floods broken streets to consume disposible lives
divine mandate delivered behind the barrel of a gun
its virtue flows like a river of bile, your virtue flows like a river of bile
no obstruction to the path of the bileflow
i had a political bent to my writings in the past. and everything was the biggest run on sentence because i pictured these as lyrics to songs