2005-09-04, 19:32
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
Posts: 2,680
i use to want this thing, ive never played, but ive heard some god stuff bout it.
its basicaly an intellifex, wich is an AWESME unit, zxept this has a intelligent pitchifter init.
from what ive heard the chorus is a 2 way on the intelipitch, where the intellifex has a 8 way chorus (i personaly didnt like the chorus on the intellifex, but thats imo)
i cant tell u more, but definatly check out harmonycentral, there a few revieuws on this item, ive read em, and they sounded rilli convinsing ( i didnt have money to get this unit though  )
