2006-02-17, 01:12
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Denmark - the capitol of Sweden(!)
Posts: 13
To all my amazement, to all my love, I find that the thread had a reply. Eagerly I enter the thread I posted. Only to all my sadness, to all my grief, I find that the thread had been replied with a question that obviously has not got anything to do with my request. In fact it is a question meant to be put on me.
It is as follows:
Originally Posted by BTP
Is the quote in the beginning Vince McMahn (sp?) The owner of WWE (wrestling)
How I pity myself thinking that there was an actual reply with anything related to the request, in the TAB QUESTIONS & REQUESTS forum-category.
No but, seriously, I don't know what the hell thou is speaking of. Either rephrase or tab the damn song(in a decent way, thanks) and earn a blowjob by Brianna Banks, with funding support by me.
Edit: - Woohay
God gave me a brain
- but not the ability to use it.