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Old 2006-02-04, 22:32
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1
vocal problem

hi to all of you reading,

i've got a very big problem with my voice. speaking & singing.
in my family,home we never speak, we scream. loud or soft but always scream & shout!
my voice adjusted to that in a horrible way. it's 100% produced by throat muscles.
it's never in place, it fluctuates in an uncontrollable way, sometimes i even loose voice almost completely & become barely audiable, have a feeling i need to clear my throat.
it's a big problem because most of a time i have intonation of a retard. yes, very sad.

when i speak & get excited, my voice raises very high pitch & stays like that.
then sometimes i place it (or it places itself) lower (radio voice) & it stays like that.
i don't have a voice which i identify with.
when ppl call me on the phone, they don't have slightest idea what voice to expect.

btw, i'm 25yrs old. to anyones surprise many ppl say i have very interesting & pretty voice, some say i'm a dramatic tenor but i feel closed, like all sound comes from my mouth. not very loud.

my voice teacher uses alexander technique to teach bel canto but i absolutely can't feel any breathing support. it's like i don't need lower part of my body to produce sounds. i don't feel any connection with my voice to body.not at all.

does anybody know how to help me? how to gradually release tension from throat muscles & start creating the sound another, proper way. btw, what muscles should be responsible for creation of proper sound?

if it's too late & my voice is ruined, the heck with singing. i just want to be able talk normally with controll over the intonation.

please help
Old 2006-02-05, 00:49
Throat Crusher's Avatar
Throat Crusher
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 105
Sounds like you need to be seeking vocal therapy. Like serious vocal therapy, dont even think about singing man. So no need to be looking around an internet message board, some of us can sing, but I am almost positive were not trained vocal professionals.
Personaly, I like being stupid on the Interweb. Ist Kreig guys, Ist Kreig.
Old 2006-03-27, 23:51
MorbidGuitar's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Originally Posted by herbatnik
many ppl say i have very interesting & pretty voice

LOL, that made me laugh

i dont know what you mean by pretty but i definatly thought you were a woman for a minute there. Im the opposite, I really dont say much and dont speak very loudly (unless im drunk). I think its basically just how you grow up, you adapt to the people around you. I really cant stand listening to loud people, its really damn annoying. I always want to say, just take a breath and DONT SAY ANYTHING. If you have to say something, think, then say it quietly. After a while i guarantee you will start to talk in a more subtle way. Just dont let the people around you influence the way you express yourself verbally.

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