2005-10-21, 19:12
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 38
Powerball or Savage?
Okay, so i've decided on an ENGL head, and i'm unsure of which one to go with. I contacted Derek at Rocksolidamps, and he said that I can get a Savage 120 for 2159.00 shipped, or he can hook me up with a powerball for 1600.00 shipped which is what they sold for last year before the price went up. (He also said he could sell me his personal demo powerball that is like new and is loaded with brand new Tung Sol 5881 power tubes and JJ preamp tubes for $1450 shipped, I don't know shit about tubes and preamps,so is that a killer deal?) Is the Savage worth the extra cash, or would i be just as happy with a Powerball? Thanks alot. (I'm thinking of getting a mesa cab for the bottom, if anyone has any better suggestions, throw them out)

2005-10-21, 19:17
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buy the savage, that powerball has my name on it.
*edit* seriously though, just got of the phone with derek... that powerball is mine.
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Last edited by xdislexicx : 2005-10-21 at 22:11.

2005-10-22, 03:24
Join Date: Jun 2003
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XDX when you decide you dont want the powerball anymore sell it to me
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-10-22, 05:02
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
buy the savage, that powerball has my name on it.
*edit* seriously though, just got of the phone with derek... that powerball is mine.
How do you acquire this seemingly endless supply of money? 

2005-10-22, 05:54
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i returned that soldano.
my job aint anything special, i make $9 an hour + comission and bonus's... plus i sell monavie(  ) on the side.
living in my parent's basement while i go to college means cheaper living. i only have to pay for my cell phone, my van(gas, insurance, maintenence, ect.) and food and shit... it's nice.
i was talking to derek about how everytime i go to the rsa site, the used gear part is blank... he said "i have a killer deal on a powerball, give me a call sometime!" so i did and $1,390 shipped with the tung sol's.
i saw a good deal and i went for it. a pretty much new(floor demo) powerball with a tube upgrade for cheaper than i've seen them hit the used market for. hell even that $1,600 shipped for a NIB one is a steal. he said that he's got to blow out the old stock of powerballs because they're sending him new shit. you guys shold hit that up... a new powerball to your door for cheaper than a dual recto from guitar center.
good deal with a cool guy to do business with. i can't wait to get it and jam with the rest of my rig....
plus i just saw D00M the movie!!! 
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2005-10-22, 14:32
El Diablo sin pantalones
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why is the savage more expensive than the powerball?
because it's an combo and cost's more in shipping?
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-10-22, 15:49
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Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
why is the savage more expensive than the powerball?
because it's an combo and cost's more in shipping?
the savage isnt a combo... that's just the price on them.
normally powerballs go for about $1,840 and the savage is like $2,160.... but he said he's selling powerballs for cheap($1,600 shipped) because they're shipping him the new ones(maybe they made some changes).
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2005-10-22, 16:33
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hmm i wonder how long this will last
id like to cash in on cheap powerball.....
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-10-22, 17:04
Supreme Metalhead
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a bit off topic framus cobra vs the engl
ive played the cobra never an engl
I hear good things about the engl.

2005-10-22, 17:58
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Well, to me it's cheaper, but $1600 is in no way cheap for me.

2005-10-22, 18:02
Master Killer
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the engl is more agressive but has way different voicing. I prefer the Engl but to each his own, just try them, that's the only way to find out for yourself!
between the powerball and the savage, well, I have both but not a savage 120, a 60, with 2 el34's.
my powerball is great for heavy shit and I've used it live for a lot of gigs since I got it, it never ever let me down... the 4th channel (uber-lead) is really the shit, it just fucking screams and well, it's my favorite channel, duh. the cleans on it are damn good, better then on the savage 60 but thats because it has more eq's and tone shaping options then the savage.
I got my powerball for 1000 euro with a flightcase. it was not even a year old and only used as a backup, it still had the plastic covers on it, the guy who I bought it from had an ENGL SE. so yeah... screw the backup 
I got a used Engl z5 switch for it (believe me, you need it if you want to use all the options...) I got that for 80 bucks, they're double new but they're basically indestructible.
So yeah, new for 1400 ain't a bad deal and Derek seems like a good bloke!!
between the powerball and savage 120, I'de rather get a savage to be honest. mainly because it's more versatile and sounds warmer. it's also brutal as fuck but in a different way. the savage's leads just seem more fluent and warm, where the powerball is just plain mean.
Anyway, the powerball does what I want it to do, kick serious nads..
I got a great deal on mine too and I don't 'need' a Savage 120, because I just play heavy shit and I'm not into the whole virtuoso steve vai crap. I just need a good clean and a ball crushing distortion, that's what the powerball has, nuff said.
I've had my powerball since ehh a year now, I think. It will last some more years, maybe I'll end up buying a soldano slo100 after my study (when I'm rollin' in da money!) but right now, I can't afford that.
keep us posted about the powerball, which cab are you going to use with it? be sure to get some pics when you get it!! 

2005-10-22, 19:51
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
a bit off topic framus cobra vs the engl
ive played the cobra never an engl
I hear good things about the engl.
funny you should bring that up... my buddy actually just bought a framus cobra(out form under me!) and after hearing how much i don't like his tone. it will be interesting to jam them together. previous experience in the past, i felt more comfortable with the cobra.. but my styles are changing, we'll see how it works out.
definately pictures to come!
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2005-10-23, 12:24
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Cool bro , let me know ,

2005-10-25, 20:16
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2005-10-25, 20:23
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how is the savage SE compared to the savage 60 tonewise???
i loved my tone on the savage 60, xept i wanted some seperated eq and some more gain.
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-10-25, 22:08
New Blood
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Posts: 38
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
Shit, I guess that's why he hadn't answered my e-mails.....Glad to hear him and Rock solid amps are safe though. (Can't wait till they get their shit back together so I can order my amp)

2005-10-26, 02:34
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 57
Originally Posted by DIYAK
Shit, I guess that's why he hadn't answered my e-mails.....Glad to hear him and Rock solid amps are safe though. (Can't wait till they get their shit back together so I can order my amp)
Yes that is the reason and I apologize man. I had luck with me this time as my power was just restored a little while ago and I'll respnd to you ASAP please be patient cause I am just getting thing's back in order here.
xdislexicx it is good news thqat the power in my home is restored but I am one of the few and close to 3 million still do not have power including my office. Bottomline the amp will get shiupped out to you as soon as I get power back and as soon as Fed Ex start's making piclkup's in the area! I promise to be in touch. Thanks a ton for undersdtanding the BS with this hurricane.

2005-10-26, 03:49
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Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
Yes that is the reason and I apologize man. I had luck with me this time as my power was just restored a little while ago and I'll respnd to you ASAP please be patient cause I am just getting thing's back in order here.
xdislexicx it is good news thqat the power in my home is restored but I am one of the few and close to 3 million still do not have power including my office. Bottomline the amp will get shiupped out to you as soon as I get power back and as soon as Fed Ex start's making piclkup's in the area! I promise to be in touch. Thanks a ton for undersdtanding the BS with this hurricane.
No problem man, it's such a great deal i can definately wait it out. besides, your safety is what's important. and all that sensitive caring stuff.
oh, and derek, i was also going to see about maybe getting a z11, z12, and a decimator pro rack G thrown in on the deal, how much more would that run me?
Friends don't let friends play Krank!
Last edited by xdislexicx : 2005-10-26 at 04:29.

2005-10-26, 15:33
Originally Posted by DIYAK
Okay, so i've decided on an ENGL head, and i'm unsure of which one to go with. I contacted Derek at Rocksolidamps, and he said that I can get a Savage 120 for 2159.00 shipped, or he can hook me up with a powerball for 1600.00 shipped which is what they sold for last year before the price went up. (He also said he could sell me his personal demo powerball that is like new and is loaded with brand new Tung Sol 5881 power tubes and JJ preamp tubes for $1450 shipped, I don't know shit about tubes and preamps,so is that a killer deal?) Is the Savage worth the extra cash, or would i be just as happy with a Powerball? Thanks alot. (I'm thinking of getting a mesa cab for the bottom, if anyone has any better suggestions, throw them out)
Yeah dude that is excellent. I'm getting my ENGL Ritchie Blackmore in about a week. It's styled and built like the Savage. Those are pretty good prices. Remember there is an AMERICAN Engl store that no one uses, and they're excellent. Free shipping on everything and same prices. Ask for Jeff at

2005-10-26, 15:51
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by k13m
how is the savage SE compared to the savage 60 tonewise???
i loved my tone on the savage 60, xept i wanted some seperated eq and some more gain.
that's what it's got. and then some... they're not cheap tough but compared to a powerball I think they're a pretty good deal, they're running for good prices in germany right now. (looks around on ebay.de for new ones going for 1600)

2005-10-26, 15:54
Senior Metalhead
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Damn you engl owners, ah well at least I get my 620 on tuesday, its a start 

2005-10-26, 17:55
New Blood
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Posts: 38
Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
Yes that is the reason and I apologize man. I had luck with me this time as my power was just restored a little while ago and I'll respnd to you ASAP please be patient cause I am just getting thing's back in order here.
xdislexicx it is good news thqat the power in my home is restored but I am one of the few and close to 3 million still do not have power including my office. Bottomline the amp will get shiupped out to you as soon as I get power back and as soon as Fed Ex start's making piclkup's in the area! I promise to be in touch. Thanks a ton for undersdtanding the BS with this hurricane.
Dude, no rush, glad to hear you are allright. Take your time, get your shit together, and then we shall do buissness 

2005-10-27, 00:51
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i'm hella getting the decimator pro rack G, z11, and z12. 
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2005-10-27, 01:48
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Whats a z11 and z12?

2005-10-27, 03:24
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z-11 is a midi function switcher, it allows you to use any head that uses mono or stereo 1/4" jacks, and control it with midi.
the z 12 is an awesome midi controller.
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2005-10-27, 06:22
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Ah ok,what are you using the MIDI controller for?

2005-10-27, 14:14
El Diablo sin pantalones
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to change chanels/settings.
It's a music gear standard, so any midi compliant controller can be used with any midi device. For example, my boss GT-6 has midi, it can both be used to change patches and settings on it, or it can be used if I change a patch on the GT-6, it will change a channel on a pre-amp as well, so I can very easily change different FX and clean/distortion.
I hope this is what you asked.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!
Last edited by brainsforbreakfast : 2005-10-27 at 14:18.

2005-10-27, 16:23
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by Art-Of-Shredding
Damn you engl owners, ah well at least I get my 620 on tuesday, its a start 
how much you paying for a 620?

2005-10-27, 17:14
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Originally Posted by *insert name here*
Ah ok,what are you using the MIDI controller for?
i have an rsp intelliverb that's midi.
plus, with the z-11 i can control both my splawn and the powerball from the z12, even at the same time... it's also compatible with a number of other heads and preamps.
basically for the convienience and compatibility.
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2005-10-27, 17:30
Join Date: Oct 2004
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does anyone know where in the uk i can try a powerball?

2005-10-27, 18:06
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Originally Posted by User01
does anyone know where in the uk i can try a powerball?
they had one in sound control in mancs a few weeks ago, not sure if they still have it though.

2005-10-27, 18:41
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
ah rite, thanks
does any one know if there is anywhere in london i can try a powerball
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