2005-07-16, 13:18
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Land of Dust
Posts: 3,551
Originally Posted by \m/Eat At Joe's\m/
I have an Ibanez RG 470 and a crappy Peavey Rage 158. What would be the closest EQ settings to getting Morbid's EVIL tone on this album?
Probably a long shot, but.....
Peavy Rage 158's have distortion? I played through a friend's Rage 158 once and it didn't seem to have a gain knob on it.
I have a Tech 21 Trademark 30 combo amp... to get an oldschool Morbid Angel tone, I don't scoop out the mids. What I do is lower the highs nearly all the way down and keep the mids and lows all the way up or I play a little around that area, it gives you that deep muffled tone like in "Covenant" and "Blessed", at least on my amp. You'll probably want a bit more highs and a tad less mids for a "Blessed..." sound. You don't need a whole lot of gain for this either btw.