2006-02-09, 13:09
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Stafford
Posts: 66
Guitar Project
Hey there ,
I was wondering if any of you who have customised ( refinished , decalled and other various tweaks n shit ) your guitar , could tell me how i would go about ripping off the shit paintwork on one of my cheapo les pauls and re doing it into a copy of a les paul I like.
The only thing that really needs doing on it , is tearing off the shit paintwork and replacing it with a cream colour ( cream that looks like rancid off milk ) , Replacing the fretboard from the shitty Rosewood with some wierd looking gem kinda block inlay ( might be abalone or something like that ) , and getting Mother of Pearl blocks instead , and then whacking on a few decals , the Black Bullseye decal i can get a hold of , and im going to buy a gibson decal for the headstock ( the wierd symbol thing ). Can someone tell me what i will need , and how do i go about sorting all this shit out.
Cheers ,
Ps. If you havent noticed , im trying to convert some shitty guitar into a look-a-like of Zakk Wyldes Les Paul.