2006-02-21, 23:09
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Land of Dust
Posts: 3,551
Originally Posted by lord_diemos
If I had to make this decision, I'd go with the kramer. The reason being, I don't like the sound of basswood. I love the way alder sounds with some good pickups. Also, since it's half of the price of the dean, you can spend the money you'd save putting some decent pickups in it.
True, and 100$ would be the cost of a real floyd... but I just wanted a guitar that would kick ass right out of the box. Apparently the MLXT comes very well set up.
I hear basswood is super light so that is appealing, my alder Jackson rules but it's rather heavy.
Hmm, I'll think it over but I'm leaning towards the Kramer, simply to own a strat-like axe with a Floyd that doesn't cost as much as a decent Ibanez with a Floyd(I love Ibanezs but the only ones I like are out of my price range).
Some more input on the ML XT(or V XT or Z XT, same shit different body style) is still appreciated. Thanks.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)