2005-08-01, 00:25
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Dorchester, MA
Posts: 596
well usually the synth is playing the same line so that's how it gets the "synth" sound.
Other than that Alexi has a very almost-ice-pick sound, not a very sweet lead sound, but rather slightly harsh, since he's always on his bridge pickup (only pickup he has...i'd never be able to live with that).
Although synth guitars sound harsh anyway...see the solo in Daft Punk's "Digital Love" (awesome fucking song BTW) it sounds good, but it's most definately harsh, yet it's synth.
with my own time role your own innocence by
grab on to my sleeve the one that grabs at your ankle
debate to understand that we all have a flaw
then fail to represent your life as you know it
god grant you one wish to turn back the time... correct and create
me and my star
matthew good night
you know by law when you'll be forgiven
maria my star
matthew goodnight
you know my lord when you'll be forgiven