2005-11-20, 05:42
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: The West.
Posts: 4,433
my favorite tubes overall are probably jj's...
for powertubes i have tung sol 5881's in my powerball, and jj kt88's in my splawn. i really dig.
for preamp tubes... i love and use mostly jj's, but for one of the gain stage tubes you gotta have a sovtek 12ax7lps.
most mesa tubes arent anything special imo. alot of them are relabeled tubes... all of which are set for a certain bias range so they plug right into mesa amps with no problems.
Originally Posted by xDeadHandsRisingx
yea dude i have a xxx and the sovteks are complete shit, im going to buy some new pre amp tubes too, but watch out for EL34's, on eurotubes that mad scientist guy says XXX's and jsx's cant run on EL34'S. ( the newer xxx and jsx models anyway )
bob says alot of stuff does or doesnt work... 
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