2005-12-07, 20:17
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Philly
Posts: 24
Peavey head tubes???
I have a Peavey head but I'm not sure what model it is. EDIT::: It's a Transtube Supreme It's not listed on their website so I'm assuming it's discontinued. It's a pretty standard head... nothing special. Anyway, the other night on stage my stack fell over and the head hit pretty hard. When I started playing it sounded like complete shit. No volume and all tone, no matter what I did. Obviously, I blew tubes.
That's fine with me because I've had the head for 4 years and never changed the tubes. My problem is: I don't know what tubes to buy! I'm not looking to spend a shitload of money, but I want something decent (of course METAL sounding!). Can anybody help me out?
EDIT::: It's a Transtube Supreme
Last edited by MasterUnholyWar : 2005-12-07 at 21:15.