2005-11-29, 05:45
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Tasmania, Australia
Posts: 32
Raw Black Metal recording
This is going to sound stupid to people who don't like raw black metal (and maybe some doom fans), but what do you do to get that really warm/raw sound (Emperor have it in a few albums - I'm thinking more 'In the nightside...' than 'Wrath...', as do Immortal) in the recording? I tried using a tape player, and that was TOO raw (still nothing like a lot of that NS stuff, but that's also too raw for my tastes), and if I just do it the way I record Death Metal it's too crisp.
I have access to a Apple G5 with Pro-tools, Digi002 and Spirit-Mixer set up - and for mic's;
Numerous SM57s and 58s, Rode NT5's, Rode NTK's, a nice big kick mic (forgotten what sort it is) aswell as triggers, and then a few older mic's I've also forgotten (that probably arn't worth mentioning), and finally a DI box.
Really all I'm after is that lovely guitar tone, but I just can't get it.
Any tips?