2005-09-22, 21:06
What's a good 2x12 for Engl Powerball
The Engl Powerball should be at my doorstep in about 2-3 weeks. In the mean time, I need to order a 2x12 so I can play through it when it arrives. Im selling my old crate amp and I need to find out what will match up with the powerball accordingly and work.
So far i've been looking at a this Genz Benz 2x12 - it looks like the one I want to get.
Besides that, I have a few questions though. This is my first tube amp, and besides that, it's also my first experience with an amp head and seperate cabinet. Can anyone sort of explain to me what the Ohms are and what 2x8 stereo and 1x16 mono is and all that crap that I might run into while setting this thing up.
What are some good cables to hook the powerball to the cabinet itself also, should I get Dimarzio or Monster Cable's or is there a more viable, cable besides those.
