2005-07-24, 01:42
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 38
Need some help.
(I apologize for yet another thread like this. Sorry, i'm a fucking n00b when it comes to equipment)
Okay, I am in the market for a half stack, and my budget is around $1800-$1900 for a head and a cab. I play mostly death metal, but with some other stuff thrown in. Shit in the vein of Necrophagist, between the buried and me, Lykathea aflame, The red chord, etc. I pretty much need a amp that has good distortion, and at least a decent clean channel. (I switch between distortion and clean alot when I write my songs, so I need a head that can use a footswitch to switch between my two channels) I'm kinda leaning towards a Peavey 6505+ or maybe saving up for a Mesa duel rec. (Though, I have to start saving for a car soon, so that might be out of the question). I know there are alot of really smart people on this board, so I ask yee of mighty knowledge for recommendations of what I should do/buy. Thanks in advance, and sorry again for being a no knowledge idiot.