2005-08-30, 13:31
Senior Metalhead
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7-string pickups
I was looking to buy a EMG 707 pickup for my 7-string guitar & my friend told me that its in a bass housing & you have to cut your guitar to make it fit, is this true? If so whats the next best thing to the 707 thats a direct replacement so i dont have to cut my guitar?

2005-08-30, 14:23
Senior Metalhead
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Look to Dimarzio.

2005-08-30, 18:33
Senior Metalhead
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dimarzio blaze pu's rock. tone zone is very nice 2 but id prefer the blaze. you can check out the 7 string invader from seymor duncan as well
Beer isn't a lifestyle?


2005-08-30, 18:56
Crusher of Skulls
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707's you do have to cut the body for....depends on what you like
If you were going to get a 7 string EMG...go for the 81-7 (an EMG version for 7 string  )
ohterwise I don't know. You could check out lungdren (meshuggah uses em...thats about all I know.
Or some seymours
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-08-31, 10:08
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
707's you do have to cut the body for....depends on what you like
If you were going to get a 7 string EMG...go for the 81-7 (an EMG version for 7 string  )
ohterwise I don't know. You could check out lungdren (meshuggah uses em...thats about all I know.
Or some seymours
Ive been looking for a EMG 81-7, are they a direct replacement or do you still have to cut your guitar?
Last edited by Cyberwaste : 2005-08-31 at 10:25.

2005-08-31, 11:23
Crusher of Skulls
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Somewhere down the road
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You still have to cut your guitar.
You can get them here
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-08-31, 12:41
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Cyberdyne, USA
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
You still have to cut your guitar.
You can get them here
Thanks for the link & i dont understand why EMG would make you alter your guitar to use these pickups, Maybe it was just to save money & more people would buy them if they were a direct replacement. If i can find someone that has done it before than thats the only way i would cut my guitar.

2005-08-31, 17:11
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Read the rules, idiot. Pickups are GEAR talk.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
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2005-10-02, 06:11
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Cyberdyne, USA
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Im about to purchase an EMG for my 7-string but before i do i need to know if its hard or not to route the guitar? I need to know what tools i will need since im gonna do it myself. One dude told me to get a router but i looked & nobody seems to know what a router is. Any help would be great!

2005-10-02, 12:26
Supreme Metalhead
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I have the EMG-81-7 p'up, very nice tight sound.
I would recommend that you take your guitar to a shop to get it fitted rather than do it yourself, if you do it wrong your screwed, if in the unlikely event the screw it up you get compensated.
As for routers, my guitar dealer uses a Dremel, they come with a router bit.

2005-10-02, 13:33
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Cyberdyne, USA
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Originally Posted by Dyvim Tvar
I have the EMG-81-7 p'up, very nice tight sound.
I would recommend that you take your guitar to a shop to get it fitted rather than do it yourself, if you do it wrong your screwed, if in the unlikely event the screw it up you get compensated.
As for routers, my guitar dealer uses a Dremel, they come with a router bit.
How much did he actually cut to make it fit? And how is it held in place?

2005-10-05, 16:11
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Cyberdyne, USA
Posts: 455
I found a dude in my local area guitar store that is gonna do it for $20!!! This is a fuckin happy day!!!!! I thought it was gonna cost me at least $100.
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