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Old 2005-10-28, 17:47
Throat Crusher's Avatar
Throat Crusher
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Posts: 105
Few Tips

These wont realy help you scream or growl, but they will help you a little on stage. Especialy for people new to singing, or new to being on stage.

1. When you sing, and you look stupid, most of us do, use one hand to hold the mic, and the other to cup it over so you get a sort of echo outta the mic, and no one sees your mouth so it doesnt make you look like a retard.

2. If you have longer hair, like I do, slop it over into your eyes, and over your mouth, you look badass, and its not foucsed on your mouth, so people dont see that "O" shape you make while singing.

3. Move around, dont stay still the entire show, watch some of your favorite singers and watch how they move around on stage. Just try not to trip over the chord from your mic to the amp... Also utilize your equipment, if you have and amp to jump on, do it. If you have a means of getting hurt, do it. Its all for the metal buddy...

4. If your not able to sing a song perfectly at a show, dont try to hard to do it. The best thing about a live performance is the fact you have a guitarist, bassist, and drummer with you. All the attention isnt on you, so dont push it full on, unless your say Bones98 and that kind of shit is natural for you.

I hope this helped some people. Im just trying to put a few things ive found out from other bands, and from my own experinces up.

Also check out my band Auschwitz Thunder Pig

Last edited by Throat Crusher : 2005-10-28 at 17:59. Reason: Spelling.
Old 2005-10-29, 03:12
Bones98's Avatar
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what about throwin' gang signs? hahahaha.

Dude, a good lesson you wrote, cuz I usually just stand around and throw gang signs, but next show im playing at; I will be doing these things.
I suck at guitar.
Old 2005-10-29, 20:23
powersofterror's Avatar
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Gang signs at a metal concert?? Retard.....
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.

This is my band's page
Old 2005-11-04, 12:33
Unholy Walter
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I just pictured 50-Cent (fitty cen') growling Cannibal Corpse and doing all the gang sign crap haha

Yeah those tips aren't too bad. I know my friend's a natural on-stage and is well accustomed to moving around and going ape.

If I were some vocalist guy, I'd probably end up standing still with my hair in my face and looking like a complete twat
Old 2005-11-04, 23:18
7-string warlord's Avatar
7-string warlord
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these are cool tips but it's hard for some of us who play guitar while singing and don't have a wireless system to move around or free hands to cover our face.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Man oh man I'm in the mood for some meat right about now, so much so that I don't even care how implicitly gay this sentence is.

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