2005-08-07, 22:50
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 1
Peavey Amp
I'm thinking about buying an amp soon and was wondering about the 6505 Peavey model. Yeah, I looked through the various threads and saw that there were tons of posts with them mentioned and talked about but I have a few more questions.
First off this will be my first step into the world of tube amps and I was wondering if i could get like a list of stuff that Tube amps do specifically better than others.
Secondly I've read in one thread that the Peavey 6505 is pretty damn good for heavy palm muted stuff (thrash, death) and thats exactly what i was looking for but i also read that it doesn't really sounds good without whats called a Bias mod. I have no clue what this is really and was wondering how much extra would that cost and what in particular would change with the amps sound.
And lastly what would be a decent price for a used model of the discontinued 5050's. It seems like there isn't anything different between the two so maybe i should just go used.