2005-12-13, 22:21
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: England
Posts: 274
Pick fast, using alternate up and down strokes. There's an abundance of threads and websites offering excercises and technique to this, but here's your basic 101:
*Work on alternate picking, the process of alternating up and downstrokes. Practice so the strokes are even and speed will come with practice, and at a faster rate if you practice the right things and do them well.
Stuff like playing a scale/chromatics on just one string work wonders:
Start it at something like eigths at 70bpm, play until comfortable and the notes are well formed, then increase the tempo by 3bpm. Keep pushing in this way, with practice, you'll notice you can manage at higher speeds, as well as an improvement and understanding of the technique.
Beyond this, you'll begin to develop a faster picking style where most of the motion comes from your arm and wrist (I don't remember what the 'textbook' way is sorry) as well as good placement of the pick. Once you learn what to work on, work on it and you'll be picking like a mother fucker