2005-08-26, 20:44
Supreme Metalhead
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well you all showed me
Yeah all you gear godz taught me a lesson,
So you know what , cause I want to be just like you , I demoed a Framus Cobra today and I loved it so much I bought the fucker hands down , got a great deal on it too , Head and Cab.
So from here on in Fuck the DSL fuck XXX fuck Mesa , its Framus.
So thank you , I owe it all to you , channel 3 just rips man , Cant wait to rip some faces off. Ahhh life is good, so thank you dudes You schooled me And Now I got a brand new Framus , Ill be selling my XXX if anyone interested.
Later Gear Godz

2005-08-26, 20:46
The Stings of Conscience
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how much for the XXX?

2005-08-26, 20:50
Supreme Metalhead
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PM Me if you are interested
Last edited by foxguitar : 2005-08-26 at 20:52.

2005-08-26, 20:52
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 81
what state is the amp in, I might be interested

2005-08-26, 20:54
The Stings of Conscience
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Lutz, FL
Posts: 2,245
back off, cunt. its mine

2005-08-26, 21:02
Supreme Metalhead
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hardly been used ,I had it for short time when I picked up a Koch powertone II , So i kinda didnt use it after I got the Koch

2005-08-26, 21:34
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 81
If rapture doesnt want it then hit me up.

2005-08-26, 22:09
Senior Metalhead
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I'm a little confused.... is the first post in this thread blatant sarcasm or poor writing skills?

2005-08-26, 22:19
Supreme Metalhead
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ehhhh guess Einstein, what does it sound like , Its a big flip off to those that act so goddam mighty theyre the keepers of the forum , and heaven help those who dare to oppose. , in other words its blatant sarcasm genius ,
but I did get the Framus , so I like I said Life is good .
Maybe Ill even form a death metal outfit , Ill change my name to some gore god name , What should I tune to B ? , I got a Baritone so that will work , I can growl just as good as the rest of them , Nah I rather have a dude sing like the cat from witchery , who actually I like , what scales should I master Harmonic minor , Mixolydians , Phyrgians , lydian , Tell me , Sweeps arpeggios , I wanna learn from you keepers of the Forum , all you graduates of GIT or Julliard, For those who dont know theyre Guitar institute of technology and Julliard are 2 of the best music schools in the USA ,
Cmon Im serious now , You all showed me the error of my ways, after all most of you not all , some have been decent even if we disagreed a point not to hurl shit , but the rest of you pompous fuck offs
Very few of you can argue a point without calling a name or tossing shit , ill argue all day and all night , its my training im a professional arguer , So there you have it ,
And now I see you jagweeds have a new victim the chick guitar player , who incidentally didnt say anything wrong . But you lilltle fucknoses have to gang up on some one , because alone you are small and insigificant n, and you can laff all you want by my typos or the way I write , because I laff all the way to the bank . thats how I can afford 20 guitars , A g major , A DSL 100 , Koch Powertone II and Koch Twintone Ask Def about the Koch see what he says about em , a triple XXX and oh did I forget the FRAMUS , So laff all you want , I dont need to depend on daddy to buy me a 300 POS and think that if I put in EMGS it still wont be a POS.
Have fun tonite assholes , this isnt directed at every one just those smart ass meeley mouth punks , the rest of you have been cool , and to that Peace
Last edited by foxguitar : 2005-08-26 at 22:42.

2005-08-27, 01:19
Join Date: Apr 2004
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try typing in a way that doesnt make english speakers of the past 1,000 years roll over in their graves

2005-08-27, 01:23
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
ehhhh guess Einstein, what does it sound like , Its a big flip off to those that act so goddam mighty theyre the keepers of the forum , and heaven help those who dare to oppose. , in other words its blatant sarcasm genius ,
but I did get the Framus , so I like I said Life is good .
Maybe Ill even form a death metal outfit , Ill change my name to some gore god name , What should I tune to B ? , I got a Baritone so that will work , I can growl just as good as the rest of them , Nah I rather have a dude sing like the cat from witchery , who actually I like , what scales should I master Harmonic minor , Mixolydians , Phyrgians , lydian , Tell me , Sweeps arpeggios , I wanna learn from you keepers of the Forum , all you graduates of GIT or Julliard, For those who dont know theyre Guitar institute of technology and Julliard are 2 of the best music schools in the USA ,
Cmon Im serious now , You all showed me the error of my ways, after all most of you not all , some have been decent even if we disagreed a point not to hurl shit , but the rest of you pompous fuck offs
Very few of you can argue a point without calling a name or tossing shit , ill argue all day and all night , its my training im a professional arguer , So there you have it ,
And now I see you jagweeds have a new victim the chick guitar player , who incidentally didnt say anything wrong . But you lilltle fucknoses have to gang up on some one , because alone you are small and insigificant n, and you can laff all you want by my typos or the way I write , because I laff all the way to the bank . thats how I can afford 20 guitars , A g major , A DSL 100 , Koch Powertone II and Koch Twintone Ask Def about the Koch see what he says about em , a triple XXX and oh did I forget the FRAMUS , So laff all you want , I dont need to depend on daddy to buy me a 300 POS and think that if I put in EMGS it still wont be a POS.
Have fun tonite assholes , this isnt directed at every one just those smart ass meeley mouth punks , the rest of you have been cool , and to that Peace
And your point is............?

2005-08-27, 01:56
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by \m/Eat At Joe's\m/
And your point is............?
I think its plain dont you
And if you dont understand it , aww well , I think you get the point.
Last edited by foxguitar : 2005-08-27 at 01:59.

2005-08-27, 02:17
Wasted Custom User title
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shut up, he's 47
This is my signature.

2005-08-27, 02:36
Join Date: Apr 2004
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what? whos 47

2005-08-27, 02:38
Death to all but metal!
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wahhhhhh wahhhhhh
*bicker bicker*
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-08-27, 02:48
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
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you are sooooo an attention whore..
and you are soooo going to be ignored soon..
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-08-27, 02:48
Wasted Custom User title
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Posts: 5,002
I think foxguitar once said he was 47.
This is my signature.

2005-08-27, 03:22
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
you are sooooo an attention whore..
and you are soooo going to be ignored soon..
Nahhh I dont think so , because you bird brain idiots love to spew your childish shit and because there are a few of you that know what Im saying is true, anything I said or posted could have been discussed calmly cooly and with facts , but no you shit birds wanted to engage in being nasty little pompous bitchs ,
and those here that did make valid points whether I agreed or not ,I was at least respectful , but you creeps cant be respectful , I see it all the time , Half you fuckwits were ganging up on the chick guitar player before , and she didnt say nothing wrong , she gave an opinion.
So to you jack asses, You dont give respect you get none

2005-08-27, 04:16
Master Killer
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have fun with your framus, get some pics and soundclips!

2005-08-27, 04:28
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
High and mighty keepers of the forum ... All you jagweeds ....
About the female guitarist you speak of, she's been in this situation ever since she logged an account, a long time before you were here.
Post clips of the Framus if you can.
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-08-27 at 04:35.

2005-08-27, 04:30
bugfucker strikes back.
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*shakes head and walks out without touching this one*
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-27, 04:32
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by John Holland
Now that Mr. Holland was cool , that was funny , I laffed so hard I almost peed . 

2005-08-27, 04:45
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Def
have fun with your framus, get some pics and soundclips!
Thanks , I think I need to go back to Holland , people were alot cooler , I could converse with the cats at the music shops and we could agree or disagree and it was cool. Alot of the guys were older so it was of a higher level , here it seems like alot of these kids are just ignorant , not because they dont know shit , alot of them know alot more than I do , but they are intollerant of anybody's opinion unless its the same as theirs , And the funny thing is , even when you giver props to alot of them they still want to hurl shit. I dont let any of this shit bother me because , in the big picture , it makes no never mind.
My ex took the digital but as soon as possible Ill try to get some pics .
And are you familiar with that area apollolan , My dutch is horrible , but there were a few good shops one was saksoni something like that , minajeer which I think is gone , another one was a place that dealt in used guitars and amps mostly gibson and fenders not far from a red light district. i never remember the names of the streets .

2005-08-27, 04:48
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Originally Posted by Dissection
*shakes head and walks out without touching this one*
you wouldnt have posted then if that was true , see you couldnt do it , gotcha again. I play you like a top, You cant not post , you cant help yourself.

2005-08-27, 05:13
Supreme Metalhead
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Posts: 809
Originally Posted by John Holland
About the female guitarist you speak of, she's been in this situation ever since she logged an account, a long time before you were here.
Post clips of the Framus if you can.

2005-08-27, 06:44
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Carlsbad Cali.
Posts: 138
Nice come up, you better post clips, i wanna hear that beast.
http://www.myspace.com/inLacrima - my band site
http://www.myspace.com/bdmmetal - personal site

2005-08-27, 13:52
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
Thanks , I think I need to go back to Holland , people were alot cooler , I could converse with the cats at the music shops and we could agree or disagree and it was cool. Alot of the guys were older so it was of a higher level , here it seems like alot of these kids are just ignorant , not because they dont know shit , alot of them know alot more than I do , but they are intollerant of anybody's opinion unless its the same as theirs , And the funny thing is , even when you giver props to alot of them they still want to hurl shit. I dont let any of this shit bother me because , in the big picture , it makes no never mind.
My ex took the digital but as soon as possible Ill try to get some pics .
And are you familiar with that area apollolan , My dutch is horrible , but there were a few good shops one was saksoni something like that , minajeer which I think is gone , another one was a place that dealt in used guitars and amps mostly gibson and fenders not far from a red light district. i never remember the names of the streets .
yep, people are pretty laid back here, especially in AMS  but hey, don't go bashing on old people, I'm allready feeling old in comparisson with most people here
everybody is entitled to his own opinion, and that's that. it's like that in the real life and it's the same in every fucking forum that I'll ever mod. there's a difference between voicing an opinion and beeing a total twat and I'm just here to draw the line for those who can't.
apollolaan? in Amsterdam? yeah I know it, the Hilton is down there. Sacksioni is one of the best Dutch guitar players ever. since he settled down a bit he moved to my town (Lienden) which is pretty quiet, I know where his house is. the guy still plays in a local pub every month, for free. I've seen him a couple of times and he's a great chap. I haven't ever visited that store, I doubt it is still his. (could be, I can ask the guy if I meet him in the supermarket or something)
Minajeer? (Mineur?) don't know that one. I do know the one near the red light district, it's really small isn't it? I don't know the name, but if it was in a really narrow building, it must be the same one. it has ugly neon inside too, it looked like some pimp was trading instruments in there!
anyways, to get back on topic, pics and clips man  how much did you have to pay for the framus including the cab? and how do you like it's distortion in comparisson to your previous amps?

2005-08-27, 15:02
Supreme Metalhead
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its on layaway , Its going to be around 3k with head and cab , Its the best sounding amp I think I ever played , Not much blows this old boy away , Ive tried soldano, bogners , mesas ,
Ive had line 6 , marshall , Koch , Peavey , Im not a pro by any stretch , Im a hobbyist who I think and ive been told has decent chops.I love playing , Its actually been a life saver . Anyways
I got to demo the amp at a store owned by personal friends of mine , www.guitarasylum.com here in NY, they deal in VHT ,mesa, and other stuff , I walked in just to bullshit and ,I wound up checking out the beast , Its a hot looking thing with the lights and shit.
Anyway I played it around a half hour . The clean is pristine . channel 2 I found is like old school ACDC , etc channel 3 is just flat out brewtal ,
Now of course Ill need to spend alot of time with it to really learn it , And truth be told I didnt have any of my guitars, I used a Washburn Dime V pro , which was ok.
Its a very expensive amp over 2k alone for just the head , but I feel it will be the last amp Ill ever buy , but then again I always tell myself that.
I would have loved to have checked out the engl ,i hear thats a winner too.
At first glance , My DSL looks easier to tweak .I keep it on one setting and its 2 channel , ultra gain and clean , so im sure ill have to spend abit more time dialing in my tones , but hey thats the fun of it. right.
sacksioni ruysdaelstratt 5-7
mijnheer roelof harstraat they are gone ,
those are the 2 cards I still had besides kes dees
anyway , ams will always be one of my favorite cities
Peace brother

2005-08-27, 19:00
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*blows whistle*
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-08-27, 19:07
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by John Holland
About the female guitarist you speak of, she's been in this situation ever since she logged an account
To be honest...since the day I could walk and talk.


2005-08-27, 19:21
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Originally Posted by Def
have fun with your framus, get some pics and soundclips!
lol def! always the optimist :P
and steve get back to pending tabs

2005-08-27, 21:45
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
*blows whistle*

2005-08-27, 23:36
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 368
Foxguitar, really man whats your problem, I dont post on here that often anymore, but i read this shit alot, and in all your threads, your trying to harrass people into a flame fest with you? And you talk about all these amps you have and stuff, trying to make it seem like you are more important than you are... do you have some kind of overcompensation complex or something?
You talk shit about death metal, and i dont recall anyone saying anything negatory of the classical metal you enjoy, I happen to be an avid fan of Death metal, Thrash, Trad, etc, etc, I also happen to play guitar, and even though theres a lot of Death metal bands i personally think SUCK, they have more talent than people give them credit for, so i think before you open your gaping shithole of a mouth again to talk smack about death metal, listen to the good bands of the genre who have talent, its not just all simplistic noise, although i am sure if your as old as you say you are (which i doubt because of your teenage angsty behavior) you will be able to understand that whilst you do not like it, THE BANDS are talented themselves...
Thats all i have to say, and have fun with the framus (if you really did buy it)
- you suck and your stupid
- Rise of Elitism: Yes the bands you like are gay
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it was too hifi for me...
it's like a hot chick that is horrible in bed.

2005-08-28, 00:05
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Originally Posted by Myrmidonlord666
Foxguitar, really man whats your problem, I dont post on here that often anymore, but i read this shit alot, and in all your threads, your trying to harrass people into a flame fest with you? And you talk about all these amps you have and stuff, trying to make it seem like you are more important than you are... do you have some kind of overcompensation complex or something?
You talk shit about death metal, and i dont recall anyone saying anything negatory of the classical metal you enjoy, I happen to be an avid fan of Death metal, Thrash, Trad, etc, etc, I also happen to play guitar, and even though theres a lot of Death metal bands i personally think SUCK, they have more talent than people give them credit for, so i think before you open your gaping shithole of a mouth again to talk smack about death metal, listen to the good bands of the genre who have talent, its not just all simplistic noise, although i am sure if your as old as you say you are (which i doubt because of your teenage angsty behavior) you will be able to understand that whilst you do not like it, THE BANDS are talented themselves...
Thats all i have to say, and have fun with the framus (if you really did buy it)
Seriously fox, just calm down. At this point you are no better than the people you are speaking about. Both sides are retarded. You are just as high and mighty a sthe poepl you speak of. As much a sthey say Les Pauls suck, yous ay the are the greatest. You are as iggnorant as the people you speak of, as little tollerance of your opinion they ahve, you have just as little of thiers.
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2005-08-28, 00:38
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: NY just south of heaven
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Originally Posted by Myrmidonlord666
Foxguitar, really man whats your problem, I dont post on here that often anymore, but i read this shit alot, and in all your threads, your trying to harrass people into a flame fest with you? And you talk about all these amps you have and stuff, trying to make it seem like you are more important than you are... do you have some kind of overcompensation complex or something?
You talk shit about death metal, and i dont recall anyone saying anything negatory of the classical metal you enjoy, I happen to be an avid fan of Death metal, Thrash, Trad, etc, etc, I also happen to play guitar, and even though theres a lot of Death metal bands i personally think SUCK, they have more talent than people give them credit for, so i think before you open your gaping shithole of a mouth again to talk smack about death metal, listen to the good bands of the genre who have talent, its not just all simplistic noise, although i am sure if your as old as you say you are (which i doubt because of your teenage angsty behavior) you will be able to understand that whilst you do not like it, THE BANDS are talented themselves...
Thats all i have to say, and have fun with the framus (if you really did buy it)
Thats been explained before , I will explain one last time , I was talking about John 5 and more specifically his signature telley , some assclown instead of saying He didnt like him , just to be a asshole wrote "fuck John 5 and his Telle"
So in smart assed fashion I retorted At least he can Solo unlike your death Metal Muthas , It was done tongue in cheek , never serious , and about a zillion times I did acknowledge that alot of those cats are ass kicking guitar players. So not to start shit , all I ask is please go back to my original Thread on the John 5 telecaster ,where I asked if someone here ever played one ,
Then if you read that thread decide , if I was being a dick then you know what , Ill leave the forum and be gone.
Ive seen alot of the bands , not all Mesugahh , COB , Soilwork , cannibal Corpse , The haunted , Dimmu , Nevermore , Grip Inc , Immortal , destruction , helloween , rage ,I know not all of them Death Bands just to name a few , I dig alot of them.
All I ask for fair play, judge me for the responses I give back to your post . dont judge because I fired back at some nasty ass kid.
And to the second portion , I dont state my shit because I think Im better than anyone < I stated it ,Once to be annoying to some fool , but the other times to shut up someone who has tossed shit . I have never flamed any one for disagreeing with me ,
Ive said countless times I dont know everything , ive acknowledged when other posters were correct .
I never once said Im right you suck your wrong.
What pissed me off ,in conclusion , is this simply lack of respect , I have stated what I believe , and I usually always state that this in In My Humble Opinion ,
Ive been called lets see retard , asshat , and a whole bunch of other things ,which I could care less about , a group even went on the chat and plotted to get me banned .
Look at the thread about GR-33 and VG-88 , there were 3 or 4 responses that responded to that Legitimate question over 90 percent of posts just tossed shit. Look I admit I tossed shit , But even Def knows Im not the one who started the tossing , Matter of fact one of my detractors just got a brand new guitar , I posted to him congrats , Look you dont have to like me , but if you dont theres no need to toss shit state your case
Where I come from respect is important and if you disrespect me then hey , dont be shocked when I disrespect back.
Hopefully that answers your question.
All I ask is be fair. See to prove my point I didnt toss shit at ya, I answered you what I hope is intelligent manner.

2005-08-28, 00:46
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Location: NY just south of heaven
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Originally Posted by DEAD
Seriously fox, just calm down. At this point you are no better than the people you are speaking about. Both sides are retarded. You are just as high and mighty a sthe poepl you speak of. As much a sthey say Les Pauls suck, yous ay the are the greatest. You are as iggnorant as the people you speak of, as little tollerance of your opinion they ahve, you have just as little of thiers.
well I respectfully disagree , go back to the post , I stated I love LPs , not once did I criticize anybody , I said I love em , I never said OH WHAT THE FUCKS WRONG WITH YOU , WHAT YOU LIKE IS SHIT , or something like that
So please if your going to state something get it right , go back look at the threads , research first before you , First off if you think about the title of the thread why les pauls are a waste of money could be deemed a tad arrogant , not that I took it that way ,
So go back and tell me where I claimed I was the ALL SEEING EYE OF THE FORUM , maybe im missing something , If you could show me , ill admit my error.
Look dont confuse how I answer most responsible posts with how I answered a few peeps that made it their biz to flame me , several times I threw out olive branches . So there you have it again judge fairly and not because the others are your homeys .

2005-08-28, 01:33
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
Posts: 4,321
god, just look at the threads you posted in.. someone disagrees with you/calls you a name, and you go on full-on rant mode, list bands you saw, places you visited, amps you played, that nobody is relevant in your threadies...whatever..
don't take this as hostility, but please.. your making a stereotype out of yourself man
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-08-28, 01:38
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Location: NY just south of heaven
Posts: 809
Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
god, just look at the threads you posted in.. someone disagrees with you/calls you a name, and you go on full-on rant mode, list bands you saw, places you visited, amps you played, that nobody is relevant in your threadies...whatever..
don't take this as hostility, but please.. your making a stereotype out of yourself man
Again Wrong but thats cool .

2005-08-28, 02:36
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
wahhhhhh wahhhhhh
*bicker bicker*
lol, that made me spill my coke all over my keyboard 

2005-08-28, 03:00
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 31
Originally Posted by foxguitar
Nahhh I dont think so , because you bird brain idiots love to spew your childish shit and because there are a few of you that know what Im saying is true, anything I said or posted could have been discussed calmly cooly and with facts , but no you shit birds wanted to engage in being nasty little pompous bitchs ,
and those here that did make valid points whether I agreed or not ,I was at least respectful , but you creeps cant be respectful , I see it all the time , Half you fuckwits were ganging up on the chick guitar player before , and she didnt say nothing wrong , she gave an opinion.
So to you jack asses, You dont give respect you get none
in one of your first posts you made your opinion a fact and you completely disregarded everyone else's opinion. you just couldn't accept that some people like amps other than a dsl. you should just make one post and copy it to all of the threads about amps since you always say the same thing. in your opinion a dsl is the best mother fucker out there and you're a stupid cunt if you think otherwise. but that's just your opinion. you're a real ignorant fuck. i don't think anyone gives a shit what you say because of your attitude. you call everyone else a dumb ass when you can't figure out why people make smart ass remarks to whatever you say. you sure are a genious mr college degree.

2005-08-28, 03:12
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2005-08-28, 04:07
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Originally Posted by Ecstasy_of_Gold
in one of your first posts you made your opinion a fact and you completely disregarded everyone else's opinion. you just couldn't accept that some people like amps other than a dsl. you should just make one post and copy it to all of the threads about amps since you always say the same thing. in your opinion a dsl is the best mother fucker out there and you're a stupid cunt if you think otherwise. but that's just your opinion. you're a real ignorant fuck. i don't think anyone gives a shit what you say because of your attitude. you call everyone else a dumb ass when you can't figure out why people make smart ass remarks to whatever you say. you sure are a genious mr college degree.
well asshole I never said that , your dumb ass , I said IMHO I think , NOTICE I SAID I THINK or I feel , I never said it was the best ,you piece of dog waste , , I never knocked any one for what they believed you dopey bastard , see you got it all wrong but thats ok FUCK YOU
show me once new jack where I dissed some one for having an opposing opinion , hell no you cant ,
matter of fact Ive started a few posts where I ask questions , so what that tells me your just one dumb fuck , if you could fine one post where I called someone a stupid cunt other than when they were being dicks, but never for having an opposing opinion .
Cause knowing you ,would have quoted it verbatim , Ill tell ya what , heres a deal for ya , show me where I criticized some one elses opinion , if you could show me , Ill leave the forum and never be back ok. If not you leave ok brave boy.
And before you get personal Mr. gas station attendant , you better check your self .
Last edited by foxguitar : 2005-08-28 at 04:23.

2005-08-28, 04:46
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
Originally Posted by foxguitar
well asshole I never said that , your dumb ass , I said IMHO I think , NOTICE I SAID I THINK or I feel , I never said it was the best ,you piece of dog waste , , I never knocked any one for what they believed you dopey bastard , see you got it all wrong but thats ok FUCK YOU
show me once new jack where I dissed some one for having an opposing opinion , hell no you cant ,
matter of fact Ive started a few posts where I ask questions , so what that tells me your just one dumb fuck , if you could fine one post where I called someone a stupid cunt other than when they were being dicks, but never for having an opposing opinion .
Cause knowing you ,would have quoted it verbatim , Ill tell ya what , heres a deal for ya , show me where I criticized some one elses opinion , if you could show me , Ill leave the forum and never be back ok. If not you leave ok brave boy.
And before you get personal Mr. gas station attendant , you better check your self .
Dude...you really gotta relax.
I too once kinda felt the way you're posting....but soon figured out it matters not....nothing you say will matter. It's like trying to push a mountain outta the way.....it won't budge
My first mistake was assuming that most forums had level headed and rational thinking members.....BOY was I wrong. (the majority here are....but the few that arent....are the quickest to jump people)
My second mistake was when I joined...I was 19 and assumed I would be among the youngest people here. (from exp on other forums)...again...BOY....was wrong. It's like a Jr High class here most of the time.
My last mistake was to take way too long to simply to try and relax and remember....this is a faux reality....I should have listened to the advice handed out to me by the more rational members here from the beginning to try and relax and not take thing so personal.
I am just now barely....barely getting this through my thick skull.


2005-08-28, 05:06
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: NY just south of heaven
Posts: 809
look your right , But to tell you I dont mind someone disagreeing or even showing me Im wrong , But I cant tolerate disrespectfull chicken shit , and especially idiots who do it sneakey . some people are up front with their flame tossing , but certain ones stay on the sidelines then from behind toss stones just to rile up the pot and act indignant when I give it back. It really dont matter , cause I m a happy guy , Im just a stubborn ole bastard who wont let some pimple puss throw barbs and not respond. Alot of folks here been kind and Ive had no problems with most , I could talk to the vast majority and its cool , but certain few are instigating little shits , who hide behind their Puter to throw stones .
But screw em

2005-08-28, 05:16
Pirate Lawd
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
You are very observant, Bia.
My question is why isn't this thread not called "I'm to cool to STFU"? That is what this has become. Give it up Guitarfox. This really isn't worth the time I'm taking to type this, but I could write a National Geographic special on the behaviors of E-trolls feeding E-trolls.
Best said by FBS, "Stop fag dancing on this thread".

2005-08-28, 05:34
Drugged Unholy
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Philadelphia Area
Posts: 2,458
The kid is a douchebag, simple as that.
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't know about you, but I deadlift because I strive to be the first human tree stump pulling machine 
Originally Posted by viewer_from_nihil
the song serial cocksucker changed my life
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Are you going to snort cheap pharmaceutical drugs with your lizard as well?

2005-08-28, 08:32
Master Killer
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Posts: 11,372
since this thread has gone waaaay off track, it's going on lockdown.
way to go kids! I can't believe people can be so uptight.
Last edited by Def : 2005-08-28 at 08:35.
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