2006-02-10, 10:30
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by Casketcrusher
BAH!!! I love Devourment. However I can only handle them on an ocational bassis. Like I can't listen to them constantly for three days straight. However they are fucking cool. And the guitar tone is not tottal mush. It's just the drums make it hard to hear.
I only ask because for the new Devourment DVD Mike asks that fans record themselves doing something related to Devourment and he will put it on DVD. Supposidly over 20 bands recorded themselves doing Babykiller. However for my band we wanted to cover Butcher The Weak and make a music video out of it. This would also include animation from the album art.
It would help out a lot. But if no one can do it. I understand.
interesting man. well i say the guitar tone IS mush (listening to fuck her head off now) and i cant hear whats going at all. sorry