2005-10-04, 23:48
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2005-10-04, 23:52
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Damn, thats a nice looking axe right there dude! Congrats
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-10-04, 23:57
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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oh man thanks, im so excited for it!

2005-10-05, 00:18
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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holy shit, that looks damn nice man 
the shape kinda reminds me of a jackson warrior (dont ask me y)
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-10-05, 00:19
Supreme Metalhead
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i envy you. I've never been able to find those.
with my own time role your own innocence by
grab on to my sleeve the one that grabs at your ankle
debate to understand that we all have a flaw
then fail to represent your life as you know it
god grant you one wish to turn back the time... correct and create
me and my star
matthew good night
you know by law when you'll be forgiven
maria my star
matthew goodnight
you know my lord when you'll be forgiven

2005-10-05, 00:21
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Holy mother of fucking god! I love Vigier Marilyns. Very nice find Trans. 

2005-10-05, 00:23
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2005-10-05, 00:31
Supreme Metalhead
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you know, that is one sexy guitar

2005-10-05, 00:34
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Posts: 484
Your one lucky son of a bitch. Congrats, thats one kickass axe.
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-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
"Faith: not wanting to know what is true."
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
teh myspace

2005-10-05, 00:55
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maybe its just cause I feel like shit right now, but m i the only one that doesnt care foe that guitar?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
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2005-10-05, 01:04
Join Date: Jul 2003
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So you actually went through with it and bought it? I hope it makes you happy in the pants!
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-10-05, 01:31
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Muhammed fag!
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2005-10-05, 01:36
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hahaha, apparently dead doenst like it either! i didnt buy it out of an overwhelming love of muhammed, but his endorsement helps. if he can play that well on it, id imagine its good for leads. i bought it for a few reasons. its unique, we all know i like weird shapes ( i have a parker) , its got an 81, its got a carbon based neck which i love...

2005-10-05, 01:37
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2005-10-05, 02:55
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Had that much money lying around? Lucky bitch  . What kinda fretboard is that ebony? It looks smooth as hell.

2005-10-05, 03:01
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Its a carbon fretboard, like those on Parkers.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-10-05, 03:13
Senior Metalhead
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Should have told the seller to put insurance on it because the postal workers just throw shit around, they dont care what it is. The carrier threw my Shecter on the porch & when i opened the box the neck was shifted & i had to get it fixed, but i was lucky because i was a bolt on neck, but this is neck thru body so if its cracked your fucked, insurance from sellers insures if the postal workers fuck it up you get your money back. Ill never buy another guitar from ebay without insurance. Just a thought dude (especially on a thousand dollar guitar), try to contact the seller to put postal insurance on it.

2005-10-05, 03:40
Alumni Staff
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looks nice for one of those "pointy" guitars. carbon fiber fretboards and active pu's are a dangerous combo.
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2005-10-05, 03:55
Metal As Fuck!
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That is one badass lookin guitar.  Nice snag Transient!
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2005-10-05, 05:34
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Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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yea i got turned on to this guitar at the necrophagist forums, one of the kids explained what woods it used and what not, sounded reallll nice. If i ever come out to whereever the fuck you are (new york) you better let me check it haha. Take more pics when you get it.

2005-10-05, 06:34
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Sweden
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BADASS! We want some clips of you playing it bastard!
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-10-05, 18:53
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 38
Fucking nice axe man.

2005-10-05, 19:10
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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haha yeah i will most definitely post vids /pics when i get it. and i havent paid for it yet (paypal problems, trying to contact the guy via phone or ill just send a check). 40 bucks is shipping and insurrance according to the info, but ill make damn sure he ensures it after that post. thanks for the warning man

2005-10-05, 19:31
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Cyberdyne, USA
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by Transient
haha yeah i will most definitely post vids /pics when i get it. and i havent paid for it yet (paypal problems, trying to contact the guy via phone or ill just send a check). 40 bucks is shipping and insurrance according to the info, but ill make damn sure he ensures it after that post. thanks for the warning man
No problem

2005-10-05, 19:39
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
Posts: 2,680
ow, is that the axe muhammed plays on
whoops, i always thought he played a bc rich .... sumtin (dotn remember model name), cuz they have a shape that KINDA looks like it.. no wonder, i always thought it was weird that muhammed would play a bc 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-10-05, 21:17
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Originally Posted by Transient
i know i know i shouldnt make a thread like this but im so excited!!
Pfff why the fuck not!? I can't WAIT to play it 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-10-09, 20:50
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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euhm just wondering, take a verry good look at the pic from the ebay site, and look at the low e string, it looks like its not in the proper place (loos close at the bridge, ull see)
maybe its just out of its socket (or wateverthefuck its called)
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-10-09, 21:17
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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yeah dont worry, i PMed him and he said he was cleaning the fretboard and had loosened the strings up and hap hazardly tightened them. was the first thing i noticed, too. well, other than the BIN price

2005-10-12, 06:07
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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I happened to email my guitar teacher about the guitar heres what he said, pretty good info in here:
"Cool Guitar.
Patrice Viger ran a promotion in the late 90s, trying to re-establish
himself in the US market. I had a chance to buy a custom Surfretter
(amazing fretless guitar) from him at his cost but didn't take him up
on it. Big mistake.
Vigers are one of the best brands around, but nobody seems to know
about them. They win awards for innovation from American magazines
every few years, but then they disappear from our market. Alot of
European player swear by them.
They play awesome, and the fit and finish is top-notch. The neck is
called a 90/10 (or maybe a 10/90, I don't remember which.) 10 percent
of the total mass is carbon, with the remaining 90 being wood. This
make for a super stable neck that still has great wooden tone. Viger
has some cool electronics ideas as well, like a system that stores 17
volume, tone, and pickup setting combinations for instant recall.
It looks like the model your friend has is a factory custom. The
redesign (~'99 and later) came with dual Dimarzios stock, and I think
the originals had dual Ultratones.
I still get emails from Viger once in a blue moon, but I don't think
that there is a US distributor anymore. Also, I don't know if Patrice
is still involved with the company, as I haven't heard from him

2005-10-14, 10:50
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Transient(6:28:58 AM): and i need some advice
Transient(6:29:09 AM): ive been in contact with the guy who sold me vigier
Transient(6:29:17 AM): telling him when my money order hsipped, he told me when the guitar shipped
Transient (6:29:20 AM): and i got an email yesterday to call him
h4x (6:29:41 AM): yea
Transient (6:29:52 AM): so i did , and he said that he bought the guitar from an endorsed player a year ago, and he was just contacted by the endorsed player who said he needs the guitar back
Transient (6:30:08 AM): so the guy who sold me the vigier is gonna ask for the guitar back if he cant convince the endorsed player otherwise
Transient(6:30:13 AM): so what do i do

2005-10-14, 11:17
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Cyberdyne, USA
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Originally Posted by Transient
Transient(6:28:58 AM): and i need some advice
Transient(6:29:09 AM): ive been in contact with the guy who sold me vigier
Transient(6:29:17 AM): telling him when my money order hsipped, he told me when the guitar shipped
Transient (6:29:20 AM): and i got an email yesterday to call him
h4x (6:29:41 AM): yea
Transient (6:29:52 AM): so i did , and he said that he bought the guitar from an endorsed player a year ago, and he was just contacted by the endorsed player who said he needs the guitar back
Transient (6:30:08 AM): so the guy who sold me the vigier is gonna ask for the guitar back if he cant convince the endorsed player otherwise
Transient(6:30:13 AM): so what do i do
If he shipped it to you keep it & tell him to fuck off its his problem.

2005-10-14, 11:45
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
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What a fucking dilemna.I spose in the long run it would probally be beter to do the right thing and help him out,if he really needs it back.But then again im not in your position so its hard to tell.

2005-10-14, 14:29
Supreme Metalhead
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I'd keep the damn thing, he should have thought about it before putting it up on Ebay.

2005-10-14, 15:44
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let me see if i understand this... he shipped it to you already? is he trying to re route it back to himself, or is he asking you to ship it back to him when you get it?
please tell me you didnt use a money order....
i call bullshit...
if this "player" is endorsed he should have no problem getting a NEW guitar. besides, it's technically your guitar now and you're not obligated to sell it back to him...
i really would say this may be a fake, it's possible you're never going to see the guitar, and even less likely to see your money back either...
money orders are always pretty common in scams... and bullshit stories like that are common too(never heard that one before though).
the only thing that is somewhat comforting, it looks like from his ebay acount, that it's a music store... so there might be some credibility.
if it is legit... it's up to you to sell it back or not... when you get it, play the guitar for awhile, see how much you like it, consider how hard it would be to replace... then either appologize and tell him you love the guitar to much to part with it, or tell him you'll sell it back to him for a significantly higher price(for waisting your time).
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-10-14, 15:47
Senior Metalhead
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TRy to tell the endorser to put in contact with you, maybe he/she can change the guitar or pay something else for it.

2005-10-14, 15:52
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Cyberdyne, USA
Posts: 455
It might be a scam, but maybe not, & like i said keep it & let that dude deal with his own problems.

2005-10-14, 17:04
The Man Who Is, MGI.
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Posts: 2,216
I would keep it, I meen you were so excited about having it and now he wants it back? Fuck Him!

2005-10-14, 17:58
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
if it is legit... it's up to you to sell it back or not... when you get it, play the guitar for awhile, see how much you like it, consider how hard it would be to replace... then either appologize and tell him you love the guitar to much to part with it, or tell him you'll sell it back to him for a significantly higher price(for waisting your time).
^ What he said. That's exactly what I would do.

2005-10-14, 19:41
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
I'd doubt that it be a fake, w/ his good feedback, and considering it's a store.

2005-10-15, 02:17
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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yeah guys i got the guitar today, and i dont know what the deal is with him trying to get it back. its not broken ,and is in even better condition than he descdribed it. brand new....so something's up, but i paid for it and i got the guitar so hes not getting it back
vids/pics to come

2005-10-15, 02:34
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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 well sounds good, so glad it wasnt a scam

2005-10-15, 03:45
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Originally Posted by Transient
yeah guys i got the guitar today, and i dont know what the deal is with him trying to get it back. its not broken ,and is in even better condition than he descdribed it. brand new....so something's up, but i paid for it and i got the guitar so hes not getting it back
vids/pics to come
that's great.
normally when i hear about an "issue" and someone mentions money order... i get nervous.
and i agree with BEHEMOTH, if he's serious about this endorsed player BS... request to speak to the player directly and explain to him that this guitar now belongs to you.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-10-15, 03:51
Supreme Metalhead
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Holy shit! I think I need some new undies after seeing that badboy! 

2005-10-15, 15:22
Join Date: Apr 2004
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imagine playing it! its incredible......its not much for a rhytm guitar but for leads its SOOOOO GOOD! i love it <3
so vids/pics still to come hehe

2005-10-15, 17:01
Join Date: Oct 2004
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looks awsome, but id want another PU in there
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-10-15, 22:49
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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its grat that u got it man, and dont give it back to that ebdorsed player, he isnt endorsed for shit, let him get a other one 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-11-16, 17:26
Senior Metalhead
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Finally, what happened, trans????

2005-11-16, 21:15
Join Date: Apr 2004
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he gave me positive feedback and never contacted me again!
the things absolutely amazing, best deal ive ever seen on ebay. worth way more than a grand
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