2005-08-24, 00:58
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Marshall JCM 2000 TSL (602,600?) or Peavey JSX head
I'm looking for a new amp, preferrably a stack, for under 2000$. I tried out a bunch of different amps today and these two are by far the best. They are similarly priced, same overall ratings on Harmoney Central, both have nice cleans, nice distortions, good crunch. I found the marshall to be a little sharper than the peavey, but the peavey was a little more crushing. Right now i'm leaning a little bit towards the JSX just because I like Peavey distortion. My dad on the other hand, who also has a say in the decision, is leaning toward the marshall. If anybody here owns either of these amps i'd like to hear your opinion.

2005-08-24, 01:17
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I have a marshall DSL and a Triple XXX
Ive demoed both the TSL and the JSX
In my humble opinion The DSL is better tone wise than the TSl ,I think the gain and overall tone is better on the DSl , I think the JSX is better than a XXX , more versatile better cleans,
If I had the choice Id pick the Marshall , because despite what alot of peeps in this forum say Marshall is still the standard , I found with alot of these hi- gain amps you can be lousy and the hi gain amps will hide your lousiness with a Marshall its unforgiving , you better be a good player , if you are it will sound like heaven , all your efx will sound like mint. Now mind you Im a bit older while I play heavy rock heavy blues ,michael schenker UFO , SAxon , Priest ETC , Im not a death metal dude , The JSX is a great amp in its own right , but IMHO The marshall is the way to go , but not the TSL , I dont like the second channel and I think it takes away from the tone whereas the DSL is 2 channel and sounds better. Try em both see what you think
good luck  I should say I have the DSL 100 .

2005-08-24, 02:37
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The JSX is a little more versatile, id go for that.
dont limit yourself to guitar store amps. Check out ENGL, Framus, and the like.
with my own time role your own innocence by
grab on to my sleeve the one that grabs at your ankle
debate to understand that we all have a flaw
then fail to represent your life as you know it
god grant you one wish to turn back the time... correct and create
me and my star
matthew good night
you know by law when you'll be forgiven
maria my star
matthew goodnight
you know my lord when you'll be forgiven

2005-08-24, 10:10
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Originally Posted by HalfmastTrousers
The JSX is a little more versatile, id go for that.
dont limit yourself to guitar store amps. Check out ENGL, Framus, and the like.
+1,Alot more versatile than the marshall.

2005-08-24, 11:10
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Originally Posted by *insert name here*
+1,Alot more versatile than the marshall.
The Framus and Engl are kick ass but very expensive.
If you can try out each amp that will be the only way you can tell and Id suggest bring your guitar or try it with a similiar guitar.

2005-08-24, 11:22
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
The Framus and Engl are kick ass but very expensive.
If you can try out each amp that will be the only way you can tell and Id suggest bring your guitar or try it with a similiar guitar.
Always try an amp with your guitar. Just makes fucking sense, don't it?
And yes, I agree. The ENGL would probably be on top of my list too, but its over expensive. I'd personally look at a Crate BLue Voodoo 120/150 before I'd consider another Marshall. Although, I can say that my AVT has about the cleanest clean I've ever heard. Sad thing is, its still an AVT and requires to be EQed. Ok, ok, the point of that is the fact that I don't have a great track record with Marshall at the moment. I keep meaning to check out the JSX, even though its about $800 past my limit.
If your dad has a say in it (i.e. money) it might be good to say you are gonna go with the marshall, and then cop out with some well thought out excuse. Such as the tone. I don't know. I'm on 5 hours of sleep. Damn not being able to sleep sucks.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-24, 11:35
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Always try an amp with your guitar. Just makes fucking sense, don't it?
And yes, I agree. The ENGL would probably be on top of my list too, but its over expensive. I'd personally look at a Crate BLue Voodoo 120/150 before I'd consider another Marshall. Although, I can say that my AVT has about the cleanest clean I've ever heard. Sad thing is, its still an AVT and requires to be EQed. Ok, ok, the point of that is the fact that I don't have a great track record with Marshall at the moment. I keep meaning to check out the JSX, even though its about $800 past my limit.
If your dad has a say in it (i.e. money) it might be good to say you are gonna go with the marshall, and then cop out with some well thought out excuse. Such as the tone. I don't know. I'm on 5 hours of sleep. Damn not being able to sleep sucks.
Man you are one angry Dude , How many cats dont check out amps with their guitars it would amaze ya,
And a AVT compared to a DSL , uh well there is no comparison, the AVT sucks.
the JSX goes about $1200 , if thats past your budget ,you better work overtime at your janitors job at the local choke and puke. 

2005-08-24, 11:46
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
Man you are one angry Dude , How many cats dont check out amps with their guitars it would amaze ya,
And a AVT compared to a DSL , uh well there is no comparison, the AVT sucks.
the JSX goes about $1200 , if thats past your budget ,you better work overtime at your janitors job at the local choke and puke. 
I wasn't being an asshole, retard. And I'm working nearly full time and its not doing much, considering some of us have BILLS to pay. Car insurance and the rising cost of gas don't pay for themselves.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-24, 11:58
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Nile can get a pretty kick ass tone out of those jcm 2000. It's boosted guess. I never played that marshall but I really liked too. For what i've heard the marshall jcm 2000 is awesome when boosted.
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-08-24, 12:10
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Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
Nile can get a pretty kick ass tone out of those jcm 2000. It's boosted guess. I never played that marshall but I really liked too. For what i've heard the marshall jcm 2000 is awesome when boosted.
I have a triple XXX a Koch Powertone II and the DSL 100 , the DSL blows away the TSL and gets very heavy ,its a simple amp to dial in , The Koch is a better amp its Dutch made it kicks ass , but its expensive it has great gain great clean , the XXX is a great metal amp shitty cleans .
My main amp is the DSl its easy to dial in as brewtal as you want and great clean , How it is compared to a Framus or a engl I never demoed either ones, the JSX is a very good amp but again I think IMHO the DSL is one Id use.I play all sorts of guitars with it , mostly gibson pauls , but ESPs and a few Deans , they all sound great ,
Its each to their own

2005-08-24, 16:45
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The Framus and Engl are kick ass but very expensive.
pretty reasonable these days actually. what with marshall's overnight price jump and all. you can now buy a new engl richie blackmore head for cheaper than a new tsl 100.
framus is in the 2k mark right now. provided you buy from rock solid amps. music123 or whatever is trying to get them for like $2,300-2,400 but last i new derek was pimping them out at $1950 for a cobra and 1850 for a dragon.
i just don't get marshall's thinking. you can now buy the mode four for like $1,500 instead of the $1,200 they used to go for... same amp, no updates, revisions or any of that. just new price tag.
mesa has always been pretty expensive... at least peavey is keeping it real with the 6505's at about a grand.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-08-24, 16:52
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X dude Which one better for metal
Framus Cobra or Dragon , Im thinking of copping a framus , 

2005-08-24, 17:02
bugfucker strikes back.
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Don't you "have" enough gear already?
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-24, 17:09
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Don't you "have" enough gear already?
you never have enuff man , he who dies with the most toyz still dies but dies happier.  , Id sell one of my other rigs , The Koch stays home , The XXX I could sell and same as the marshall .

2005-08-24, 17:20
bugfucker strikes back.
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I was being a smartass, keying in on the fact that I doubt you actually have some of what you say you do, but eh.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-24, 17:28
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I dont see why I let it get to me, but since this guy can drink hes already older than me, so he should atleast be able to spell the same or better than me.
and numerous others in other threads.
To be thread related, I would go with the jsx. I havnt tried to many high end marshalls, but the JCM 900 I tried wasn't that ballsy.

2005-08-24, 17:40
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Actually I got none of it , I just made it up , And shit for brains I have a college degree ,
So what are you two , the new dynamic duo , to gang up on me, huh ,
Fucking Schmucks

2005-08-24, 17:41
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and Hx arent you the asswipe that got a speeding ticket , you stupid fuck

2005-08-24, 19:55
New Blood
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
And shit for brains I have a college degree
oh shit, don't mess with him. you know how hard those are to get...

2005-08-24, 20:03
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hey u doing ectasy
hey newbie what are you the new kid on the cock , I dont think they need your stupid ass to assist em , we go at pretty good without your smart mouth , be at least at metalhead level before you begin the joust , ok fuckface

2005-08-24, 20:05
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Foxguitar has probably given me the best reply so far, so lay off him. How dare you shitstains fuck up my thread! All I wanted is some advice on which amp to get and somehow you managed to make a fight out of it.
Hx, Ecstacy, go back to the fucking RTT where you can spew out your worthless shit.
I tried out both amps with my own guitar already. About the engl, my dad keeps shutting me down when I try to bring it up. I think it's because he thinks they are too expensive (which they are not), and the city I live in doesn't carry them. He probably doesn't want to order anything. Are Engl's very versatile?
Last edited by ShredIsNotDead : 2005-08-24 at 20:31.

2005-08-24, 20:07
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
Originally Posted by foxguitar
hey newbie what are you the new kid on the cock , I dont think they need your stupid ass to assist em , we go at pretty good without your smart mouth , be at least at metalhead level before you begin the joust , ok fuckface
You kick ass kid....
EDIT: For ShredisnotDead: What kinda tone you lookin for man? Cuz it seems like you like a variety of shit.

2005-08-24, 20:08
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
and Hx arent you the asswipe that got a speeding ticket , you stupid fuck
Yes, because we all know how hard it is to miss a car sitting behind shrubbery in the middle of nowhere.
And go to hell, this guy has fucked every thread he's started. So yeah, so much for trying to be helpful. You can go fuck yourself as well.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-24, 20:08
Supreme Metalhead
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To be thread related, I would go with the jsx. I havnt tried to many high end marshalls, but the JCM 900 I tried wasn't that ballsy.[/QUOTE]
You see junior thats your problem You havent tried to many high end marshalls, so how could you say get the JSX , the JSX is a decent amp no doubt , but take a great guitar player not some douche , He will play a Marshall , 90 percent of really good players use marshall , im not talking about the tune to to triple zzz and chug with one finger chords , I m talking serious players . Im not knocking the JSX or any other amp but a real good player is going marshall

2005-08-24, 20:12
bugfucker strikes back.
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Marshall has a the sort of tone that is... i dunno... Expected? Its the standard because its good. Its just become generic.
JSX, like I said last page.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-24, 20:40
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
You kick ass kid....
EDIT: For ShredisnotDead: What kinda tone you lookin for man? Cuz it seems like you like a variety of shit.
I'm not that great at describing a tone but i'll give it my best shot. I've been getting in to classical lately so I just want a nice clean that will get the job done. As for crunch, I could care less, as long as it isn't hideous. Distortion is where I get picky. I want a distortion that is very sharp, so that every note is distinguished. I also want to get a variety of different distortions (death metal, thrash etc). I want it to have that crushing feeling, very heavy. It MUST have a good lead sound. Every note must be clear.
I listened to some engl sound clips on that site, and the distortion on the fireball sounds similar to what i'm looking for, though that's probably not exactly what it sounds like.
The hard part is getting an amp that my dad will like too. He is paying most of the money and is very picky about his cleans and crunch (he plays some blues, ac/dc, mostly rhythm stuff).

2005-08-24, 20:41
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Thank You Dude
Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
Foxguitar has probably given me the best reply so far, so lay off him. How dare you shitstains fuck up my thread! All I wanted is some advice on which amp to get and somehow you managed to make a fight out of it.
Hx, Ecstacy, go back to the fucking RTT where you can spew out your worthless shit.
I tried out both amps with my own guitar already. About the engl, my dad keeps shutting me down when I try to bring it up. I think it's because he thinks they are too expensive (which they are not), and the city I live in doesn't carry them. He probably doesn't want to order anything. Are Engl's very versatile?
Look all I did was express opinions but some peeps get their panties twisted , most of you dont know shit , look the X dude not to blow smoke is a gear god , So Im confident he has at least tried the shit before commenting , most of you little teeny boppers havent tried anything other than your k mart special and your playing skills are next to none , All you think you are experts and you know not.When I comment at least Ive tried the shit and if I havent , Ill ask about or inquire about it , not claim to be a gear god. So shut the fuck up you may learn something ,
Its ok not to know everything

2005-08-24, 20:50
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
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When did we claim to be gear gods. Especially me; i'm about the most modest guitar player on this board. I don't talk about my "skills" and whatnot.
As for cleans, get the Marshall then. If the distortion is not up to your standards, you can always grab a Rocktron Silver Dragon. I keep praising these things for a reason. Not to just go get myself one...
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-24, 20:57
Supreme Metalhead
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The marshall DSL distortion should be fine but if you need a booast put a Zakk overdrive pedal in front it will scream , just rememember to click it off when you stop , other wise it will howl like a bitch ,
The Zakk overdrive is a nice little pedal IMHO

2005-08-24, 21:08
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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This fuck ass is really pissing me off, im sorry Shred for bein one of the guys to kinda fuck the thread up, but this faggot ruins almost every thread he posts in. If your so high and mighty with your college degree learn how to fucking spell, and also not you never capitalize a conjunction after a comma retard. They should have tought you how to not type run on sentences in college also (im not one to talk, as i do it all the time but i havn't gone to college). Are you calling me and the every other person who gets a ticket an asswipe for speeding you goodie tooshoo mama's boy prick. Just cause I go fast on a straight highway cause I wanna get to my destination faster somehow makes me a piece of toilet paper? Your obsession with jousting makes me think you wanna joust every mans ass on this forum with your ameba of a cock. Sorry i havnt tried as many amps as your lying ass has, probably cause I listen to too much no talent death metal to even consider owning and/or operating a good amp.

2005-08-24, 22:12
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
, the XXX is a great metal amp shitty cleans .
The cleans aren't that bad...I've heard shittier.

2005-08-24, 22:31
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
This fuck ass is really pissing me off, im sorry Shred for bein one of the guys to kinda fuck the thread up, but this faggot ruins almost every thread he posts in. If your so high and mighty with your college degree learn how to fucking spell, and also not you never capitalize a conjunction after a comma retard. They should have tought you how to not type run on sentences in college also (im not one to talk, as i do it all the time but i havn't gone to college). Are you calling me and the every other person who gets a ticket an asswipe for speeding you goodie tooshoo mama's boy prick. Just cause I go fast on a straight highway cause I wanna get to my destination faster somehow makes me a piece of toilet paper? Your obsession with jousting makes me think you wanna joust every mans ass on this forum with your ameba of a cock. Sorry i havnt tried as many amps as your lying ass has, probably cause I listen to too much no talent death metal to even consider owning and/or operating a good amp.
your such a little angry prick . boy take some anti depressants you pipsqueak
man you are one fucked up dude ,
and I do have all the shit I said I did , why because I can fuck face. Im glad you got a ticket , slow down jism puss, you may hurt yourself ,
you must be a homo phobe , your constantly talking about another dudes ass, its ok if your gay , come out of the closet suicide boy , you hurled the first shot , im game , ill fuck you up each and everytime little boy , you aint seen nothing yet ,
the sad thing is you dont even know what the fuck you are talking about , at least if I dont know I have no problem asking , but you strap on boy act like you are the GEAR MASTER , sorry owning a 200 guitar and a shitty combo ,while theres nothing wrong with it dont make u expert. Oh and by the way I never claimed to be one either I only talk what I have owned or at least demoed .
so in conclusion tinker bell go practice your anal cunt riff ,

2005-08-24, 22:34
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I think the fireball is probably the best option, its about the same price as the jcm 2000 right?
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-08-24, 22:41
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I give up, im gonna try and let the mods deal with this retard, ill just sit back and watch.

2005-08-24, 22:47
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
I think the fireball is probably the best option, its about the same price as the jcm 2000 right?
I think the DSL goes for $1500 , the Engle I believe is about 18 0r 19 I believe the X man would know better. But an Engle or a framus is harder to find to demo , i believe not to many places have em , whereas even Sam ash or Gc have the marshall , I honestly would love to hear a engle , a framus , a Krank and A/B them against the marshall , Those boutique amps would probably be better than the marshall but they are harder to find , probably more expensive as well .
Then if you decide on a boutique do you go for a engl powerball , a framus cobra or the krankenstein which goes for 1699 ,That one you can get at music123 or musiciansfiend

2005-08-24, 23:53
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Unfortunately, boutique amps are pretty much out of the question.
We just found a 5150 head in the bargain finder for about 450$ Canadian, so we are going to go try it out soon. If it sounds good, we'll definetely get it. My dad found a good cabinet in the bargain finder and bought it today, it sounds great. If we get the 5150 the whole thing would only cost about 900$ and if we don't like it in a couple months, we can sell it for just as much as we bought it for.

2005-08-25, 00:55
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I think if you are going peavey the JSX is much better than the 5150 ,for that matter the XXX is way better too ,
Some swear by the 5150 , I think the 5150 II and 6550 are probably a bit better, To me IMHO the 5150 is too bottom heavy , the JSX is to me way way better.
But either way good luck and have fun with it , let us know you make it man

2005-08-25, 02:47
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
I think the DSL goes for $1500 , the Engle I believe is about 18 0r 19 I believe the X man would know better. But an Engle or a framus is harder to find to demo , i believe not to many places have em , whereas even Sam ash or Gc have the marshall , I honestly would love to hear a engle , a framus , a Krank and A/B them against the marshall , Those boutique amps would probably be better than the marshall but they are harder to find , probably more expensive as well .
Then if you decide on a boutique do you go for a engl powerball , a framus cobra or the krankenstein which goes for 1699 ,That one you can get at music123 or musiciansfiend
fireball's 1200
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-08-25, 03:13
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 138
i hardly see Marshall as the standard of anything. It has been widely used throughout the years because it has the perfect british heavy metal tone... but thats not what hes asking for. Sure, the 2000 series can do metal, but not nearly as well as the JSX. Both have good cleans, neither are great though.
verdict = JSX

2005-08-25, 03:15
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Posts: 138
Originally Posted by foxguitar
engle , a framus , a Krank
Krank is hardly in any sort of league with the other two... i don't understand the hype and endorsement they are getting. I've played all of their models, and found nothing good about any of them. There was one that was better than the rest, but it wasnt even worth remembering the name.

2005-08-25, 03:45
Join Date: Jan 2002
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5150 will not be your amp if you want cleans. I own the combo version (converted into a head) and the clean channel is fine if you are only a moderate user of it and use it on low volumes.
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2005-08-25, 04:54
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Originally Posted by DEAD
5150 will not be your amp if you want cleans. I own the combo version (converted into a head) and the clean channel is fine if you are only a moderate user of it and use it on low volumes.
The cleans don't have to be that great any more. My dad said he'd rather get an amp that is great at one thing (distortion), than an amp that only gives 85% for each.
How is the distortion in your opinion?

2005-08-25, 09:18
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Originally Posted by Insomnium
Krank is hardly in any sort of league with the other two... i don't understand the hype and endorsement they are getting. I've played all of their models, and found nothing good about any of them. There was one that was better than the rest, but it wasnt even worth remembering the name.
Thats the problem , most people here havent demoed em , but all the ozz fest bands are using em , I would love to check out the krankenstein ,Ive heard it sucks Ive heard its great ,
its all subjective , To me my DSL sound awsum , but im not a deth metal dude, Think old MSG , Grave Digger , running wild , UFO , so the marshall for me is cool.
Its all good , if you got chops you will sound great on any decent amp

2005-08-25, 16:36
Senior Metalhead
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yea, the krankenstein was the one that sounded better than the rest, but it still wasnt my cup of tea

2005-08-25, 17:50
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What is the retail price for a Marshall JCM 2000 head?
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2005-08-25, 18:12
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Dorchester, MA
Posts: 596
Oops, I double posted. SOrry guys.
with my own time role your own innocence by
grab on to my sleeve the one that grabs at your ankle
debate to understand that we all have a flaw
then fail to represent your life as you know it
god grant you one wish to turn back the time... correct and create
me and my star
matthew good night
you know by law when you'll be forgiven
maria my star
matthew goodnight
you know my lord when you'll be forgiven

2005-08-25, 18:13
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Foxguitar, I'll only call you out on this: why should someone buy an amp because everyone else is using it? That's no way to purchase amps IMO, and it's no way to choose which one is best. He shoulld use his ears, by listening to clips
That 5150 buy is a GREAT deal. It's a killer metal amp, and the crunch is good too. The cleans are always called out on it but they're usable.
ALso, I've heard a few Krank clips that I've liked. I've found that you should use them without their respective cabs though. Krank cabs tend to sound very trebley and boxey.
For some reason, I think they'd mix well with ENGLs in a mix.
with my own time role your own innocence by
grab on to my sleeve the one that grabs at your ankle
debate to understand that we all have a flaw
then fail to represent your life as you know it
god grant you one wish to turn back the time... correct and create
me and my star
matthew good night
you know by law when you'll be forgiven
maria my star
matthew goodnight
you know my lord when you'll be forgiven

2005-08-25, 18:23
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Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
The cleans don't have to be that great any more. My dad said he'd rather get an amp that is great at one thing (distortion), than an amp that only gives 85% for each.
How is the distortion in your opinion?
I love the distortion. I was in your same position choosing between a DSL and a 5150. I choose the 5150 because I could get a great thrash sound and a great detah metak sound, aswell and clean lead sound. The only thing I have to complain about is that it didnt reach its full greatness untill I bought a new cab. As long as you are running it through a good cab you will be fine, but no shit Shefield speakers.
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2005-08-25, 19:32
Supreme Metalhead
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[QUOTE=HalfmastTrousers]Foxguitar, I'll only call you out on this: why should someone buy an amp because everyone else is using it? That's no way to purchase amps IMO, and it's no way to choose which one is best. He shoulld use his ears, by listening to clips
well first Ill agree you shouldnt just buy an amp because that every one else is using but ,but then again you shouldnt buy a mesa because metallica uses it or a XXX because that band uses it so on ,the reason I made that reference never have heard the Krank myself but the feedback on the board seems to say that the ozzfest line up sounded good.\ And as far as clips , fuck clips < You need to demo the fucker personally , how many clips of effects pedals sound bitchin you get the pedal home and its a dawg and you no way can you dupe the clip.
So Half , Ill call you back out . And dont use the 5150 because Van Halen used it.And lastly the clips on the krank website suck.

2005-08-25, 19:42
Senior Metalhead
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i guarantee that most of the Krank amps used by bands on ozzfest are dummy amps. Krank is on an endorsement streak, they're paying every trendy band in the universe to endorse their shit.

2005-08-25, 21:53
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maybe so
Originally Posted by Insomnium
i guarantee that most of the Krank amps used by bands on ozzfest are dummy amps. Krank is on an endorsement streak, they're paying every trendy band in the universe to endorse their shit.
Im not saying that aint a possibility , Ive heard they are great , Ive heard they suck , Ive never tried one , Id like too , all I meant the folks who saw the bands at Ozzfest came back saying the bands sounded great and they were using Kranks, Then again Most bands have their shit modded to their specs anyway , Its like buying a signature guitar or amp , its never exact , Most pros have their techs mod the shit out of thier rigs

2005-08-26, 01:51
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The clips i heard that i liked weren't from the Krank site. They were on some other forum i stumbled on...they sounded good through mesa cabs, but the Krank cabs sucked the life out of them.
with my own time role your own innocence by
grab on to my sleeve the one that grabs at your ankle
debate to understand that we all have a flaw
then fail to represent your life as you know it
god grant you one wish to turn back the time... correct and create
me and my star
matthew good night
you know by law when you'll be forgiven
maria my star
matthew goodnight
you know my lord when you'll be forgiven

2005-08-26, 02:49
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some cat I stumbled across who claims to do Sessions in LA swears by the Krank , he said the same thing you said about the Krank Cab sucking , he used a Marshall 1960 , I guess the only way will be to demo this frickin thing ourselves. I went out to West LA music a few weeks ago they had a Krankenstein they just sold it a day before I was there , they all liked it but then again they wanted me to order one from em

2005-08-26, 03:36
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krank blows. hands down. i've never met one creditable person without an endorsement that actually likes them or uses them. i've played all three heads myself, and a couple cabs.... well, they're about the same sound level as a rogue tuberider.
weak brittle gain, wack eq, and an upper mid shrillness that doesnt go away.
Originally Posted by foxguitar
Some swear by the 5150 , I think the 5150 II and 6550 are probably a bit better, To me IMHO the 5150 is too bottom heavy , the JSX is to me way way better.
i assume you mean 6505...
different is different and opinions are cool and whatnot. but when you say you think a 6505 is better than a 5150 you look like an asshat.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-08-26, 03:51
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you see what I mean about being a dick , it was a typo , See you have to be a cock U knew what i meant , again was it necessary to attack ,nope other than the typo ,what in the post did you take umbrage with professor,
You are a pompous ass
Now correct me if im wrong first came the 5150 then came the 5150 II now its called the 6505 because EVH no longer is affliated with peavey , so Doctor X, what besides my typo was wrong , Cmon school me ,
Last edited by foxguitar : 2005-08-26 at 03:56.

2005-08-26, 04:13
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Originally Posted by foxguitar
you see what I mean about being a dick , it was a typo , See you have to be a cock U knew what i meant , again was it necessary to attack ,nope other than the typo ,what in the post did you take umbrage with professor,
You are a pompous ass
Now correct me if im wrong first came the 5150 then came the 5150 II now its called the 6505 because EVH no longer is affliated with peavey , so Doctor X, what besides my typo was wrong , Cmon school me ,
I believe the 6505 and the 5150 are the exact same amps. When you said you liked the 6505 better than the 5150 it seemed a little odd.
Man i'm bummed out tonight. We went to try out that 5150 the guy is selling for 400$ and when we got there the guy was at the hospital because his daughter had an allergic reaction. I don't want to sound insensitive, but it was just unfortunate that we drove all the way across town.
Instead of just going back home we hit a couple guitar stores and tried out a 6505, mesa rectoverb, marshall jcm 2000 dsl100. The first one I tried was the mesa, which once again, had gain that was a tad sloppy. I didn't get a great lead sound out of it either. Second, I tried the 6505. I'm kind of self concious about playing in guitar stores, so i didn't get to crank any of these amps up, but the 6505 sounded the best of the three amps. Cleans were a tad dissapointing but it had great distortion (I got an exact megadeth sound), and very heavy. Last amp we tried was the dsl 100. We started off with the cleans and I was like "holy shit, this amp is going to blow the others away." Unfortunately, that only applied to the cleans and crunch. The gain was no better than the 5150, and the lead was horrendous. Scratchy, not smooth enough for me.
So now I'm sitting at home wishing I had a new stack to fool around with. If that guy had been home we would have most definetely picked up that 5150 head. He just got new tubes in, and the price is incredible. We are going to get it tomorrow night.

2005-08-26, 04:37
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The problem you experienced is because Marshall sounds like shit at lower volumes, you have to open it up , the first time I played it it sounded like shit ,I played it low its not a bedroom amp its a gigging amp Do your self a favor , Try the DSL crank it and then tell me
if you dont like it after that then you dont like it, try these settings
Deep in
presence 9 treb 6 mid 5 bass 7 lead 2 gain 8 tone shift out .
You may like the 6505 better and thats cool. good luck
the 5150 is the older version then they went to the 5150 II , maybe , im not sure the 6505 and 5105 II are the same Im pretty sure the 5150 and the II are bit different
Last edited by foxguitar : 2005-08-26 at 04:42.

2005-08-26, 19:03
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That DSL won't work for us if it needs to be cranked, we need an amp that sounds good at a volume playable in a house.
Man, this peavey guy is really hard to get a hold of. We are going out today to pick up a used mesa rectoverb for 900$. I kind of had my heart set on the peavey so when my dad told me that I was pretty dissapointed. Now my dad said that if the peavey guy phones back we can go get that too! Ha, i'm feeling pretty awesome right now.

2005-08-26, 19:45
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kid your dad is way cool
Man you got a great Dad , props to ya Mr. Shred.
But getting back on topic, yeah the marshall at lower volumes is a dawg , thats no lie , it has to be cranked up to work its magic , but check out my new thread.
Good Luck with your new amp(s)

2005-08-26, 19:54
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
The problem you experienced is because Marshall sounds like shit at lower volumes, you have to open it up , the first time I played it it sounded like shit ,I played it low its not a bedroom amp its a gigging amp Do your self a favor , Try the DSL crank it and then tell me
if you dont like it after that then you dont like it, try these settings
Deep in
presence 9 treb 6 mid 5 bass 7 lead 2 gain 8 tone shift out .
You may like the 6505 better and thats cool. good luck
the 5150 is the older version then they went to the 5150 II , maybe , im not sure the 6505 and 5105 II are the same Im pretty sure the 5150 and the II are bit different
The 5150 is the original EVH sig amp. Then came the 5150 II, which has an extra tube in the preamp stage, but this extra tube is only used on the rhythm channel. It also has seperate EQs for the 2 channels.
Later on down the line, Peavey lost their endorsement with EVH. In order to keep their vastly popular line of EVH signature amps rolling, they simply changed the name and the faceplate. The 6505 and 6505 + were born.
Let me reiterate. The 5150 is EXACTLY the same as a 6505, and the 5150 II is EXACTLY the same as a 6505 +.
Pfft. And you claim to know gear...

2005-08-26, 20:33
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well doc , thanks for the gear lesson , I said I think and I wasnt too far off was I ,if they modded the 5150 and made it a 5150 II ,even though the change may be slight its still modded right ok the 6505 is the same as the 5150 , again I said I thought , So Einstein , did I claim to be an expert no , I didnt, I qualified my comments with I think .
but you didnt have to be a pompous fuck , stating the facts alone would have been cool , I would have acknowledged it as being correct and I was wrong , its not hard to admit Im wrong , but you have to be superior , well I guess you showed me. NOT
and to tell you the truth I never liked the 5150 I thought it was too bottom heavy and never got in to it , I A/B ed when I was trying out the XXX , I thought the tone on the XXX blew the 5150 away. I recently A/Bed against the JSX again no contest the JSX won hands down , so as far as im concerned fuck the 5150 I think it sucks .Just my opinion all you snipers out there , so load up your ammo.
Last edited by foxguitar : 2005-08-26 at 20:36.

2005-08-26, 20:37
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
well doc , thanks for the gear lesson , I said I think and I wasnt too far off was I ,if they modded the 5150 and made it a 5150 II ,even though the change may be slight its still modded right ok the 6505 is the same as the 5150 , again I said I thought , So Einstein , did I claim to be an expert no , I didnt, I qualified my comments with I think .
but you didnt have to be a pompous fuck , stating the facts alone would have been cool , I would have acknowledged it as being correct and I was wrong , its not hard to admit Im wrong , but you have to be superior , well I guess you showed me. NOT
and to tell you the truth I never liked the 5150 I thought it was too bottom heavy and never got in to it , I A/B ed when I was trying out the XXX , I thought the tone on the XXX blew the 5150 away. I recently A/Bed against the JSX again no contest the JSX won hands down , so as far as im concerned fuck the 5150 I think it sucks .Just my opinion all you snipers out there , so load up your ammo.
You have BY FAR the worst e-grammar i've ever seen.

2005-08-26, 21:29
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Mr . Cool
Is that it , is that all you got , well Einstein , What to do for a living do you still live home with mommy and daddy , couldnt just respond intelligently without the barb , you know what , again you illustrate my point , maybe im some big illiterate fuck so what if i am , which BTW im not , Dillweed, but you couldnt just stick to the topic , not you , had to be Mr. Cool , So to you Mr. Rapeture , GFY , and I hope the hurricane dont blow your shanty down , ooops Me bad 

2005-08-27, 18:46
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
you see what I mean about being a dick , it was a typo , See you have to be a cock U knew what i meant , again was it necessary to attack ,nope other than the typo ,what in the post did you take umbrage with professor,
You are a pompous ass
Now correct me if im wrong first came the 5150 then came the 5150 II now its called the 6505 because EVH no longer is affliated with peavey , so Doctor X, what besides my typo was wrong , Cmon school me ,
i never attacked you, i said " i assume you mean 6505" but you said 6550.
the 6505 is the exact same amp as the 5150. besides cosmetics
the 5150 II is the same thing as the 6505+. besides cosmetics
and therefore you're basically saying you like the 5150 better than a 5150. and as a result, you look like an asshat.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-08-27, 20:02
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who cares

2005-08-28, 17:49
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someone looking for gear advice would probably care.
you're giving your opinion on something you're not familiar with, yet playing it off like you're knowledgable.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-08-28, 17:52
Crusher of Skulls
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
who cares
This guy sure does have a lot to cry about
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-08-28, 19:33
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I have quite a different experience with the 5150. I've found the head version is very middy, and the combo version just a tad warmer. I personally have to dial in some heavey bass for a well rounded tone. Which is odd for me since i hate that chuggy Suffocation bass heavy sound.
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2005-08-28, 19:58
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
someone looking for gear advice would probably care.
you're giving your opinion on something you're not familiar with, yet playing it off like you're knowledgable.
Well X man , I have played the 5150 5150 II 6505 , I personally dont like them , NOTICE I SAID I PERSONALLY ,
I do however like the XXX which I have one and the JSX which IMHO is the best of the lot , When I said Who cares , It was directed to you . WHO CARES WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY TO ME , I DONT.

2005-08-28, 20:00
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
This guy sure does have a lot to cry about
Yeah I laff so hard at the insanity in here that  I cry

2005-08-29, 01:18
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
Well X man , I have played the 5150 5150 II 6505 , I personally dont like them , NOTICE I SAID I PERSONALLY ,
I do however like the XXX which I have one and the JSX which IMHO is the best of the lot.
as i said opinions are cool and all. and nobody is giving you shit for not liking the 5150 series.
i'm "giving you shit" because you made a comment that made you look pretty ignorant. you said you like the 6505 more than the 5150.
it's one thing to like X amp more than Y amp. but not when X amp = Y amp.
Originally Posted by foxguitar
umm... ok?
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-08-29, 01:24
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Originally Posted by DEAD
I have quite a different experience with the 5150. I've found the head version is very middy, and the combo version just a tad warmer. I personally have to dial in some heavey bass for a well rounded tone. Which is odd for me since i hate that chuggy Suffocation bass heavy sound.
as you probably know. but if not(or for those who don't know).
the Bias on the combo is very different from that of the head. the head is bias'd in the north pole. and the combo is ran alot hotter.
not to mention less wattage means less headroom, and less headroom can often result in less low end and of course the earlier breakup point that is often considered "warm".
plus two speakers in an open back cab design is going to sound very different from 4 speakers in a closed back 4x12..
basically your experience with the combo v.s. the head is totally normal. because there are so many variables making them sound so different.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-08-29, 03:05
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
as you probably know. but if not(or for those who don't know).
the Bias on the combo is very different from that of the head. the head is bias'd in the north pole. and the combo is ran alot hotter.
not to mention less wattage means less headroom, and less headroom can often result in less low end and of course the earlier breakup point that is often considered "warm".
plus two speakers in an open back cab design is going to sound very different from 4 speakers in a closed back 4x12..
basically your experience with the combo v.s. the head is totally normal. because there are so many variables making them sound so different.
Combo has closed back.
No, i was just replying to fox, he said its bass heavey but i found teh total opposite espcially in the head version.
EDIT: yes and I know all about the bias and whatnot.
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So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2005-08-29, 04:29
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
as i said opinions are cool and all. and nobody is giving you shit for not liking the 5150 series.
i'm "giving you shit" because you made a comment that made you look pretty ignorant. you said you like the 6505 more than the 5150.
it's one thing to like X amp more than Y amp. but not when X amp = Y amp.
umm... ok?
Ok truce, To be honest I dont think I said that , what I said was first was the 5150 then they added some shit , thus 5150 II then Ediie took his name off thus 6505, I dont believe I said I like the 6505 over the 5150 because Im not a fan of either , In my experience when I demoed it against the XXX , the XXX far and away better , IMHO , I like the JSX even better.
So if I misrepresented myself ,I didnt mind your corrections ,I do think you know your shit And I have in the past given you props, but where you got on my nerves is the asshat comment ,
But look enough is enough , Im tired of fighting , Look Ill always state what I think , and I love hearing what others think , But man can we just be respectful and leave out the name calling.
And in my experience with the amp I demo ed I didnt like it it was too bottom heavy for me , maybe i had a dawg but like I said it was my opinion, I know alot of bands love em, and its cool.
So to quote Soulinsane can we bury the hatchet.

2005-08-29, 04:35
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
Some swear by the 5150 , I think the 5150 II and 6505 are probably a bit better
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i'm "giving you shit" because you made a comment that made you look pretty ignorant. you said you like the 6505 more than the 5150.
Originally Posted by foxguitar
To be honest I dont think I said that
Get owned much?

2005-08-29, 04:51
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Originally Posted by Rapture
Get owned much?
First Off Nobody owns me specially not you
Ok I see , it was a typo meaning the 5150 II and the 6505 II , I left out the II because I type fast were a bit better than the original 5150 ,
The 5150 and 6505 are the same I know that. All it meant was EVH was no longer endorsing Peavey or vice versa
Ok still even if I was a hundred percent wrong in my comment , why was necessary to call the name ,
And Rape boy what are you a little lemming , Should I go back and quote your rocket scientist comments, What are you his protector.
But again for the un initiated , I never mind some one pointing out something , I have given Props when due, But dont be disrespectful , We can talk , we can debate, we can debate spiritedly but leave the name calling home. Thats all I say.
Have a great nite
Last edited by foxguitar : 2005-08-29 at 04:53.

2005-08-29, 05:01
The Stings of Conscience
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Location: Lutz, FL
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Oh, i finally get it! Rapeture! It's funny, and original too! Noone has ever misspelled a name to give it an insulting meaning! It has simply NEVER been done! You, sir, are a genius! Quick, would you like to tell me to get laid? Noone ever says that either! Oh, PLEASE call me a rocket scientist again, that one was GENIUS! People will be using it for eons!

2005-08-29, 05:05
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Were you born a dick or you just like being one , your the type that gets his lunch money stolen in the school lunchroom , can you ever say anything without being a total juvenile ass.
Look It was explained ok nature boy , Let it rest .

2005-08-29, 05:11
The Stings of Conscience
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No, i just love being an asshole. And trust me, i've never had money stolen from me. I'm about 6'1, 220 pounds... people dont fuck with me.
Now i sound like im trying to be an internet bad ass. Thanks.

2005-08-29, 05:13
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im 5 11 250
So if we were in a band together , we would never have to take shit from no one hehehehe 

2005-08-29, 05:57
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
First Off Nobody owns me specially not you
um... ok?
Originally Posted by foxguitar
Ok I see , it was a typo meaning the 5150 II and the 6505 II , I left out the II because I type fast were a bit better than the original 5150 ,
The 5150 and 6505 are the same I know that. All it meant was EVH was no longer endorsing Peavey or vice versa
i hate to be so anal and ruin the obvious coverups.... but there is no such thing as a 6505 II. the 5150 II's new name is 6505+.
Originally Posted by foxguitar
Ok still even if I was a hundred percent wrong in my comment , why was necessary to call the name ,
physics i guess?
Originally Posted by foxguitar
And Rape boy what are you a little lemming
followed by:
Originally Posted by foxguitar
But dont be disrespectful , We can talk , we can debate, we can debate spiritedly but leave the name calling home. Thats all I say.
Have a great nite

Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-08-29, 06:56
Supreme Metalhead
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well excussssssssse me the 5150 II is now the 6505 + well gosh , Ill be.
And for the Rapture quote since your so fond of quoting , where is his smart assed quote that preceded my quote .
And the owned comment was directed to him not you . It seems you guys need allies to cheer ya on. So you hang your hat on that I incorrectly called the 6505 + a 6505 II OK , but you knew what I meant Mr. Smug , And why is it a cover up ,
If im wrong I admit it , aint no big deal being wrong , im not going to San Quentin for making a wrong comment or a mistake. You see Mr. X where you annoy me is in your smugness. You obviously know about gear , Ive granted you that , but your pompousness is not needed. people do make mistakes typos , incorrect thoughts, its ok to disagree , I know I sound like a broken record , but why please explain in a 5000 words or less why you have to be crass about it. Why cant you state your case , without the commentary ,
And must you always quote me, I dont see the quotes that preceded mine , which in most cases is some fool throwing out an insult.
I hope you dont decide to teach school , cause the way I see you is some one who would insult and ridicule a student who didnt have the same grasp as you . Now me on the hand have taught , and the thing you learn is you explain you show you demonstate you use positive methods you dont tell some one they are a asshat.
Again if we could be respectful , we would all get along and the world of metal tabs would be a better place .
Maybe part of the problem is Im older and perhaps dont have the same taste in music as a lot of you . And in trading barbs Ive said some stuff albeit tongue in cheek that some of you took seriously . Ok I grant you some of the stuff in the "joust were said in fun but never serious , some of you took it serious .
Ok but heres the deal , I wont argue with anyone here disrespectfully , call names hurl shit , but I expect the same, want to debate fine ,
Case in point the thread that got shut down with the scales used by COB , there was no need to have the thread shut. I said what I felt to be true , anybody had the right to oppose my view , no sweat , but some young kid had to hurl shit and get personal , So knowing me I returned it before you know the MOD shut the thread down , wasnt necessary.
Im ready to stop the joust and just plain ole talk gear , we will see if you and your dudes will do the same.
somehow I know someone will call me something , I bet ya.

2005-08-29, 07:18
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Fox, if you want peace, don't reply any more.
Close this thread. Thanks to those guys that gave me some good replies. For the rest of you, you fucking disgust me. Oh, and Rapture, calling people unoriginal isn't even original anymore.
I bought the Mesa Rectifier Recto-verb. There is no need for this thread any more.

2005-08-29, 12:49
Supreme Metalhead
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Posts: 809
well ok , Tell us how it is ,
give us the lo down , how it sounds , etc , good luck with it man 
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