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Old 2006-02-16, 14:09
davie_gravy's Avatar
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Neck Question (For People Who've Built/Assembled Guitars)

I'm trying to figure some solutions or reasons what for.
So if I take the neck off a guitar eventually it will start to straighten out from lack of tension from the strings. So... will the neck return to the proper relief when attached to the body and strung up? I just assembled my guitar and I get some medium to mild buzz and drag all along the first 3 frets. I can do the lil Randy Rhoads deal and bow the neck manually and it clears up, so it's due to the neck relief. So here's my question.
Will the strings pull the bow back over some time, or do I need to do some truss rod adjustments. The string sizes are the same from when it was together. Also the trem is raised forward alot and I've got the trem screws on the back screwed damn nearly all the way in. I would just like some information about putting a neck back on a guitar and bringing it up to par if anyone has that information to share, it's greatly appreciated.
R.I.P. Dimebag
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Last edited by davie_gravy : 2006-02-16 at 14:12.
Old 2006-02-16, 15:56
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Don't do ANY adjustments on the truss rod right now. Since the neck hasn't been used for a while, it will have to "get used" to the new tension of strings. Just keep re-tuning it as the neck bends to keep the string tension high. Do this for about 2-3 days. The neck should go back to about normal. If this problem persists after a few days, it does sound like you will need to loosen the truss rod a bit.

About the trem. Sounds like you just need to put another spring on the claw. And if there's already 4 on there, get some new ones as these ones may have stretched.

All-in-all, just be patient with it. If you prematurely adjust the truss rod, you will get some major "pull-up" on the neck once it gets used to the new tension.
Old 2006-02-17, 02:51
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lord_diemos: Thank you very much! That was great information. I'll keep retuning, and maybe try a new spring(s), I did notice they were easy to stretch. Appreciate it!
R.I.P. Dimebag
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Old 2006-02-17, 03:42
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definitely make sure the trem is parrelell with the body. if it is still buzzing after that, then wait a few days and loosen the truss rod a little bit at a time (that is if the problem is lack of relief.. You could just have a high fret?).
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Old 2006-02-17, 14:32
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So I put new springs on and I got the trem pretty flush with the body too. Now the strings won't even ring open. I adjusted the action up some too. I can fret a string 5th fret and on and it's okay, but not open or up to the 3rd fret on all strings. I can kinda bow the neck with my hand and hit the strings to tune it, and their all in tune. Guess I'm gonna just wait a couple more days to see if the strings will pull the neck. You mention loosen the truss rod. Wouldn't it be to tighten? Cause there's not enough bow for the strings to clear now, wouldn't you want to tighten it to create more bow for the strings to clear? Confusing shit here... If this all doesn't work out, the luthier I shall see, but I would like to avoid him at all costs. I'd like to be able to do this all myself. Thanks for all the replies!
R.I.P. Dimebag
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Old 2006-02-17, 20:39
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Originally Posted by davie_gravy

So I put new springs on and I got the trem pretty flush with the body too. Now the strings won't even ring open. I adjusted the action up some too. I can fret a string 5th fret and on and it's okay, but not open or up to the 3rd fret on all strings. I can kinda bow the neck with my hand and hit the strings to tune it, and their all in tune. Guess I'm gonna just wait a couple more days to see if the strings will pull the neck. You mention loosen the truss rod. Wouldn't it be to tighten? Cause there's not enough bow for the strings to clear now, wouldn't you want to tighten it to create more bow for the strings to clear? Confusing shit here... If this all doesn't work out, the luthier I shall see, but I would like to avoid him at all costs. I'd like to be able to do this all myself. Thanks for all the replies!

loosening it will cause it to bow. tightening it will cause it to 'hump', which is whats happening now. believe me, this has happened to a few of my guitars. a simple loosening of the truss rod helped a lot.
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Old 2006-02-18, 00:06
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Originally Posted by DeathCS
loosening it will cause it to bow. tightening it will cause it to 'hump', which is whats happening now. believe me, this has happened to a few of my guitars. a simple loosening of the truss rod helped a lot.

Thanks DeathCS. I actually looked up a bunch of information about when and how to adjust the truss-rod today. It seems like this is my last option. Appreciate your replies!
R.I.P. Dimebag
My Music is your #1 FREE online guitar resource center.

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