2005-08-28, 23:42
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5150 or Vetta?
Hey, earning some money now and I'm coming close to where I should be making a decision. I'm really thinking about getting an LTD EC-1000, so the guitar choice is done, but I have a dilemma on amps. I'm looking for like a 2x12 combo amp because I don't really need a stack, it's better just for like playing in my house to move it around and stuff. Even if I needed it for live, I could hook it to like another cab right? So anyways, the 2 amps I've had my eye on are either the Peavey 5150 2x12 or the Vetta II 2x12. I basically made up my decision on the 5150, but I just read stuff about the Vetta and I'm really impressed. Gimme ur opinions. I know xdislexicx had some stuff to say about the Vetta II.

2005-08-28, 23:53
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Im not talking about the amps , when I do the shit starts,
but the guitar choice is IMHO excellent ,which one you getting, I like the black with the 81/60 The amber one with duncans is sweet also.
good Luck Dude

2005-08-29, 01:58
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well, it depends on what you want really.
are you actually going to use more than the 5150 combo has to offer tonally? which is basically a great range of distortion, and "decent" cleanish tones, plus reverb.
some amps line 6 makes are pretty awesome i think. the vetta stuff especially. but we're talking a huge step in a different direction from the 5150. like comparing a cadillac to a UFO. the flexibility and options the vetta has to offer really appeals to alot of people. but then again some people just need those little bottles in the back of there amps delivering the tone.
as far as sound, it's subjective. but options are definately the line 6's strong point in this comparison.
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2005-08-29, 02:04
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
Im not talking about the amps , when I do the shit starts
I don't know why you felt the need to post that, but ok.
Yes, as xdx said, it all depends on the tone you want. Thing with the Line 6 amps is that they aren't the greatest on distortion, but their diversity in selectable tones is amazing. Play on both, and see which you think is better.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-29, 04:41
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[QUOTE=Dissection]I don't know why you felt the need to post that, but ok.
Not to start shit , truth is I dont have either one , I had a line 6 HD , It was ok but compared to a tube amp it sucked IMHO , Im not crazee about the 5150 and I know nothing how the combo sounds . But reason I even posted was the EC1000 is a awsum guitar , I think the entire 1000 series are top notch.So I restricted my comment to the guitar portion.
I do know someone who has the Vetta head , one of the guitar players in a band called destroyed by anger , They have a few CDs out , look on website , The guy swears by it , My friend is is the other guitar player uses a dual Rect. I love my friend but im not crazy about the band . Theyre very good , just not my cup of tea they kinda do the fear factory thing who I used to really like Screaming vocals then clean vocals thing.
anyway the combo goes for like 1500 it is expensive.
hopefully that explains it ,

2005-08-29, 05:49
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
I had a line 6 HD , It was ok but compared to a tube amp it sucked IMHO ,
that's a pretty big generalization. not all tube amps are the same. and not all line 6 amps the same.
are we talking about a p.o.s. krank revolution or something like a soldano slo? both have tubes, but one is definately in a much higher league than the other...
in the end it's all subjective so there is never anything wrong with an opinion.. i just highly doubt someone could honestly think ANY amp with tubes in it sounds better than a line 6, simply because it has tubes. because that's an extremely half ass way of picking out gear.
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2005-08-29, 06:03
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well that was a little better
Wow , you love to debate ,are you in the young republicans club at school.
I had the Line 6 HD I it sucked ass, The only tone that was halfway usable was the rectifier model, and that sucked.
every tube amp Marshal DSL , Koch Powertone II , Triple XXX that Ive owned To me was much much much better, , just the tone alone killed or owned like young Mr. Rapeture likes to say the Line 6 HD , Ive played the Crate Shockwave , not bad , randal not bad , Im talking about the Line 6 HD , it sucked ass.. I know I had it i paid for it , believe me I wish it was good
Now please argue with me and say that the line 6 HD was a great amp please , it sucked ass , Im not talking about the vetta. Ive heard that was a good amp , I personally for one would avoid line 6 amp like the plague . It is my opinion , if yours is different fine , Cool.
Again this is my opinion , nothing more its not gospel, But what I have found is that a decent tube amp has more the sound Im looking for , If you like line 6 HDs go for it , crank the sucker up and riff away , To me they suck.
Last edited by foxguitar : 2005-08-29 at 06:06.

2005-08-29, 06:08
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Yes, there is a big difference in these two amps, and that's my dillemma. The main tone I'm looking for, is like a Zakk Wylde, or maybe like Dime's but w/ more mids. I like how both those players have chunky ass, heavy, tight rhythm, but have that powerful, screamin' lead tone. Though that's the main tone I'm looking for, I do also like some bluesy cleans or just plain good cleans in general. I also like some Opeth type tones. What I like about the 5150 is that it's cheaper and I could just get a straight up good dist. tone. While on the other hand, I would have a whole assortment of tones and effects if I get the Vetta, and also I would have fun tryin out all the diff. amp models too. Oh, and about the guitar, I'm thinking of the one w/ the 81/60.

2005-08-29, 06:18
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in the end it's all subjective so there is never anything wrong with an opinion.. i just highly doubt someone could honestly think ANY amp with tubes in it sounds better than a line 6, simply because it has tubes. because that's an extremely half ass way of picking out gear.[/QUOTE]
Oh and just for point of reference I am lets see Im never mind  old enough ,In my years Ive picked out a ton of gear , Some were admittedly clunkers such as the LIne 6 HD ,some shit I bought on a need just to buy something , I bought a ton of efx pedals some expensive like fulltone ,to find that I had no use for a 69 pedal , But on the hand , Ive picked out great shit as well , So what works for me , may not work for you , rememember I said I never liked the 5150 or 6505 , But alot of dudes in here love it , thats cool . I hate mesa dual and triple rectumfires, i cant get a good lead tone , Again alot of dudes love it , I tried Soldano , Bogner wasnt impressed.Bought a Koch , ask Def about them. greagreat amp. I just demoed a Framus after reading threads in here great great great amp , Ive played the shockwave , liked italot .
The point Im making , Maybe im not as technical as you , but I have been around for awhile and I know what I like. You dont have to like it and I respect your opinion and notice you and I didnt fling no shit .
maybe mr X man theres hope for mankind , Till the next time ,

2005-08-29, 06:31
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In this situation I'd get the Vetta. Just because I'm a solid-state sort of person.
But for midrange grind, the 5150 has no equal in its price range.

2005-08-29, 07:19
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I'd go with the vetta in your case... Or a pod XT and a good tube poweramp.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-08-29, 07:29
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
Or a pod XT and a good tube poweramp.
POD XT = 300$
Good tube Poweramp = 5-600$
Avatar 2x12 = less than 300$

2005-08-29, 08:07
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One of the bands in my area the guitarist uses a Vetta, not bad - good cleans but the distortion - you can really hear that its a solidstate. But then again he was using it with a Behringer cab..


2005-08-29, 14:06
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
Yes, there is a big difference in these two amps, and that's my dillemma. The main tone I'm looking for, is like a Zakk Wylde, or maybe like Dime's but w/ more mids. I like how both those players have chunky ass, heavy, tight rhythm, but have that powerful, screamin' lead tone. Though that's the main tone I'm looking for, I do also like some bluesy cleans or just plain good cleans in general. I also like some Opeth type tones. What I like about the 5150 is that it's cheaper and I could just get a straight up good dist. tone. While on the other hand, I would have a whole assortment of tones and effects if I get the Vetta, and also I would have fun tryin out all the diff. amp models too. Oh, and about the guitar, I'm thinking of the one w/ the 81/60.
one fact to consider , is your favorite players have tech who modify their shit , very few of these top notch dudes play stock shit , even their guitars are modded , before a zaKK wylde LP I can tell you there wasnt one stock LP made with EMGs. it just wasnt done, Alot of cats who played pauls in the late 70s early 80s started swapping out the gibson stock pups for Dimarzios , who actually then were bigger than duncans,
If you got the cash custom shop will do whatever you want but for us lower forms. you get what they come with and if you have the knowledge to modify it , then you do it
Zakk wylde head is JCM 800 2203 , He had moded to his spec, you can find peeps who have the schematics to dupe it.
The whole point of this rambling is Fuck everyone else try the shit see which one is the sound you were looking for , you will know it when you hear it ,The most important thing is advice is ok but you got to try the sucker out for yourself ,
simple enough
good luck lets us know how you make out.
Last edited by foxguitar : 2005-08-29 at 14:12.

2005-08-29, 15:02
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by John Holland
POD XT = 300$
Good tube Poweramp = 5-600$
Avatar 2x12 = less than 300$
Avatar 2x12, lowest price: $334 WITH shipping. Can't beat that. And fuck it, I might just get a cheap, loud ass bass head and an avatar cab, and then a Silver Dragon distortion pedal. Let me go price that. *blares Norma Jean*
Yeah, you might be better off with the Pod XT and the 5150, so that you emulate those tones you want, and still take the 5150's crushing power when you want/need it.  thats my suggestion.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-29, 17:32
Master Killer
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I don't really dig Line 6's tones, the cheap shit like the spider series are just horrible, tough they're cheap and do have a lot of tones in them for only a little bit of money. The Vetta's are not bad at all but if you look at their price, I'de get a tube amp for that any day of the week, quite simply because I don't think the Vetta emulates the tube sound that well. It tries too but IMO it doesn't do it all that well. the cleans on it are pretty good, even the simulated ones, SS cleans are usually tight as fuck but the Vetta takes it a little further. The crunch/distortion tones on it didn't do it for me.
Sure it's versatile as hell and if you're looking for that, it might be a smart move to buy a Vetta or some of line 6's rack gear (which isn't too bad.)
Anyways, if I had to pick between a vetta or a 5150, I'de get the 5150 because of it's distortion channel. the clean's aren't that good IMO but the rest of the amp is. the distortion just rips the balls of the Vetta. But hey, you'de just have to try them next to each other and find out which one YOU like better!

2005-08-29, 18:08
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
Now please argue with me and say that the line 6 HD was a great amp please , it sucked ass , Im not talking about the vetta. Ive heard that was a good amp , I personally for one would avoid line 6 amp like the plague.
it was still a huge generalization... are you saying you'd take ANY tube amp over a line 6 amp just because it's tube? because opinion or not i find that as a very jokable way of looking at gear.
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2005-08-29, 19:40
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it was still a huge generalization... are you saying you'd take ANY tube amp over a line 6 amp just because it's tube? because opinion or not i find that as a very jokable way of looking at gear.
OMFG , Do you ever rest. Line 6 HD sucks.Is it your mission in life to scrutinize every little thing,
What ever you think is jokable < I seem to have a pretty good track record of shit Ive had , or had and sold , Have you ever played a KOCH Powertone II . If you have you know it owns IMHO most amps.
If you havent played one ask Def or any of the dudes who live in the Netherlands , That amp will kill a 5150 . Ok so get back to me .
Ive just sold a shit load of fulltone efx, I know you heard of them .
I do really think you missed your calling , you would be a good trial attorney ,
But then again you would piss off the jury with your know it all tude and they convict your client because you annoyed them so much.

2005-08-29, 20:27
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Yeah, you might be better off with the Pod XT and the 5150, so that you emulate those tones you want, and still take the 5150's crushing power when you want/need it.  thats my suggestion.
Dude, that's not a bad idea at all, I'll think about that, thanks.

2005-08-29, 21:21
The Stings of Conscience
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2005-08-29, 21:24
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
Dude, that's not a bad idea at all, I'll think about that, thanks.
No problem. Its really the best bet, because the POD Live Rack (don't know the real name) has about all you'll get from the Vetta, and you can just bypass it when you aren't using it for its emulations.
Andrew: SO FUNNEI!
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-29, 21:31
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
OMFG , Do you ever rest. Line 6 HD sucks.
irrelivant. as alot of tube amps "suck"
Originally Posted by foxguitar
Is it your mission in life to scrutinize every little thing,
Originally Posted by foxguitar
What ever you think is jokable < I seem to have a pretty good track record of shit Ive had , or had and sold , Have you ever played a KOCH Powertone II . If you have you know it owns IMHO most amps.
also irrelivant. a very random post, as i don't know where a koch became a subject in this thread.
Originally Posted by foxguitar
If you havent played one ask Def or any of the dudes who live in the Netherlands , That amp will kill a 5150 . Ok so get back to me .
also irrelivant AND ignorant. your opinion is not fact. i know of koch, but there is no law that states a koch powertone II is better than a 5150. that's like saying an apple is better than a banana...
Originally Posted by foxguitar
Ive just sold a shit load of fulltone efx, I know you heard of them .
yes i have, but once again very irrelivant to any of the discussion.
Originally Posted by foxguitar
I do really think you missed your calling , you would be a good trial attorney But then again you would piss off the jury with your know it all tude and they convict your client because you annoyed them so much.
yet another random statement.
maybe next time your "comeback" could have some kind of connection with my post.
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2005-08-29, 21:54
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
irrelivant. as alot of tube amps "suck"
Not the Ones Ive owned and compared to the line 6 they slew the line 6
also irrelivant. a very random post, as i don't know where a koch became a subject in this thread.
To attempt to show my "joke-able " methods work well for me.
also irrelivant AND ignorant. your opinion is not fact. i know of koch, but there is no law that states a koch powertone II is better than a 5150. that's like saying an apple is better than a banana...
A koch Powertone kills a 5150 ,its three channel , cleans are sparkling , channel 2 is like a good hard rock tone ala ACDC, Classic rock , Channel 3 is brutal ultra gain. The tone on a Powertone owns a 5150 , but to make it clear this is my opinion . The powertone II was described to me as a hot rodded soldano .
yes i have, but once again very irrelivant to any of the discussion.
yet another random statement.
maybe next time your "comeback" could have some kind of connection with my post.
I think I should realize you are the mack daddy of the metaltabs gear section , so from here on in I will oh Exalted one , refer to your superior knowledge.
Oh by the way you miss spelled irrelivant its irrelevant, But who checks spelling anyway.
have a great day
Last edited by foxguitar : 2005-08-29 at 21:59.

2005-08-29, 23:26
bugfucker strikes back.
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Foxguitar, please, just shut the fuck up.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-29, 23:30
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Foxguitar, please, just shut the fuck up.

2005-08-29, 23:32
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
owww, that a low blow
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