2005-07-06, 20:40
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 290
Intonation problem and action
I've always had this problem with my guitar that as I fret the strings they are either sharp or flat even though I tuned the open strings perfectly. Than someone told me it was the intonation problem, and I read how to do it and sure enough it solved the problem. Fretting the twelve fret gives the exact same note as the open string now after intonating them. If fretting the twelve fret is sharp turn the screw at the saddle clock wise to move the saddle away from the pickup than tune the open string again, and keep on doing this until fretting the twelve fret gives you the same exact pitch as the open string and vice versa if fretting the twelve fret is flat. But I have this really big problem, I wasn't able to intonate all the strings properly cuz my saddles reached their limit and I wasn't able to move them anymore. Two of my strings were still sharp when fretting the twelve fret. I wasn't able to turn the screw at the saddle clockwise anymore cuz it reached its limit. So I don't know what to do to now. Maybe if I higher the action or something or get a different thicker gauge set.
Another question I have is about adjusting the action of your guitar. What is the normal height in adjusting the height of the strings to humbucker pickups? Do I measure the height according to the pole pieces of the pickup, cuz the pole pieces in my pickups is higher than the plastic parts that would make a difference in measuring. What if their are no metal peaces in the pickup like the EMG-81 pickups, do you just measure the height from the plastic peace?
What is pickup positioning cuz I never did that before? Thanks a lot for the help.
Last edited by Schizoid : 2005-07-06 at 20:55.

2005-07-06, 21:02
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: London, UK
Posts: 1,841
If you can't set the intonation correctly with the saddles, my guess is that unfortunately you're doing something wrong (  ). The action i've always set according to what feels right when playing, and as for the pickup positioning, this is how high the pickups sit within the actual body of the guitar, there are 2 little screws either side of the pickup that you can adjust the height of the pups with
Hope that helped a little!
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-07-06, 21:16
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 55
I have the same problem. My 24th frets are like a quarter step sharp, almost perfectly between E and F on my high e string, and my bridge is already maxed out, so I figure I'll just remove the bridge and reinstall it further from the neck, and adjust the intonation from there. Any suggestions?

2005-07-06, 22:39
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 290
Originally Posted by DRI
I have the same problem. My 24th frets are like a quarter step sharp, almost perfectly between E and F on my high e string, and my bridge is already maxed out, so I figure I'll just remove the bridge and reinstall it further from the neck, and adjust the intonation from there. Any suggestions?
I intonated all the strings correctly except for the third and fourth cuz there still sharp and I need to turn the the saddle more clockwise but there already at their max and I can't turn them anymore. So yea like you, I was thinking of reinstalling my bridge farther back or if I can someway get more room on my saddles.

2005-07-06, 23:10
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Sydney
Posts: 221
Originally Posted by Schizoid
I've always had this problem with my guitar that as I fret the strings they are either sharp or flat even though I tuned the open strings perfectly. Than someone told me it was the intonation problem, and I read how to do it and sure enough it solved the problem. Fretting the twelve fret gives the exact same note as the open string now after intonating them. If fretting the twelve fret is sharp turn the screw at the saddle clock wise to move the saddle away from the pickup than tune the open string again, and keep on doing this until fretting the twelve fret gives you the same exact pitch as the open string and vice versa if fretting the twelve fret is flat. But I have this really big problem, I wasn't able to intonate all the strings properly cuz my saddles reached their limit and I wasn't able to move them anymore. Two of my strings were still sharp when fretting the twelve fret. I wasn't able to turn the screw at the saddle clockwise anymore cuz it reached its limit. So I don't know what to do to now. Maybe if I higher the action or something or get a different thicker gauge set.
Another question I have is about adjusting the action of your guitar. What is the normal height in adjusting the height of the strings to humbucker pickups? Do I measure the height according to the pole pieces of the pickup, cuz the pole pieces in my pickups is higher than the plastic parts that would make a difference in measuring. What if their are no metal peaces in the pickup like the EMG-81 pickups, do you just measure the height from the plastic peace?
What is pickup positioning cuz I never did that before? Thanks a lot for the help.
You don't adjust your string height to match humbucker height. You adjust humbucker height to match your strings. Just adjust the pickup until you get the sound you want.
<TonyBlair> Someone set up us the bomb!
<AlQaeda> All your base are belong to us!

2005-07-07, 03:10
New Blood
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Location: Texas
Posts: 47
Originally Posted by Schizoid
I need to turn the the saddle more clockwise but there already at their max and I can't turn them anymore.
Maybe you can have some of the material removed from the rear of the problem saddles. Depending how much distance you need, it might give you enough.
Do you have or know anyone with a grinder? Maybe you can file them down.
**I would imagine that this still would be pretty tricky because if you sharpen the saddles when grinding off the material you'll just end up cutting the strings all the time.
The Buzz Feiten tuning system (installed on most new Washburns) supposedly perfects intonation by moving/replacing the nut. Maybe that's a possibility (either moving the nut or going with Buzz’s system).
Buzz Feiten FAQ
I don’t know, just trying to help a brother out.

2005-07-07, 12:13
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Bedford, UK
Posts: 102
have u got new strings or are you doing it with old ones, cos old shit strings tend to be out, get a fresh set and see how that effects it.

2005-07-09, 06:26
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 290
Originally Posted by Ademus
have u got new strings or are you doing it with old ones, cos old shit strings tend to be out, get a fresh set and see how that effects it.
When I was in America I bought a 10 pack of D'Addraios strings since I can't find them in the place I live in. I've been using a set of D'Addraios strings for a couple of weeks and I don't want to change them too much or I'll run out and become forced to buy the crappy Fender strings. So far they still sound good and I take care of them by wiping them of with a litte bit of baby Johnson oil to keep them from rusting.

2005-07-09, 06:32
Pirate Lawd
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Noooo  Are you making sure you are not getting any one the fretboard?

2005-07-10, 06:38
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Concord, CA
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Noooo  Are you making sure you are not getting any one the fretboard?
What he said, the only thing you put on your fretboard as far as oil goes is orange or lemon oil.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-07-11, 08:15
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 290
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Noooo  Are you making sure you are not getting any one the fretboard?
What happens if it does go on the fretboard? I wipe them with a clean cloth with a litte bit of baby johnson oil on the cloth. What happens if goes on the body as well.
Last edited by Schizoid : 2005-07-11 at 08:32.

2005-07-11, 09:01
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Bedford, UK
Posts: 102
it goes baby smooth...

2005-07-11, 19:52
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Concord, CA
Posts: 1,665
Originally Posted by Schizoid
What happens if it does go on the fretboard? I wipe them with a clean cloth with a litte bit of baby johnson oil on the cloth. What happens if goes on the body as well.
I'm guessing it gums up the wood grain.
Originally Posted by Transient
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