2005-08-11, 20:27
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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Anyone had any luck with these guitars? Im pretty sure there out of production, but if you can find one you can get them for pretty cheap.
For the price they seem like a sweet deal, Neck-thru, String-Thru, Bridge-H Neck-SC Pups. Also beautiful bindings and flamed maple top for that price from what I can see. Last but not least 24 frets and abalone offset dot inlays make it look nice too.
I was interested in buying one just cause I dont wanna bring my ran to practices and lessons, and my les paul is too heavy and not comfortable to sweep on.
Got it here are the pics.
Full Body Shot
Up Close Body - Nice Flame Top
Full back Shot - Nice Neck-Thru
Bridge - Nice String-Thru
Pups Neck=SD Hot Rails Bridge=SD Screamin Demon
Side 2
Wierd Butt
Just wanna make sure these guitars arn't some fake bullshit with a snazzy specs sheet but shitty playing and sounding.
(by the way If a thread like this already exists fuck it, cause my search wont fuckin work.)
Last edited by h4x5k8 : 2005-08-24 at 20:52.

2005-08-11, 23:31
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Land of Dust
Posts: 3,551
Looks playable as fuck. How much can you buy it for and what are the stock pups? I hope that's not an EMG-HZ. If so you can take that out and stick in a real EMG or something else. What woods does the guitar have?
If it's less than $500 I say go for it.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-08-12, 00:16
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
woah, nice axe
i say go for it, looks like it has a nice and thin neck which is cool for sweeps, and it has a neck through joint which is also cool for easy acccess to the smaller frets.
just one thing tho, what size frets are they, you dont want them to be too big or too small.
btw, how much is it going for?

2005-08-12, 05:50
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Location: Land of Dust
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Too big? I always thought bigger was always better when talking about frets. I have medium frets in mine and sometimes it can get annoying beyond the 21st fret. Not that I do that much all the way up there, but it doesn't let me wank around as controllably as I'd like to. lol.
Yes, the price. That's the main thing I would care about right now. If it's too much, I would suggest an Ibanez...

2005-08-12, 07:07
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i know h4x here doesnt like big frets.
looks like a nice guitar, only that neck pickup doesn't look right.
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2005-08-12, 08:06
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I think it looks good, too bad its god EMG-HZ and some lame ass singlecoil which is slanted as well  . You can always change the pickups and add a hot rail or something in the neck if you dont like the single coil. If the price is right go for it.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-08-12, 14:34
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Well ill post up the auction just as long as no one outbids me on this, that would be really fucked, but I trust you cunts. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...item=7341852943
Only 340
Cool part is i dont have to pay for shipping, the guy happens to lives a town away. They are hz's but I have a spare 81 sitting around, I think im gonna passive this baby up though. Maybe get an x2n or somthing else (not a JB, i already have one in my ran and wanna try somthing differant), and a good single coil for a smooth sweeping sound and warm cleans. Yes, when i got my ran i asked for extra jumbo and I didnt like it, I only did that cause my explorer has EJ and I dont mind them, but i doubt these will be too big, and if they are ill just get them reissued and recrowned at my local luthier like i did with my ran, it didnt cost that much.

2005-08-12, 22:53
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Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by h4x5k8
Well ill post up the auction just as long as no one outbids me on this, that would be really fucked, but I trust you cunts. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...item=7341852943
Only 340
Cool part is i dont have to pay for shipping, the guy happens to lives a town away. They are hz's but I have a spare 81 sitting around, I think im gonna passive this baby up though. Maybe get an x2n or somthing else (not a JB, i already have one in my ran and wanna try somthing differant), and a good single coil for a smooth sweeping sound and warm cleans. Yes, when i got my ran i asked for extra jumbo and I didnt like it, I only did that cause my explorer has EJ and I dont mind them, but i doubt these will be too big, and if they are ill just get them reissued and recrowned at my local luthier like i did with my ran, it didnt cost that much.
your ran had extra jumbo? so i assume it now has medium
neways, how did you get it changed? did u ask ran to do it or what? soz, just a lil curious.

2005-08-13, 08:06
Join Date: Apr 2004
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He took his ran to the local luthier and had him change the frets.

2005-08-13, 21:12
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no he just re-issued them, and re crowned them which made them smaller but didnt replace them, I just said it 2 posts up.

2005-08-17, 15:36
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Well i won it and im picking it up tommarow, ill take some pics for all you people when i get it.

2005-08-18, 23:28
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339 aint bad for a guitar like that

2005-08-19, 02:07
Supreme Metalhead
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Im outbidding ya
J/K For a little more may I suggest you check out the 1000 series.
I just bought a MH1000 Deluxe with 81/85s you can get em with duncans check out the website
For the money they kick fucking ass. 

2005-08-19, 02:10
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EMG HZs Suck
I had them in my cheap ass viper which Ive since sold , youll have to swap em for real EMGs , hence look at the 1000 series they run about 700-800USD but man you are getting a shitkicker of a guitar.
good luck dude. 

2005-08-19, 02:45
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Posts: 1,524
yea, chimaira and god forbid use em on tour so they must be pretty solid

2005-08-19, 03:31
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lot of bands do
Its crazee to bring out your 3k slash les paul lets say ( lol)  unless your a major band with security folks watching your shit like a hawk , more gear and axes get ripped off , so alot of metal bands that play the smaller places use em , because they kick ass and if god forbid some fuck steals it , its cheaper to replace
Ive seen queensryche and Anthrax with LTD s also 

2005-08-21, 03:14
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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This thing fuckin kicks ass, ill take pics soon once my camera charges up. I popped some SD Single Coil Hot Rails in it and a SD Full Shred for the bridge. For the money its a very very very nice guitar.

2005-08-21, 10:41
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How do you compare it with your ran?

2005-08-22, 00:57
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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Originally Posted by *insert name here*
How do you compare it with your ran?
Well I dunno lol, I really like the neck on it, and how the body is shaped just for casual playing. I also like the fact it has a neck pickup. The JB in my ran is a little more punchy and I like the sound my ran gives, and it has a trem so thats un to fuck with. But I guess there both even to me even though its $1000 differance, the ran looks way cooler (also the frets on the ran are issued better and really polished)

2005-08-22, 02:39
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
C'mon, I'm not saying Ran are the best, or anything, but there's gotta be a clear differance.

2005-08-22, 06:49
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Goes to show you.

2005-08-22, 10:56
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im still gonna try and get a ran

2005-08-22, 11:37
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For sure.

2005-08-22, 15:05
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I dunno man, this LTD plays really really nice, maybe I could rate the playablity factor of my ran if I stopped rating it down cause it doesnt have a neck pup. But i havnt played my ran since i got this guitar (only cause my ran was 100 miles away the whole weekend) but last night I got home from a long drive (and a $150 speeding ticket) and charged my digi cam batteries up. So tonight I will be taking pics and comparing playability between the ran and it.

2005-08-22, 19:42
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by h4x5k8
I dunno man, this LTD plays really really nice, maybe I could rate the playablity factor of my ran if I stopped rating it down cause it doesnt have a neck pup. But i havnt played my ran since i got this guitar (only cause my ran was 100 miles away the whole weekend) but last night I got home from a long drive (and a $150 speeding ticket) and charged my digi cam batteries up. So tonight I will be taking pics and comparing playability between the ran and it.
damn thats the one thing im not looking forward to when i start driving...speeding tickets!!!
how old are you? i never knew you drove
neways, soz to go off topic, i was gonna ask how thin the neck is compared to the ran, may you can take comparative pictures?

2005-08-22, 19:53
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haha yea im 18, ive been driving for 3 years. I was goin 91 in a 60 and I didnt even notice I was speeding, my new engine and clutch handle pretty well. The neck feels almost the exact same, maybe a little bigger like .0001 differance. The only thing that feels differant is that its gloss and it has a wierd butt thing at the headstock, but yea ill take pics then you will see what im talkin about.

2005-08-22, 20:00
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by h4x5k8
haha yea im 18, ive been driving for 3 years. I was goin 91 in a 60 and I didnt even notice I was speeding, my new engine and clutch handle pretty well. The neck feels almost the exact same, maybe a little bigger like .0001 differance. The only thing that feels differant is that its gloss and it has a wierd butt thing at the headstock, but yea ill take pics then you will see what im talkin about.
yea i no exactly what you talking about, theyre common on ibanez and esp guitars.
like the one here:

2005-08-22, 21:47
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Pics are on first post.
Last edited by h4x5k8 : 2005-08-24 at 20:51.

2005-08-22, 23:07
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Originally Posted by User01
damn thats the one thing im not looking forward to when i start driving...speeding tickets!!!
The dont speed you jackass..
That "weird" butt is called a volute.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-08-22, 23:13
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by BLS
The dont speed you jackass..
Harder said then done. Especially on an Interstate highway.
Originally Posted by BLS
That "weird" butt is called a volute.

2005-08-23, 01:22
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How are those rans
Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
C'mon, I'm not saying Ran are the best, or anything, but there's gotta be a clear differance.
they look pretty cool , are they expensive to import to the states , tHey do look bad ass , how are they compared to a ESP

2005-08-23, 06:10
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
Well I dunno lol, I really like the neck on it, and how the body is shaped just for casual playing. I also like the fact it has a neck pickup. The JB in my ran is a little more punchy and I like the sound my ran gives, and it has a trem so thats un to fuck with. But I guess there both even to me even though its $1000 differance, the ran looks way cooler (also the frets on the ran are issued better and really polished)

2005-08-23, 06:54
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
Harder said then done. Especially on an Interstate highway.
exactly, im the kind of person who has a go at their parents when theyre driving too slow.
i guess i just like getting from a to b as soon as possible
neways, sweet ass guitar, you got a good deal, thats better than i thought it would be.
i've recently fallen in love with ltd's and esps, that guitars looks killer.
Last edited by User01 : 2005-08-23 at 06:56.

2005-08-23, 13:41
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
Harder said then done. Especially on an Interstate highway.
Harder said then done? Well, why did you get a speedng ticket then?
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-08-23, 15:34
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Originally Posted by BLS
Harder said then done? Well, why did you get a speedng ticket then?
Because its harder to say your not gonna speed, than it is to not speed.
.....now go away, i got a speeding ticket for speeding on a highway in the middle of the night in the middle of the mountains in the middle of nowhere.
Last edited by h4x5k8 : 2005-08-23 at 15:38.

2005-08-23, 15:35
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
they look pretty cool , are they expensive to import to the states , tHey do look bad ass , how are they compared to a ESP
there is a whole thread with thousands of posts dedicated to these guitars. read it.

2005-08-23, 15:48
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well I was trying to save some time
Originally Posted by h4x5k8
there is a whole thread with thousands of posts dedicated to these guitars. read it.
That thread is cool but its like sifting thru kings james bible ,
it wouldnt hurt if ya gave a quick answer , 

2005-08-23, 19:01
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by h4x5k8
.....now go away, i got a speeding ticket for speeding on a highway in the middle of the night in the middle of the mountains in the middle of nowhere.
man, what i wouldnt do to be able to drive throught the middle of mountains in the middle of the night. i live in a fuckin urban area, well semi urban, and you hardly see anything except grimey streets and run down buildings, well thats the city neways...yea im ranting again 

2005-08-23, 21:03
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
That thread is cool but its like sifting thru kings james bible ,
it wouldnt hurt if ya gave a quick answer , 
Well it would hurt considering the only internet time I have is at work, and my boss gets way pissed if hes sees me IM'ing or greenscreening. But beside that your question was retarded. Is it expensive to import? Depends on how much your ran is, depends on how much the currency rates are, depends on what your definition of expensive is. But to me it wasnt that expensive since I had all the money at the time. Do they play better than ESP's? what a stupid question, ESP's is a little broad, there are thousands of ESP's in the world, and I can guarantee yoa that I havnt played more than .01% of them. The reason why I told you to read "king james bible" was because we get enough people like you asking all about rans when there is a whole sticky on them. Use the search function.

2005-08-26, 19:08
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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Im sending the hot rails and the screamin demon back to SD and gettin a JB and a little 59'. The hot rails are so hot they sound like a damn bridge pup even in the neck position, they dont have that warm sweep and warm cleans im looking for. Hopefully the mini '59 does.

2005-08-26, 22:55
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
Well it would hurt considering the only internet time I have is at work, and my boss gets way pissed if hes sees me IM'ing or greenscreening. But beside that your question was retarded. Is it expensive to import? Depends on how much your ran is, depends on how much the currency rates are, depends on what your definition of expensive is. But to me it wasnt that expensive since I had all the money at the time. Do they play better than ESP's? what a stupid question, ESP's is a little broad, there are thousands of ESP's in the world, and I can guarantee yoa that I havnt played more than .01% of them. The reason why I told you to read "king james bible" was because we get enough people like you asking all about rans when there is a whole sticky on them. Use the search function.
Again a smart mouth reply , Im not the retard who got nabbed speeding pimple face , couldnt just give a straight answer , how many times did you get your ass kicked in school for your smart mouth , but then again im sure you were too scared to be a wise ass in person your a sneaky little bitch , the kind that does shit like a weasel .
later nits

2005-08-27, 08:56
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by foxguitar
Again a smart mouth reply , Im not the retard who got nabbed speeding pimple face , couldnt just give a straight answer , how many times did you get your ass kicked in school for your smart mouth , but then again im sure you were too scared to be a wise ass in person your a sneaky little bitch , the kind that does shit like a weasel .
later nits
can i just ask how old you are?
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