2006-01-03, 01:29
New Blood
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Death metal drummers and recognition
Is it just me or do death metal drummers get very little recognition in the drumming world despite the amount of technicality?

2006-01-03, 01:37
Noob lud
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It's not just you. No other drummers really care about extreme drumming. When I post links of extreme drummers on random drumming sites, most people don't care. I don't blame them because there's only a handful of amazing drummers in extreme metal. Yes, they are all fast as fuck but all they do is blast and play double bass. Its good, but it gets boring, and it's why they don't get attention.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-01-03, 01:56
New Blood
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Posts: 11
Drumming is drumming, it's repetative. Yeah most death metal drummers sound the same, but its the not just death metal drummers its like that with any genre of drumming. But seriously now, are there any death metal drummers that get recognized by the drumming community...

2006-01-03, 02:32
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erm Derek roddy, flo mounier, and Dave Lombardo have recieved some degree of recognition,
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2006-01-03, 08:46
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Derek Roddy Rules !!11!
No seriously, he's fucking badass!!
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2006-01-03, 09:38
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i had a rant about this in another thread, and to anyone who remembers what i said id like to add.
a thing that, in my humble opinion, that sets metal drummers apart from the rest is metal drummers focus way more on the actual drumbeats than the fills, most good metal drummer if you listen closely to the drum fill parts its all usually straight 16s everywhere, the range of different drumbeats are staggering compared to other genres with the exception of jazz. the biggest complaints against metal drummers is "dynamics" which is utter BS, what other style of music utilizes the double bass so thoroughly?, what is the fusion rock equivalent of going from a blastbeat down to a slow brutal breakdown,there is none. who wants to listen to quiet music nowadays? NOONE. granted the blastbeat has riegned as the mainstay of tempo for some years now, bands are now really mixing it up more. we have entire genres of metal based soley on how fast it is and what drumbeats are utilized.
most of the naysayers ive encountered are hippy jam band weekend warrior types, dudes who have good rudiment skills and almost no drumbeat versatility beyond psuedo latin groove shit, i could give a fuck about your 164/932 bassanova headache of a drumbeat,these dudes only play one tempo, a tempo that suits rudiments for a person who has no handspeed.this is the type of asshole who gets the congo drums and chimes into the kit,you know, the really bunk world beat tribal drum shit. then you got the jazz dorks who are top notch in terms of rudiments and only play jazz, 3/4 of these dudes dont actually play along with thier accompanying band, listen to a jazz radio station and you will see what im saying, a very small margin of jazz drummers try to actually coordinate the accents,the beats, the fills to remebered parts or if its improv its not a mess which improv usually is anyway, but its like saying piccasso sucks at drawing, the shits a bit abstract and intended to be high brow, but some like me are convinced its all a scam. anyway, most are showboaters who enjoy playing far more than others enjoy listening to them, fuck them and thier 7A nylon tip sticks and thier nice little splash cymbal trees. then you get the out of shape beer gutted bar band rockers. kieth moon and john bodham are the intended goal and aspiration, these are the people when they grow old and tired of the craft, yours truly low-tech arrives at thier house to buy thier top of the line shit for half of what they paid.
edit: hmmm... i believe there is a 22" zildjian ping ride i may check out from an ad off of craigs list, i wonder what kind of drummer this is comming from
Last edited by low-tech : 2006-01-03 at 09:43.

2006-01-03, 16:52
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Flo Mounier kicks the shit outta Derek Roddy. Listen to the the harmonic part in Carrionshine and you will see that Flo is sick as fuck.
I suck at guitar.

2006-01-03, 18:21
slack as fuck
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fuck. flame me for this if you may, but I was listening to Hate Eternal and well Roddy's drumming, as technical as it was, got boring to me. Flo is my favorite drummer of all time for technicality and for putting the perfect drum passage in at the perfect time.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
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2006-01-03, 18:30
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Originally Posted by newHELLonEARTH
fuck. flame me for this if you may, but I was listening to Hate Eternal and well Roddy's drumming, as technical as it was, got boring to me. Flo is my favorite drummer of all time for technicality and for putting the perfect drum passage in at the perfect time.
here, here!
and its not that extreme metal drummers arent good, it just that they usually all blast at 4/4 timing with double bass at 10000000 miles per second, it gets boring to other drummers, so in turn, they no longer care. the reason jazz drummers for example get more attention is because they can keep perfect time on a funky time signature without screwing up, not just go really fucking fast.
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)
Last edited by Zertonshfits : 2006-01-03 at 18:34.

2006-01-03, 23:22
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Zertonshfits
here, here!
and its not that extreme metal drummers arent good, it just that they usually all blast at 4/4 timing with double bass at 10000000 miles per second, it gets boring to other drummers, so in turn, they no longer care. the reason jazz drummers for example get more attention is because they can keep perfect time on a funky time signature without screwing up, not just go really fucking fast.
Well honestly any competent musician should be able to keep good time in any time signature, unless you're a flipping moron. The reason extreme drummers (as you probably know) keep simple signatures is because its much easier to play faster beats in such a manner, I'd hate to see some funky jazz signatures played at over 250bpm, that'd be a toughie!
Extreme bands in general are pretty generic, however there are some that stand out. The ones that do are probably the most kick ass musicians you'll ever encounter, mainly because a good metal musician (except vocals, generally) has to take in other styles to become great. So a great metal guitarist probably has dabbled in classical or prog, and a great metal drummer can probably tear it up playing jazz as well, roddy and flo as well as their respective bands for example.
The boys from carcass went on to do alot of different music, from country (walker) to classic rock (steer) to melodic death metal-sellouts (amott) as another example, although carcass arent too extreme anymore..

2006-01-04, 00:53
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Flo and derek are both great and I would say neither is better than the other, if you watch Derek's solo vids you will see he is just as tech just as jazzy and just as brutal as flo!
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2006-01-04, 21:51
slack as fuck
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oh i know how amazingly technical he is but in that time listening to hate eternal, i just got bored. flo keeps me pumped up.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-01-04, 22:05
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Plus what I like about Cryptopsy is that they are very experimental.. Adding jazz, hard rock, grind core and brutal death metal elements all together in their music.
I suck at guitar.

2006-01-05, 00:02
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I went to a Hate Eternal show and didn't even watch the band. I could hear it though, click click click click chop chop click click boom chop chop click! When all is said and done a drummer is meant to provide a beat, to emphasize what's being played by the guitarist. If they're really good they go beyond and sometimes make the guitar riffs move. It's good for what it is, but must agree Flo has more feel in his music. What is music about? Feeling! So I don't care about people like Joe Satriani and Derek Roddy, because they are just text books, no soul is in their bodies. Over the top.....but you get my point.

2006-01-05, 12:29
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I dont think that Roddy shows everything in Hate Eternal.
He is much better than on the Hate Eternal recordings.

2006-01-05, 18:00
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Originally Posted by Bones98
Plus what I like about Cryptopsy is that they are very experimental.. Adding jazz, hard rock, grind core and brutal death metal elements all together in their music.
yeah, and that's what i love about them. thats what makes them my all time favorite band.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-01-06, 03:55
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one canadian death metal drummer being well reognized now morethan before is Yanic Bercier, of Quo Vadis, and hes simple incredible, aand because im no drummer i wont rant about it, but thats one newer drummer that is fairly recognized; if you havent seen/heard him check out his sight. I just got their live Defiant Indoctrination dvd and a whole cdis dedicated to the drummers p.o.v.
One that seems much less recognized is Proscriptor of Absu, hes got a fairly unique technique im sure most will agree, and is very fast, but you dont here much chat about him, which is odd because he sings and drums simultaneously; very well i might add
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
"Nothing binds a father and a son more closely than the truth behind the decapitated hooker in the rec room."

2006-01-06, 07:33
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I have heard great things of Proscriptor! never got round to checking them out!
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2006-01-06, 21:05
Noob lud
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You guys are missing the whole point. Most of these posts' have little to do with why extreme drummers don't get much attention in the drumming world.
"the reason jazz drummers for example get more attention is because they can keep perfect time on a funky time signature without screwing up, not just go really fucking fast."
Shut the fuck up. The reason jazz drummers get more attention is because jazz is more acceptable than extreme metal. It has nothing to do with playing ablility. Don't respond to this thread anymore if you're just going to make idiotic posts like that...
I would say a big part of why extreme metal drummers don't get attention is because alot of drummers have never even heard extreme metal. I post alot on a regular drumming forum. I've made a few threads with Derek Roddy videos just to show people some stuff. When I posted up the Roddy I, Monarch studio videos, only about 3 people responded. And there was over a hundred views of the thread. One guy said, "I wonder what the vocals would sound like to music like this." This made me realize that a chunk of modern drummers don't really care, don't know what to think, or have never heard extreme metal before.
And most likely when they will get exposed to extreme metal, hearing Cryptopsy or Origin for example, will completly make them think all metal drummers sound like that....
Originally Posted by Paddy
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2006-01-06, 22:37
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I agree with the above statements
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
"Nothing binds a father and a son more closely than the truth behind the decapitated hooker in the rec room."

2006-01-07, 07:08
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I think the fastest drummer is the Berzerker drummer. Find me a faster passage ANYWHERE than on Death Reveals at 1.15
Also, same drummer same band same album, find me a faster drum beat than Disregard [apart from the whole thing being insane ESPECIALLY the last bit is fast as fuck]
And yes on Dissimulate they had a real drummer.

2006-01-07, 08:56
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Originally Posted by The Execrator
When I posted up the Roddy I, Monarch studio videos, .
Hey, where is that video????

2006-01-07, 11:53
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Roddy has shown in other videos he is capable of way more than just blasting at 270bpm. The guy's a nut. However, I still like Flo more than Roddy. Flo has a more unique style, and uses more styles from other genres to keep it all sounding interesting. He would be my favourite drummer, if it wasn't for Lille Grueber. That guy is shockingly underrated, even in death metal circles, and I don't like it. Like Flo, he has a totally unique style, is ridiculously skilled (ie. much more so than your average DM blaster) but he does a slightly better job of bringing the guitar riffs to life if you ask me.

2006-01-07, 20:40
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A guy that doesn't seem to get much attention is David Gray from the band Akercocke, I know jackshit about drums, but the dude's really good, great blaster, spices stuff up with jazzy things all over the place, great drum sounds (even though most of it is triggers). He used to work as a session drummer I think.

2006-01-07, 22:20
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Saw Ackercocke a while ago, pretty impressive stuff indeed.

2006-01-08, 01:22
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Death metal drummers don't get much recognition because it takes more than speed to be good. Most DM drummers are just pure speed. Like shredders, impressive but boring.

2006-01-08, 06:13
Noob lud
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What the FUCK! This isn't a fucking thread to come say who you think is better than the other. It's about opinions of other drummers to extreme metal drummers. People saying "I think Derek sucks" or " I like Flo better than Derek" should be put in a fucking home. Your stupidity should be put on public display and laughed at.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-01-08, 06:14
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I would dignify that with a sensible comment but I have had enough about trolling death metal drummers by saying 'ah its all speed n double bass n shit, anyone can do that'
so I am saying this with as much Venom and Spite as I can muster:

omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-01-08, 17:29
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Saying 'ah its all speed n double bass n shit, anyone can do that' is a perfectly reasonable answer to the question of why death metal drummers don't get the 'recognition' they 'deserve'. It doesn't mean it's right, it shows the reason someone would not give 'deserved recognition' to death metal drummers and thus provides an answer to the original question.
As a side note, death metal fans do tend to put a large premium on technicality and in the drumming department that usually comes out as speed. They also tend to care more about gear and other such 'serious' practical aspects to music than most other "underground" music fans.

2006-01-09, 00:23
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Saying 'ah its all speed n double bass n shit, anyone can do that' is a perfectly reasonable answer to the question of why death metal drummers don't get the 'recognition' they 'deserve'. It doesn't mean it's right, it shows the reason someone would not give 'deserved recognition' to death metal drummers and thus provides an answer to the original question.
not it isn't though that is the point, because it ISN'T all double bass n shit, Death metal drumming is the hardest form of drumming IMO, I mean Jazz is hard as fuck due to the technical nature of the style, but Jazz drumming isn't anywhere near as Physically demanding as death metal, sure you have drummers like Paul from CC who's style is raw, un technical straight out aggression, for the style and the band is perfect, then you get cats like Flo who do stuff that can make Jazz drummers wince at twice the speed that they would do it in Jazz etc. thats why I get fucked off to high hell when some stupid idiot says that, on a general drumming forum I can live with it, when you come on to a metal forum, and say that shit, you should fuck off.
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-01-09, 01:05
Noob lud
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Word. At least me and NZ are on the right track here.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-01-09, 06:32
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Originally Posted by The Execrator
What the FUCK! This isn't a fucking thread to come say who you think is better than the other. It's about opinions of other drummers to extreme metal drummers. People saying "I think Derek sucks" or " I like Flo better than Derek" should be put in a fucking home. Your stupidity should be put on public display and laughed at.
Chill the fuck out biatch.

2006-01-09, 12:52
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Originally Posted by NZ black metal drumm
not it isn't though that is the point, because it ISN'T all double bass n shit,........ thats why I get fucked off to high hell when some stupid idiot says that, on a general drumming forum I can live with it, when you come on to a metal forum, and say that shit, you should fuck off.
1: That's exactly what I meant - it isn't all "double bass n shit", but the fact that people think it is is the reason death drummer don't get the 'recognition they deserve'. Question answered.
2: I know NZ isn't exactly a very conducive place to creative life and personal development, but "getting fucked off to high hell" because of what some twit says is just pointless. If I was a stupid idiot I'd be laughing my stupid idiotic ass off at yours and Execrator's responses. Fortunately I'm staring at the screen with a blank expression instead.

2006-01-10, 04:14
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I have had to deal with too many shitty rock drummers who play the same fucking rock/pseudo jazz beats bitching about Death metal/metal in general drumming, so yes when one more person makes an idiotic comment I do look loving towards my samurai sword with evil ides of dismemberment
Ps I finally got the Flo Drum dvd, it is fucking awesome, you all need to get it and see it, very worth the money my parents paid for it (yeah it was my chrissy pressy) the first DVD is Warm ups, stretches, exercises and the grind library which gives you the basic blast and grind beats there some other stuff I haven't accessed yet, the second DVD is what REALLY makes it worthwhile, shit loads of flo solo footage and Cryptopsy footage and lots of awesome stuff!!!
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-01-11, 01:38
Noob lud
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If you don't like our posts, then stay the fuck out of the drum forum. Unless you will actually be helpfull.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-01-11, 04:09
Forum Daemon
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I wouldn't make blanket statements like 'death metal is the most physically demanding.' I've seen at least one jazz drummer - the South Side's own Avriel Ra - whose physicality was ridiculous, by whatever standard. It all was ridiculous, actually; I've never been more impressed by a drum performance. But he's not a common jazz drummer, and that's neither here nor there.
Death metal drummers will get recognition when death metal itself gets recognition. Most people don't even know what it sounds like; how can they be expected to appreciate it? Anybody who's actually attuned to music will be impressed by metal musicians, but that's a fairly small number of people, especially considering the number of them who've actually been exposed to the music. This is fairly late in the game to be realizing that death metal's an underexposed genre in comparison to genre x.

2006-01-11, 19:55
Noob lud
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Death metal drummers will get recognition when death metal itself gets recognition. Most people don't even know what it sounds like; how can they be expected to appreciate it? Anybody who's actually attuned to music will be impressed by metal musicians, but that's a fairly small number of people, especially considering the number of them who've actually been exposed to the music. This is fairly late in the game to be realizing that death metal's an underexposed genre in comparison to genre x.
Couldn't have said it any better myself.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-01-14, 18:46
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2006-03-04, 08:49
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Originally Posted by soggy
Drumming is drumming, it's repetative. Yeah most death metal drummers sound the same, but its the not just death metal drummers its like that with any genre of drumming. But seriously now, are there any death metal drummers that get recognized by the drumming community...
I agree with this opinion...
most deathmetal drummers are just playing mostly simple beats.. So everybody thinks they cant play...
Grond, drummer of the Viking Metal band "Norse"
Sorry, but my english is bad...

2006-03-04, 15:53
Noob lud
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Originally Posted by Grond
I agree with this opinion...
most deathmetal drummers are just playing mostly simple beats.. So everybody thinks they cant play...
What the fuck? Are you joking? Maybe Paul from CC but the rest definitly not. And people thinking that death metal drummers can't play isn't the reason why they don't get noticed.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-03-04, 20:03
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the drumming in death metal is the backbone of the genre in my opinion. Some of my favorites right now are...
Derek Roddy
George Kollias
John Longstreth
David Haley (his drumming on the new Psycroptic is perfect for that band)
Tim Yeung
Ricky Myers
KC Howard
Pete Sandoval
Dave (don't know his last name but he's in Sleep Terror)
I aslo think Mike Hamilton from Deeds Of Flesh is an endurance machine on double bass and blastbeats, but while I love Deeds Of Flesh, their drumming is what can REALLY bore me if I'm not in the right mood when listening to them.

2006-03-04, 20:12
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Originally Posted by BTP
the drumming in death metal is the backbone of the genre in my opinion. Some of my favorites right now are...
Derek Roddy
George Kollias
John Longstreth
David Haley (his drumming on the new Psycroptic is perfect for that band)
Tim Yeung
Ricky Myers
KC Howard
Pete Sandoval
Dave (don't know his last name but he's in Sleep Terror)
I aslo think Mike Hamilton from Deeds Of Flesh is an endurance machine on double bass and blastbeats, but while I love Deeds Of Flesh, their drumming is what can REALLY bore me if I'm not in the right mood when listening to them.
ya your right
DM drummers usually have the speed of a fuckin machine gun, but not all of them can do what jazz drummers can, but alot of jazz drummers can do what DM drummers can. so the only reason that DM drummers dont get the recognition they want or deserve or w/e, is because they usually dont do much to impress except for fast shit, PLUS their genre isnt exactly "liked" by normal mainstream

2006-03-04, 23:55
Noob lud
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"so the only reason that DM drummers dont get the recognition they want or deserve or w/e, is because they usually dont do much to impress except for fast shit, PLUS their genre isnt exactly "liked" by normal mainstream"
....Just go die somewhere, now. Death Metal drummers use more cymbal work than most other genres. That's impressing. The drummers don't just sit there and "play fast". There is more to Death Metal drumming than playing fast. There is alot more.
Death Metal drummers don't get noticed simply because Death Metal itself doesn't get noticed.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-03-05, 05:13
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DM drummers usually have the speed of a fuckin machine gun, but not all of them can do what jazz drummers can, but alot of jazz drummers can do what DM drummers can. so the only reason that DM drummers dont get the recognition they want or deserve or w/e, is because they usually dont do much to impress except for fast shit, PLUS their genre isnt exactly "liked" by normal mainstream
Actually if you watch say Flo Mounier or Derek Roddy drum, they are doing EXACTLY what jazz drummers do, except about 3 times faster, and most Jazz Drummers can't do what these guys do, most Jazz Drummers (I am not including the Drumming elite here in this statement) use single bass and while they can tear out some speedy chops, they can't hold that speed for the 40 minutes or so that a Death Metal Drummer will do in a set
although you are right about genre not being liked, but to be honest, I don't like Jazz, but I still worship the musicians who play that shit, and so appreciate the genre for what it is.
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-03-05, 14:58
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I didnt want to sound like i dont like DM and the drummers playing it...
I am actually one of them, too...
and i like the DM theme very much!!!
Grond, drummer of the Viking Metal band "Norse"
Sorry, but my english is bad...

2006-03-05, 15:35
Noob lud
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Yeah I know, it's cool. It just seems I think differently than everyone else and I like to argue. 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-03-05, 16:15
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do you really think differently than the others in this forum?
I think we all think the same way: drumming is awesome!!! 
Grond, drummer of the Viking Metal band "Norse"
Sorry, but my english is bad...

2006-03-26, 04:22
Senior Metalhead
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Derek Roddy is an amazing drummer, not only have i seen him throw down some killer DM blast beats and what not....but ive seen him play some mind blowing jazz beats...and he works so well around his kit, hes definetly a very talented drummer IMO

2006-03-26, 14:26
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Originally Posted by Grond
do you really think differently than the others in this forum?
I think we all think the same way: drumming is awesome!!! 
For someone who plays in a mean ol' Viking metal band, you sure are nice.
Derek Roddy might not be the flat-out best metal drummer there is ... but I think as a figure he'll represent extreme metal drumming better than anyone else right now.

2009-03-17, 06:17
New Blood
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i agree its bull shit,they deserve more recognition,ya they r,alot of ppl dnt realize how hard it is to be good at blasting and machine gun double bass

2009-03-17, 07:18
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Originally Posted by this thread
Thank you for bringing me back to life, now let me eat your braaaains!
Just fuckin' witcha.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.
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