2005-09-27, 03:04
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Orlando
Posts: 68
Guitar tone and sound
Hey all, had some questions about setting up some guitar tones. I am looking to have a heavy distrotioin type sound. I use a POD 2.0 and a metal zone pedal for my recordings, run into my mixer, to my soundcard. My real question is, how exactly do I go about setting it up. is it like, Setup the Pod amp settings first, and then tweak it with the metal zone? Or should I set the amp settings flat, and tune in the metal zone first. How much drive should i use on the distortion side on the POD? Same thing with the metal zone. My recordings always seem to have lots of treble in them. Any recommendations for the metal zone setup. I know most of the key to the tone is in the scoopable mids right? Thanx for any and all help. I wanna try to tune in to like a Malevolent Creation type sound, or Dimmu Borgir. I know theses guys use top gear and lots of rack effects when recording, but i should be able to get somewhat close right? Aight thanx in advance for all help!

2005-09-27, 03:45
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 270
use the POD without the metalzone.
also, try reading through the reviews on harmony-central.com as alot of them mention how they got their sounds and setups.
you should get a close enough sound with the POD alone. for settings, try the bands forums on their website if someone cant help ya here.
good lukk
i like 12yo blonde russian skoolgirls but INTERPOL thinks im skum

2005-09-27, 17:26
Senior Metalhead
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Sell them both and get a podxt. Much better sound quality compared to the 2.0.

2005-09-27, 19:24
Supreme Metalhead
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Probably use the POD on it's own, unless the Metal Zone gives you something you like. I use a J Station amp emulator for PC recording and I rarely plug other pedals through it unless I'm after some way out fucked up sound or effect.
Best thing is trial and error, mess around with them and see what sounds you create that appeal to you. Any you like just jot down the settings or save them.

2005-09-28, 02:34
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: brazoria,texas(south of houston)
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and do not scoop your mids! hell, i have mine dimed. id ditch the metalzone. sell all that and get an amp. even a small combo.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-09-28, 02:39
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Cyberdyne, USA
Posts: 455
Absolutly get rid of the Metal Zone (sell it on ebay, people just cant seem to get enough of them on there), you can get a good sound out of the Pod if you mess with it. Or if your into direct recording you can get higher end processer that you can do wonders with. Getting your sound right takes loads of time & patients, Ive been messing with my sound for almost 3 weeks & its still not right yet due to the fact that i have an endless supply of EQ bands, no BS.
Last edited by Cyberwaste : 2005-09-28 at 02:43.

2005-09-28, 04:10
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Orlando
Posts: 68
metal zone
So the main theme here is to ditch the metal zone? My main reasoning for using it was when I saw Malevolent play live, i noticed Phil and Rob both ran metal zones through a Mesa Boogie head, which by the way i do plan on purchasing real soon for my live setup. Since the Pod has a Mesa Boogie simulated head, I went ahead and put the metal zone in front of it trying to emulate that. When I first bought the POD i never used the pedal. I just couldnt get enough balls out of the POD on its own. I got an ok sound when I was using a BBE Sonic Maximizer behind it, but even then it still just didn't have that kick. I more than likely will sell the pod and upgrade to an XT, or is there a better piece of gear for direct recording in that price range? I'll attempt again without the pod, i have the bbe mentioned above, and a boss 7 band that i can mess with too. Any general POD setting suggestions that I should set up in front of those 2 pieces? Illl be playing through a guitar with an EMG 81 if that helps. Arvina, what did you mean by dimed? Also has anyone messed with the cab emulators? Maybe i can run out from the Mesa Boogie when I get it, into some sort of cab simulator? I live in an apartment so recording has to be quite, unfortunatly. Thanx all for the help and advice!

2005-09-28, 04:37
Supreme Metalhead
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By Dimed, I think he means he does what Dimebag did, which is jack up those mids really high. At least that's what I think he mant.
As for the metal zone, I don't know what all of you have against it, I have one and it's a great pedal. I use it for recording, too, kicks ass, and gives me a wide variety of sounds without too much hassle. I run it into my amp and a line out of my amp into my sound card. BAM! That's it. Sounds awesome, too.
Originally Posted by Sigmund Freud:
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
Check out my band's, (or lack thereof), web site.

2005-09-28, 15:26
Alumni Staff
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on emore vote for ditching the metalzone. the pod can give so much better tone.
i find it extremely hard to get anything but a tinny 'bees in a can' sound from a metal zone. no matter the eq settings and no matter the amount of gain.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-09-29, 06:32
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
Posts: 2,761
Originally Posted by i_hate_nu_metal
By Dimed, I think he means he does what Dimebag did, which is jack up those mids really high. At least that's what I think he mant.
He means he has the mids on 10.
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