2005-10-11, 18:56
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 290
Sound Proof Room
My recording room doesn't shield sound very well.. When I try my guitar at my guitar tech house it sounds much better there because his room is more acoustic. Anyone here have ideas or know of techniques that make a room acoustic or sound proof. Thanks a lot.

2005-10-11, 21:49
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i would do a search, people ask this all the time.

2005-10-12, 07:29
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Sound proof?-Matresses and egg cartons.

2005-10-12, 09:40
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 290
I'm asking this because already I covered my room with mattresses and for some reason my room makes my guitar sound bad especially the fat sixth string. When I play on that string my room makes the sound coming from the amp really wobly and not solid at all. I was wondering if covering my room with styrofoam would help make the room better sound proof more than mattresses.

2005-10-12, 13:42
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Hang rugs up. Leave a space of about 2-3 inches between the rug and the wall. And to reduce floor vibrations get a rubber mat for your speaker cabinets ( Vibrations are actually what gets folks to call the cops more often than not ).

2005-10-13, 14:46
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Posts: 290
Originally Posted by John Holland
Hang rugs up. Leave a space of about 2-3 inches between the rug and the wall. And to reduce floor vibrations get a rubber mat for your speaker cabinets ( Vibrations are actually what gets folks to call the cops more often than not ).
A rubber mat for the speaker cabinets? Do you mean a rubber mat for the floor. Yea I think I need to put rugs up on the wall but I need something that will keep the rugs on the walls. Some kind of hanger.

2005-10-13, 19:18
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
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Yeah, most of all you want a huge rubber mat for the drums. They actually sell mats for that purpose at Musicians friend. Not sure how you'd hang the carpets up, I've never had to do it.

2005-10-14, 15:44
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Posts: 290
I'm going to make the room much better sound proof by sticking stereophone all over the awlls and adding another cheap priced layer of carpet and glue it ontop of the old one. That'll take some time to do so for the time being I did this. I took my amp out from the wooden table and placed it on a big soft couch. The wood for the counter made it vibrate and make wierd noises. Than I surrouned my amp on the left, right and top side with cushions and left an opening to place my mic in. Now the sound is completely closed and the outside noises will not effect anymore. Since the couch is soft it doesn't let my amp vibrate.

2005-10-15, 17:04
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hehe this thread reminded me of my shitty closet recording studio 
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-10-16, 04:02
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This reminds me that there's a completely unused basement in my apartment building with really good acoustic properties. I might go and plug my amp down there tommorow.
I think they sell some kind of really thick sound-proof foam specifically for rehearsal rooms. I've seen this pic of some drummer's room(I think it was Derek Roddy's house) and the whole place - walls, floor, ceiling) was covered with it. It'll probably set you back a bit... but hey, you can always just get some good headphones, and practice at high volumes somewhere else.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-10-16, 12:13
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 99
in studios they only cover half of the walls with acoustic foam so that not too much of the sound will be absorbed. (to improve the tone)
the only thing that would really help to make the room sound-proof would be to build a second wall in front of the first wall, with some distance between them.
for less work and cost, the most important thing is to cover your windows and doors with some styrofoam or mattresses

2005-10-16, 14:52
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 290
Originally Posted by Soeru
but hey, you can always just get some good headphones, and practice at high volumes somewhere else.
I don't want to use ear phones because I'm recording my guitar with a SM57 mic. If I use earphone no sound to record with my mic.
Originally Posted by Wicked
the only thing that would really help to make the room sound-proof would be to build a second wall in front of the first wall, with some distance between them.
That would be expensive and take time.
Last edited by Schizoid : 2005-10-16 at 14:58.

2005-10-18, 02:06
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2005-10-18, 23:18
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here...go to your local tractor suply store and buy a think piece of rubber. and go out and buy egg crate foam (thers different thinnknesses and stuff) and cover your walls. well...i think thats more for sound, dampening? keepin your room from ringing too long, not keeping other ppl from hearing it.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-10-19, 14:53
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 99
Originally Posted by arvina
well...i think thats more for sound, dampening? keepin your room from ringing too long, not keeping other ppl from hearing it.
but it's not advisable to cover the whole wall with it because it would turn the room 'sound-dead'..
that's why in studios only half of the walls is covered with egg crate foam
like this:
% _ % _ %
_ % _ % _ %
% _ % _ %
_ % _ % _ %

2005-10-30, 02:54
Join Date: Apr 2005
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egg crate foam, pillows, and matresses work pretty good.in side my band room theres this crap on the wall, i forgot what its called, but u get no acoustics what so ever. u can find them in like theaters (not movies) maybe ask a technican that works there, what they use
music expresses which words cant emulate
Originally Posted by User01
ibut i wouldnt get any help at a slipknot board, theyre struggling with palm muting!
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