2005-10-16, 13:09
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 99
Powerball Settings
i know there was a thread like this, but i didn't find the right answers...
i play my powerball through an ENGL V60 straight cab, with an Ibanez RG (DiMarzio PU's)
my current settings are
Gain: 8 or a touch more
Bass: 6-7
Mid-focused: 5
Mid-open: 3
Treble: 8-9
Presence: 8
Depth Punch: 9-10
Hi and Lo Lead Bottom buttons pressed.
I want to get a tight and aggressive tone, the V60 cab sounds really dark so i turned the bass a little lower so it won't get too muddy, i put the Depth Punch up high so i get some balls into the tone..
could you recommend anything to improve the tone, cause i think it could be better