2005-08-31, 21:52
New Blood
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The pedal thread.
What is your favourite pedal and why??
Have any of you heard the new line6??
They arent amazing....Digitech rule.
For multi efx i would say the 200A

2005-08-31, 22:24
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I have a Dime Distortion pedal haha. Havnt used it in ages. I dont fancy pedals all that much, but I like my 535q cry baby.

2005-08-31, 22:52
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There's like 41054105150 threads on "what's your favorite pedal?".
Mine is the Boss Ns-2

2005-09-01, 02:06
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just any random pedal? or for a specific unit? ie flanger, phaser, delay?
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2005-09-01, 02:46
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i can live w/o my digital delay pedal. dd-3
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2005-09-01, 02:49
New Blood
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Posts: 16
Originally Posted by xDeadHandsRisingx
i can live w/o my digital delay pedal. dd-3
Same here. I <3 delay.

2005-09-01, 02:57
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Maxon OD808...it could make poop sound good.
THE ABSENCE "From Your Grave" in stores world-wide!!

2005-09-01, 05:06
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ernie ball passive volume....
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2005-09-01, 05:08
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Any little add ons I like to have as rack mounts ...

2005-09-01, 05:17
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I'm debating wether to get the lowest GT model (3?) that has amp-channel switching. I heard all of those things kick ass pretty much, and if i can figure out when they started implementing channel changing...and if i can use the 4 cable method.
with my own time role your own innocence by
grab on to my sleeve the one that grabs at your ankle
debate to understand that we all have a flaw
then fail to represent your life as you know it
god grant you one wish to turn back the time... correct and create
me and my star
matthew good night
you know by law when you'll be forgiven
maria my star
matthew goodnight
you know my lord when you'll be forgiven

2005-09-01, 09:41
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Originally Posted by Muffin of Death
Same here. I <3 delay.
Than how can you live without it
Anyway for me probally Rotovibe or the Whammy and my killer wail.

2005-09-01, 14:26
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My crybaby.

2005-09-01, 19:12
Metal As Fuck!
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I love my digitech RP200
R.I.P. Dimebag
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2005-09-01, 19:58
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Originally Posted by IRON90
My crybaby.
I hear that 
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-09-01, 20:01
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2005-09-01, 20:50
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isp noice decimator. And I have a korg overdrive for boosting. Love them both
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2005-09-02, 12:13
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Originally Posted by sqol
I hear that 

2005-09-02, 16:02
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hes agreeing with you... "I hear that" is an expression that means "I agree with you" (pretty much)

2005-09-02, 16:44
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Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
isp noice decimator. And I have a korg overdrive for boosting. Love them both
ISP noise decimator? Where'd you find it? Did you order it from the US or something?

2005-09-02, 17:02
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
hes agreeing with you... "I hear that" is an expression that means "I agree with you" (pretty much)
okay. Cool.

2005-09-02, 18:10
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
ISP noise decimator? Where'd you find it? Did you order it from the US or something?
I bought it second hand from some german who was in despereate need for money. But I have the pedal version ( of course  ) not the rackmount got it for 20 euro's
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-09-02, 21:27
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Originally Posted by xDeadHandsRisingx
i can live w/o my digital delay pedal. dd-3
I would seriously like one of those.

2005-09-02, 22:14
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i dont have any fx anymore.
i did have a dd5, but that suck, i did have a rocktron intellifex, but i sold it  and its no pedal
i lik emt2, eventhough its unlimate crap, but isnt everypedal?? 

2005-09-03, 20:58
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I've got a Ibanez Weeping Demon Wah whitch I quite like. Don't use it that often thoug.
I'd really like to have a noise gate...
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-09-03, 23:31
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I just got a ns-1,ibanez ts compressor,and a boss bf-1 for $30(aus)

2005-09-04, 05:39
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the only pedal I own is a DOD Flanger which I use very rarely.
This is my signature.

2005-09-06, 02:26
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dam I have like a garage worth of efx , but if i have to limit them to a few the G major and a good wah would probably suffice , Im currently using the dime bag wah I have a Zakk but to be honest I like the Dime better. The g major for the money has great delays , chorus , pitch shifting among other shit and is easy to use . U need a good ground controler such as a GCX to make it really workable live.

2005-09-06, 02:49
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Last edited by Cyberwaste : 2005-09-06 at 02:52.

2005-09-06, 05:11
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Boss MT2 - Decent distortion that is hard as hell to get a decent sound out of.
Boss MD2 - This pedal seems to be made for that low end sound, I don't like it too much.
Boss DD3 - My delay pedal of choice, I have used a DD5 and prefer the DD3. Reverse delay isn't really all that great.
Ibanez Weeping Demon - Great wah pedal with some unique features. I use this thing way too much.
Morley Saphire flanger - Pretty weak flanger with a somewhat muddy sound.
Boss NS2 - One of my favorite, but least used pedals.
That's my current pedal setup.

2005-09-06, 05:35
Pirate Lawd
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I use a ISP,
a GE-7 in my amp loop,
and, no flames please, a Boss GT-8 between both my amp ( Randall Cyclone ) input and in its loop.
The Gt-8 about requires a engineering degree to use but is very tweekable. It is like a rack at floor level and the best *cough* I hate to say it, MULTIEFFCTS floor effects I've ever tried.

2005-09-06, 05:39
The Mountie From Hell
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Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-09-06, 05:43
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Digitech RP14 (Valve)

2005-09-06, 05:44
Pirate Lawd
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It's got Wah too. Very nice Wah btw. Better then I could build.

2005-09-06, 06:02
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
and, no flames please, a Boss GT-8 between both my amp ( Randall Cyclone ) input and in its loop.
The Gt-8 about requires a engineering degree to use but is very tweekable. It is like a rack at floor level and the best *cough* I hate to say it, MULTIEFFCTS floor effects I've ever tried.
no flames for a gt-8. those things are nice. it's when you get the kids bragging about their rp100's. 
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2005-09-06, 06:25
Pirate Lawd
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Yea dode, RP's are made to proform though.
Thanks for the props on the GT-8, I'm still really freaked out at how much and how adjustable it can be. I've had it about 2 mounths and I still am tweeking shit. I can still use my Amps pre and switch between the 2 channels or combine it with the GT-8's preamps not to mention the other crazy ass things it can do.
But, I do warn. If you can't stand tweeking or reading then DO NOT USE this thing. You could spend years trying to figure it out.
FYI, the BOSS GT-pro rack mount has major output bugs and has no firmware updates, nor are any being looked into. The GT-8 has update 1.02 that fixes those output clocking problems. I have heard from people that they love the GT-8 but wouldn't piss on the GT-pro after owning both. Roland needs to do something about the GT-pro or they will lose a lot of money. GT-8 does not have as many loops as the pro but it cost much less and sounds far far better.
For digital, Boss did a great job with the GT-8, imo. Very real and very loud or at least far better then anything else like it.
Last edited by Soulinsane : 2005-09-06 at 06:30.

2005-09-06, 12:33
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 99
i dont understand what you guys use all that distortion pedals and stuff for..
how could a pedal for a couple of dollars replace the distortion of an amp that costs a lot more in a better way? especially when using a tube head?
before i got my powerball i used an H&K attax 100, and i didn't want to replace the distortion by any cheap pedal..
effect stuff, ok, but distortion?

2005-09-06, 14:51
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Originally Posted by Wicked
i dont understand what you guys use all that distortion pedals and stuff for..
how could a pedal for a couple of dollars replace the distortion of an amp that costs a lot more in a better way? especially when using a tube head?
before i got my powerball i used an H&K attax 100, and i didn't want to replace the distortion by any cheap pedal..
effect stuff, ok, but distortion?
it depends on the amp. some amps have horrid distortion, and in some cases almost no distortion.
if i were playing a jc-120 or a fender twin. i'd need a pedal or external preamp for my gain sources.
if i were jamming a jcm 800, i'd need a boost pedal because they arent packed full of gain.
then you get plain ol' shit amps, that just sound horrid.
of course in any of these cases, i stray from anything with the words metal attatched to it. 
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2005-09-06, 17:49
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Originally Posted by Wicked
i dont understand what you guys use all that distortion pedals and stuff for..
how could a pedal for a couple of dollars replace the distortion of an amp that costs a lot more in a better way? especially when using a tube head?
before i got my powerball i used an H&K attax 100, and i didn't want to replace the distortion by any cheap pedal..
effect stuff, ok, but distortion?
The way I use my distortion pedal is this way . I use it on the clean channel , currently Im using a Digitech DF-7 pedal . Lets for example say Im on the clean channel and im doing this chordal thing and I want to start something brewtal , Well I could kick into my ultra gain channel ,or I can simply step on the pedal and riff away. I set my DF-7 to sound different than my ultra gain.Simply put its just another tone option. Also on occasion Ill use a Zakk overdrive on the gain channel , but you better remember to click it off when you stop cause it will feed back like a bitch.
Im using either a Marshall DSL 100 or a Koch Powertone II.

2005-09-06, 18:13
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 99
then i wouldnt need to spend like 1500€ on a tube head.. 
but i think that's everyone owns choice

2005-09-06, 18:51
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Originally Posted by Wicked
i dont understand what you guys use all that distortion pedals and stuff for..
how could a pedal for a couple of dollars replace the distortion of an amp that costs a lot more in a better way? especially when using a tube head?
before i got my powerball i used an H&K attax 100, and i didn't want to replace the distortion by any cheap pedal..
effect stuff, ok, but distortion?
Because alot of people cant play on their amp late at night or in the middle of the day in fact or use it for direct recording. Multi-effects pedals offer alot of options & you can get incredible distortions that an amp just cant produce.

2005-09-06, 19:08
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Sorry if i get of topic, but whatever:
I'm planning on buying a new distortion pedal cos my MD-2 seems to have become inuseful. Any of you guys know a decent pedal that doesn't cost like 300 $?

2005-09-06, 19:19
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Originally Posted by IRON90
Sorry if i get of topic, but whatever:
I'm planning on buying a new distortion pedal cos my MD-2 seems to have become inuseful. Any of you guys know a decent pedal that doesn't cost like 300 $?
Are you looking for an effects pedal or just distortion?

2005-09-06, 19:20
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Just distortion.

2005-09-06, 19:27
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Originally Posted by IRON90
Just distortion.
You can get a Boss Metal Zone for $99.99 new (cheaper on ebay) its not a bad pedal, youll probably want a EQ to go with it though & it takes some messing with to get rid of massive feedback with high gain.

2005-09-06, 19:36
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Originally Posted by IRON90
Sorry if i get of topic, but whatever:
I'm planning on buying a new distortion pedal cos my MD-2 seems to have become inuseful. Any of you guys know a decent pedal that doesn't cost like 300 $?
Or you could boost your amps distortion
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2005-09-06, 19:54
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Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
Or you could boost your amps distortion
Well how do you do that? Just turn the distortion down and the level up?

2005-09-06, 19:57
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Digitech metal master or DF-7 are decent.IMHO

2005-09-06, 19:58
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You need to buy an overdrive pedal of boost pedal. and run it over the distortion channel of your amp
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2005-09-06, 20:18
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as i said before... as a rule of thumb. stay away from any thing that says metal on it(metalzone, death metal, metal master, ubermetal, ect..)
or you could save up and buy at least a decent amp.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-09-19, 22:25
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I'm just gonna post in this cuz I'm not gonna start a new thread. What's like the best Crybaby that's the cheapest? I'm thinking of either the Original Crybaby or the Crybaby Classic. And what is a Fasel inductor?

2005-09-20, 01:16
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i havent tried much, but out of it, Boss Gt-6... everything about it makes my head spin.
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2005-09-20, 05:44
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i got a seymour duncan pickup booster the other day, really makes that thin single coil little '59 sound like a humbucker, it works really well giving you pure flat eq'd gain rather than shitty toned metal(insert here) pedals.

2005-10-03, 19:28
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I need some help with my CS-3. When i first got it, i thought the sustain was great. But then, my friend(?) came and mixed everything up. Does anyone of you have any idea about any settings for it?

2005-10-09, 06:01
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by IRON90
I need some help with my CS-3. When i first got it, i thought the sustain was great. But then, my friend(?) came and mixed everything up. Does anyone of you have any idea about any settings for it?
What? Sustain is great but friend(?) changed that ideal by mixing everything up? What are you talking about? Nothing is ideal. Its music. Make it happen.
Remember, most of all, this is fun. Enjoy.

2005-10-09, 07:57
Life is pain.
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I got a Zoom GFX - 707 Processor for free, it's fucking amazing 

2005-10-09, 09:03
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by Infinity
I got a Zoom GFX - 707 Processor for free, it's fucking amazing 
Well... just don't step on it to hard. Some of its FXs can be desent, but I wouldn't trust it for much else. Be prepared to give it away for free to someone else, throw it out the window of a moving car, or use it as target practice within a month. I hope you find better uses for it then most others. I'm sure it can be used professionally for something but I didn't have the time to play with it.
Thats all I've got to say about Zoom.

2005-10-17, 22:11
New Blood
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 37
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Well... just don't step on it to hard. Some of its FXs can be desent, but I wouldn't trust it for much else. Be prepared to give it away for free to someone else, throw it out the window of a moving car, or use it as target practice within a month. I hope you find better uses for it then most others. I'm sure it can be used professionally for something but I didn't have the time to play with it.
Thats all I've got to say about Zoom.
Definetly man, Zoom has ok effects but o my god that thing is fragile. I have one and I decided to keep it because I really cant get jack shit for that thing. I got a boss Gt-8 and that thing is awesome. I don't really like the digitech counterpart because the effects sound a little more processed. I guess its not really a big deal but I like boss better overall.

2005-10-18, 23:31
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the best over metal distortion I've ever used would have to be the DigiTech Metal Master, but I have yet to try their D-7 Distortion Factory, or the Line 6 UberMetal Pedal
and i just recently bought a new l'il overdrive pedal for $15 @ Guitar Center, an it kicks ass for blues


2005-10-18, 23:34
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: assclown univerzzz
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Originally Posted by IRON90
Sorry if i get of topic, but whatever:
I'm planning on buying a new distortion pedal cos my MD-2 seems to have become inuseful. Any of you guys know a decent pedal that doesn't cost like 300 $?
DigiTech Metal Master! \m/


2005-10-19, 00:54
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I have my digitech whammy pedal which Im getting re-acquainted with after finding the power supply. Ah the joys of diving on a fixed bridge. Harmony settings fucking blow though.

2005-10-19, 02:31
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i dont own one, bt ive played wit it and the harmony sattings have their uses.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-10-24, 20:14
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ok. I need some more help.
I'm going to my local music store next week and i need some new distortion. I won't have time to save up for a new amp so is it a good idea to buy a metal zone or should i uy something else(please help)?

2005-10-24, 20:39
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Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-10-24, 23:51
New Blood
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Posts: 13
hey i'm gonna go pick up a wah, any ideas on which one is best?
"Our blades shall speak with eloquence what human words cannot"

2005-10-25, 00:02
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Originally Posted by IRON90
ok. I need some more help.
I'm going to my local music store next week and i need some new distortion. I won't have time to save up for a new amp so is it a good idea to buy a metal zone or should i uy something else(please help)?
DS-1, DS-2, or you coudl use amp distortion boosted by a maxon od808... those should do you good.
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2005-10-26, 20:24
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Somewhere over the fucking rainbow (Sweden)
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Yes i know i'm a pain in the ass but i've got another question: a friend of mine says that them Ibanez smash box(SM-7) is better than an MT-2. Is that true? cos i don't wanna buy another shitty pedal.

2005-10-26, 20:31
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands
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I don't know for sure But I thought the ibanez smsh box is kinda weak in the gain department.
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-10-27, 02:10
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Posts: 1,968
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
When you don't have the money to buy new gear, and you only have shitty stuff, or you're a beginner, or etc., a Metal Zone is good enough. Not everyone can just get a new amp as easily as someone tells them to.

2005-10-27, 07:41
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The smash box is a piece of shit.Why not get a bottle rocket or a guyatopne metal monster.or a decent preamp like a e530 or a Digitech,that you can add to later.

2005-11-01, 21:20
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 55
Digitech metal master is great. Ibanez stuff, unless you get like four pedals don't have enough gain at all.

2005-11-01, 21:25
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Originally Posted by DRI
Digitech metal master is great. Ibanez stuff, unless you get like four pedals don't have enough gain at all.
i find that digitech just destroys your signal... digital stuff tends to shave off bits of the signal that analog wouldnt... makes your sound harder to modify with other gear after you put something digital into the line... that goes for line6 amps too =/
but hey, if you want your sound to be just like what the gear pumps out, then you're in buisness.
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2005-11-05, 15:37
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Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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pfff, just get a hormonizer, set the amount to 2 and the type to female, trios and huge sex orgies were never so easy to get.
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-11-06, 01:21
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2005-11-06, 02:14
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quoted and sig'd
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-11-06, 08:55
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
Posts: 2,680
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
quoted and sig'd
WOW  i cant remember posting that  cool 
< no wonder hes mad!!
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