2005-11-14, 17:41
Senior Metalhead
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Intros at concerts
I didnt know where to put this thread in, but since it doesnt really fit to concert section, i rather put it in here...
well, a lot of bands have intros before there songs...for example a sample from a horror-movie, and some of these bands have intros before the songs even when they play them live. I saw the live video of origin (the whole concert with the camera on james king), and they had some intros as well.
I think james had a machine or whatever next to his drumset with which he could play the intros...does anyone know what kind of machines/programs/whatever bands use to play such intros live from a cd or something?

2005-11-14, 17:55
Alumni Staff
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i use a Boss RC-20XL Loop Station... works fine for me. plug it into the PA and tap the footswitch when you want it to start or stop. really nice for situations where free hands arent available for punching buttons. the sound quality aint bad either. 16 minutes is enough for me.
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2005-11-14, 18:55
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
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Very glad to see this topic!
I am planning on making a grind project where the drums (and bass  ) are programmed, whats the best way to get my sound files through the PA?
keep in mind i dont want to spend much money
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-11-14, 19:02
Alumni Staff
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
Very glad to see this topic!
I am planning on making a grind project where the drums (and bass  ) are programmed, whats the best way to get my sound files through the PA?
keep in mind i dont want to spend much money
sometimes if you want good results, you have to spend a good amount of money. 
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-11-14, 20:45
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 439
Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
Very glad to see this topic!
I am planning on making a grind project where the drums (and bass  ) are programmed, whats the best way to get my sound files through the PA?
keep in mind i dont want to spend much money
A band in my city used to have a guitarist. bassist. singer.
and for drums they used to program drums. record it onto a blank CD.
and then hook up a CD walkman to the Pa at the gig.
It was an interesting solution but it worked perfectly.

2005-11-14, 21:00
Wasted Custom User title
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seems Karl sanders just uses his laptop on stage. and we know how much nile uses samples.
I think he just starts the sample at the beginning of each song, and as long as they stay in time, the sample plays at the right time. i'm not sure if he does a foot thing.
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2005-11-14, 21:05
Join Date: Apr 2004
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yes karl sanders does a foot thing. he has a computer set up to the left of the drummer which he goes to inbetween/before songs. he also has a many pedaled foot switch which he uses in the middle of the song (black seeds of vengeance) which he stomps on
*foot, foot*

2005-11-14, 21:14
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i remember reading once about some band that would have their intros and midi shit connected to a metronome. then they both started at the same time and the drummer would play to the metronome and the band would play to him so for every show all their midis would come in at the exact tiem they needed it.
i think the bigger bands though probbaly have a sound guy in teh back playing them all at the right time
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2005-11-15, 00:44
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
i remember reading once about some band that would have their intros and midi shit connected to a metronome. then they both started at the same time and the drummer would play to the metronome and the band would play to him so for every show all their midis would come in at the exact tiem they needed it.
i think the bigger bands though probbaly have a sound guy in teh back playing them all at the right time
When I went to see Cryptopsy and Aborted they had the sound guy do it and I hate to say it but I wasn't really paying too much attention to Suffocation seeing as how they came on at 12:30 and finished at 1:30

2005-11-15, 03:22
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally Posted by Transient
yes karl sanders does a foot thing. he has a computer set up to the left of the drummer which he goes to inbetween/before songs. he also has a many pedaled foot switch which he uses in the middle of the song (black seeds of vengeance) which he stomps on
*foot, foot*
I was about to say that, I have a video from the BSoV tour where he does that. It's probably a midi foot controller or something. There are tons of pedals for this kind of thing. Try searching for "guitar effects +samples pedals" or something.
Originally Posted by HelpMeHelpYou
When I went to see Cryptopsy and Aborted they had the sound guy do it and I hate to say it but I wasn't really paying too much attention to Suffocation seeing as how they came on at 12:30 and finished at 1:30
Heh, I couldn't stick around for Suffo cause it was too late, but at least I've seen them once before. I liked Vader's performance more than any of the other bands that played... At the NYC show, btw.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-11-15, 03:46
Supreme Metalhead
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Vader didn't play at the show that I was at. It was Thorazine(spectacular local band), Dispised Icon (shitty hardcore/screamo band), and then Aborted, Cryptopsy and Suffocation.

2005-11-15, 05:02
Senior Metalhead
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we have this local band in vegas weirding way and they have a guy who just does all the sampling its sorta like a dj i guess but its so bad ass and fits the music so well you should cheak them out if you can there on myspace.

2005-11-15, 10:43
Join Date: Apr 2004
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.....ill search for wedding dj las vegas on myspace

2005-11-20, 21:00
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: The United Republic of Hell
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Originally Posted by Transient
.....ill search for wedding dj las vegas on myspace
LOL thats goddamn funny right thurr

2005-11-20, 21:21
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 7
The Boss RC-20XL Loop Station deffinitly works, hah. If you don't have someone to do it off stage then i'd say something similiar to the loop station's your best bet.
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