2005-07-26, 16:30
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: edmonton
Posts: 7
Emg's for A RR3
I just got an RR3 and im thinking og putting a 81/85 set of emgs in. I have absolutely no experience with active pickups, and i assume i would have to install a battery or something along those lines, but i really have no idea how. So i figure i'l get them installed, anyone got an idea how much this would cost? Im not that retarded, so i might be able to install them myself. But if someone could give me some advice that would be great.
P.S- Sorry if there's already a thread like this, i dont have the time to go through 45 pages of threads.
Pastor of Muppets your burning is clear
and so forth,...

2005-07-26, 16:49
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally Posted by bodom after midnight
I just got an RR3 and im thinking og putting a 81/85 set of emgs in. I have absolutely no experience with active pickups, and i assume i would have to install a battery or something along those lines, but i really have no idea how. So i figure i'l get them installed, anyone got an idea how much this would cost? Im not that retarded, so i might be able to install them myself. But if someone could give me some advice that would be great.
P.S- Sorry if there's already a thread like this, i dont have the time to go through 45 pages of threads.
A brand new set will cost you $200, less if you find it on ebay or buy used. Yes you need a battery. The wiring is pretty straight forward, nothing complex, but I still reccomend getting someone to do it for you. I wouldn't pay more than $20 for an installation...
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-07-26, 17:32
New Blood
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Location: edmonton
Posts: 7
Pastor of Muppets your burning is clear
and so forth,...

2005-07-26, 18:12
Join Date: Dec 2004
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dont get emgs before you've played them...
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2005-07-26, 18:17
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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dude,an installation cost me at least 75 bucks. those bastards get paid by the hour, so expect them to take their sweet time wiring your guitar

2005-07-26, 18:58
Supreme Metalhead
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Posts: 596
Pics? *has RX10D rhoads, loves the shape* Better be a nice color =D
Um, like another poster said, play EMGs before you get them. Play a guitar with ANY set of pickups in them to get the general idea for the tone. Just go to guitar center and asked if they have a guitar somewhere with those pickups in.
I'd personally recommend a Dimarzio X2N/Paf Pro or a SD JB/Jazz set.
with my own time role your own innocence by
grab on to my sleeve the one that grabs at your ankle
debate to understand that we all have a flaw
then fail to represent your life as you know it
god grant you one wish to turn back the time... correct and create
me and my star
matthew good night
you know by law when you'll be forgiven
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matthew goodnight
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2005-07-26, 23:01
Alumni Staff
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Originally Posted by Transient
dude,an installation cost me at least 75 bucks. those bastards get paid by the hour, so expect them to take their sweet time wiring your guitar
you got ripped off bro. i wouldnt pay over half that. they're just installing a pair of pickups.
unless of course there are body modifications being done aswell...
that's why you gotta ask for a price and explaination first.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-07-26, 23:02
Join Date: Apr 2004
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body modding was required

2005-07-26, 23:27
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Originally Posted by Transient
body modding was required
That's different then ... It cost me 15-20$ ( can't remember exactly how much )
to just install the EMG's.
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-07-26 at 23:48.

2005-07-26, 23:45
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by John Holland
That's different then ... It cost me 15-20$ ( can't remember exactly how much )
to just intall the EMG's.
mine cost me £5, a burnt finger and pain...i had to buy a solder iron and some solder wire...and i burnt my finger by accident when i was doing the very last bit of soldering.
btw, to those who are worried about installing p'ups...dont be
im the biggest n00b when it comes to soldering and wiring, but i got through it, now that i look back on it...it aint hard at all but i have to admit i was a bit nervous to begin with (i thought i was gonna fuck up my guitar forever)
so yea, dont be put off by the installation 

2005-07-27, 01:49
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Dorchester, MA
Posts: 596
Right, my dad just offered to spring for a used p'up ($40...can be easily found around harmony central). I can spring for another used one to complete the set.
I wanna put this in my RX10D. I'd like passive pickups. Recommend the best pickups that are mid-output, with sweet highs and slightly boosted mids. heavy bass in the neck pickup is a plus, but nothing muddy, and it's not TOO necessary.
with my own time role your own innocence by
grab on to my sleeve the one that grabs at your ankle
debate to understand that we all have a flaw
then fail to represent your life as you know it
god grant you one wish to turn back the time... correct and create
me and my star
matthew good night
you know by law when you'll be forgiven
maria my star
matthew goodnight
you know my lord when you'll be forgiven

2005-07-27, 10:46
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by HalfmastTrousers
Right, my dad just offered to spring for a used p'up ($40...can be easily found around harmony central). I can spring for another used one to complete the set.
I wanna put this in my RX10D. I'd like passive pickups. Recommend the best pickups that are mid-output, with sweet highs and slightly boosted mids. heavy bass in the neck pickup is a plus, but nothing muddy, and it's not TOO necessary.
woah $40, not bad, esp when considering i bought my emg 81 for £85 ($147) 
i was a bit of a n00b and i bought it locally
i then bought my emg 89 for £60 from america which is not bad but would be better if i didnt have to spend so much on p&p from america.
Last edited by User01 : 2005-07-27 at 10:59.

2005-07-27, 17:35
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: edmonton
Posts: 7
My friend has Viper Camo standard from ESP, Its got an 81/85 set in it, and it sounds awesome. But thats all i'v tried. I just gotta get some cash together and look around.
No pics, buts its trans red and looks amazing.
Pastor of Muppets your burning is clear
and so forth,...

2005-08-01, 02:27
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Sacramento, California
Posts: 1
Originally Posted by bodom after midnight
I just got an RR3 and im thinking og putting a 81/85 set of emgs in. I have absolutely no experience with active pickups, and i assume i would have to install a battery or something along those lines, but i really have no idea how. So i figure i'l get them installed, anyone got an idea how much this would cost? Im not that retarded, so i might be able to install them myself. But if someone could give me some advice that would be great.
P.S- Sorry if there's already a thread like this, i dont have the time to go through 45 pages of threads.
Hey, I was in the same situation a while back. I had an RR3 and hated the crappy stock pups, so I bought an EMG 81 to install in the bridge. I thought I'd be able to do it all myself, but because it was going to be mixed with the passive pup, and because one of the cords supplied with the EMG wasn't long enough for the RR3's long fin routing, it was a disaster. So, after completely messing up the wiring in my guitar, I took it to the music shop and they fixed everything for $40. So basically I spent $130 to buy the EMG and get it installed, but it was worth it. It blows the other stock pups to shit. I think you should just pay for the two pickups and get them installed by a tech. It's going to be kinda pricey, but it's worth it. Saves you a lot of trouble.

2005-08-01, 04:50
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
Are the 81's the ones that say ''EMG'' in gold, or are the 85's the ones that have it in gold?

2005-08-01, 05:54
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 47
Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
Are the 81's the ones that say ''EMG'' in gold, or are the 85's the ones that have it in gold?
85's = gold lettering
81's = silver lettering
Last edited by Donzi : 2005-08-01 at 05:56.

2005-08-01, 07:14
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
Fuck, I knew I was right when I went to guitar center and played a guitar with EMG's. The bridge was in gold and the neck was in the silver, I asked the guy and he said that the gold ones were the 81's.

2005-08-01, 09:04
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Sweden
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Yeah but he's a fucktard, 81 is silver, 85 is gold.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-08-01, 11:38
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 306
wrong... the emg 81 is white, emg 60 is silver

2005-08-01, 12:15
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81 is silver
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-08-01, 14:17
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by Timur
wrong... the emg 81 is white, emg 60 is silver
are you fucking colour blind?!
emg 81 is silver and emg 60 is grey
fucking retard 

2005-08-01, 14:35
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Land of Dust
Posts: 3,551
Turn the fucking pickups over and see for yourself. :P
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-08-01, 21:03
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 306
Originally Posted by User01
are you fucking colour blind?!
emg 81 is silver and emg 60 is grey
fucking retard 
Oups that's right, my fault.. however, I'm not even close to a fucking retard.. watch your mouth

2005-08-02, 15:21
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by Timur
Oups that's right, my fault.. however, I'm not even close to a fucking retard.. watch your mouth
or what
what you gonna do? e-flame me? piss off you little monkey
i was harsh with you because you came across as a know it all, and i hate know it all's, especially ones who think they are the shit but end up getting everything wrong.

2005-08-02, 18:54
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 306
Originally Posted by User01
or what
what you gonna do?
steal your pod while you're asleep 

2005-08-02, 19:14
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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no, not the pod!
i think this threads seen enough

2005-08-02, 22:47
Alumni Staff
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Location: The West.
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Originally Posted by User01
are you fucking colour blind?!
emg 81 is silver and emg 60 is grey
fucking retard 
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-08-02, 22:56
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Dorchester, MA
Posts: 596
Hey! Don't make fun of colorblind people!
We're cool too...
with my own time role your own innocence by
grab on to my sleeve the one that grabs at your ankle
debate to understand that we all have a flaw
then fail to represent your life as you know it
god grant you one wish to turn back the time... correct and create
me and my star
matthew good night
you know by law when you'll be forgiven
maria my star
matthew goodnight
you know my lord when you'll be forgiven

2005-08-03, 15:53
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by Timur
steal your pod while you're asleep 
yea...while im asleep with your mum
Originally Posted by HalfmastTrousers
Hey! Don't make fun of colorblind people!
We're cool too...
soz dude, didnt mean to diss the colourblind people.
its just that i thought that would be the only explanation for his extreme retardedness...(if that is a word :rolleyes 

2005-08-03, 17:59
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 306
Haha user01 you are one of a kind

2005-08-03, 18:38
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally Posted by Timur
Haha user01 you are one of a kind
yes. yes i am.
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