2005-07-05, 21:20
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Some good settings for the 5150 (6505)?
I just got a Peavey 6505 (aka 5150) head and I run it through a Marshall cabinet. Anyway I would like to know some good settings for this amp?
Right now I have it on the lead channel with these settings
Gain: 5
Bass: 3/4
Mid: about half-perhaps less
Treble: Half way.
But yeah I would like to know what other settings people are using
Like for Thrash Metal, Death, Grindcore-you know the best settings for those styles.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2005-07-05, 22:23
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Gain at around 10, same with Treble and Bass... as for the Mid, turn it to 0, then give it a little turn more, to about the -1 mark.
On a more serious note, you're best off just fiddling with it yourself and finding a sound you like, there are many more factors to get 'the' tone, other than just the amp 
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-07-05, 22:24
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-07-05, 22:59
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Originally Posted by Casketcrusher
Right now I have it on the lead channel with these settings
Gain: 5
Bass: 3/4
Mid: about half-perhaps less
Treble: Half way.
Didn't Sean McGrath (Impaled) say those were his settings on Death After Life?

2005-07-06, 01:14
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Originally Posted by DanOfTheDead
Didn't Sean McGrath (Impaled) say those were his settings on Death After Life?
Yup. That's what I read. However I really want to get his settings on Mondo Medicale. Death After Life is not that good.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2005-07-06, 01:17
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lol yeah death after life sounds like shit. his tone on mondo medical however, is one of the best tones ever

2005-07-06, 04:07
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low gain input... gain about about 5-6... lows at 6, mids at 4, highs at 4, presence at 4... resonance about 3... volume 5-6-ish...
them's are my 5150 settings.... subject to slight changes depending on the room, cab and guitar...
i find the trick to 5150's... keep everything around half way and you're set.
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2005-07-06, 06:54
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Originally Posted by Transient
lol yeah death after life sounds like shit. his tone on mondo medical however, is one of the best tones ever
Mondo Medicale's tone seemed a bit too buzzsaw-ish for my tastes. Then again, I like Death After Life more than that cd. On my 5150 I have my lead gain at 5, lows 8, mids 8, treble 5.5 and the resonance and presence set according to the room.
Last edited by DanOfTheDead : 2005-07-06 at 06:57.

2005-07-06, 08:50
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Whats the difference with the High/Low gain inputs? I have a 5150 combo and always plug into the High Gain, what is the difference?

2005-07-06, 11:13
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Originally Posted by etherealprince
Whats the difference with the High/Low gain inputs? I have a 5150 combo and always plug into the High Gain, what is the difference?
...High gain input has a higher gain?

2005-07-06, 11:17
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maybe that's why the 6505+ i dicked around with didnt sound so good. I cranked the mids on that fucker x_O and the bass made it all muddy..i'll have to try a second demo of it i guess.

2005-07-06, 13:14
New Blood
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I have a 5150 II but I've changed the tubes in 4 EL34 svetlana...settings that I keep usually are around these
Pre: 6 (or little more..7 is too much)
Lows: 6
Mids: 1 (not more than 2!)
Highs: 5
Post: 5/6 in room where i play
Resonance: 3/4
Presence: 7
cabinet is a marshall 1960A

2005-07-06, 16:13
El Diablo sin pantalones
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The best setting I enjoyed was turning it on.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-07-06, 16:25
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MidZerĜ ......hmmmm?
Originally Posted by MidZerĜ
Mids: 1 (not more than 2!)
.......ahhhhh  ....... 

2005-07-06, 18:28
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Originally Posted by etherealprince
Whats the difference with the High/Low gain inputs? I have a 5150 combo and always plug into the High Gain, what is the difference?
ones the lead distorted channel ones the non distorted (sorta)clean channel

2005-07-06, 18:31
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High input is generally used for guitar with a very low output pickup.
Low input is for a guitar with high ouput pickups.. when you want a bit clearer sounds.
Sorry Trans but the inputs have nothing to do with the channels.
I really didn't notice much difference between the inputs.
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-07-07, 03:01
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right, low gain, means less output....
the 5150 already has more gain than can possibly used without sounding like shit anyways... i find the lo gain input increases clarity.
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2005-07-11, 17:27
Join Date: Jul 2004
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My friend and I were talking about this. Can the Peavey 5150 sound like other amps. Like if I turned down the gain would it sound sorta like a Marshall?
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2005-07-11, 18:56
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by Casketcrusher
My friend and I were talking about this. Can the Peavey 5150 sound like other amps. Like if I turned down the gain would it sound sorta like a Marshall?
Why buy an amp if you want it to sound like a different amp? 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-07-11, 19:28
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Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
Why buy an amp if you want it to sound like a different amp? 
Exactly, a 5150 is a beautiful thing, enjoy it.

2005-07-15, 10:17
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Don't expect great diversity in tones that a 5150 can achieve, they're all pretty much identical, and in my opinion, the clean channel is worthless (though I'm not exactly the world's greatest fan of clean electric guitar anyway).
For an all out beef try this:
PRE: 7.5
MID: 0.8
HIGH: 9.0
Though as I said, any changes made won't achieve a different sound, will just alter the tone in a way that benefits your music's overall mix rather than your personal tone...

2005-07-15, 17:15
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Such shitty settings..
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-07-15, 18:19
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by deifiler
Though as I said, any changes made won't achieve a different sound, will just alter the tone in a way that benefits your music's overall mix rather than your personal tone...
Duh, you can't change the voicing of an amp!

Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-07-15, 18:27
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Originally Posted by BLS
Such shitty settings..
Originally Posted by deifiler
For an all out beef try this:
PRE: 7.5
MID: 0.8
HIGH: 9.0
too much highs and presence, the upper freqs are earfucking.
too much lows and resonance, you're in mud city
mids are way to low, you not only increase the shittyness of the too much lows and highs, but you have no spot in the mix.
7.5 is pushing in in the gain department on a 5150, unless of course you're using the low gain input, but even then....
Originally Posted by deifiler
Though as I said, any changes made won't achieve a different sound, will just alter the tone in a way that benefits your music's overall mix rather than your personal tone...
have you played a 5150?
you're tone deaf bro.
Originally Posted by deifiler
Don't expect great diversity in tones that a 5150 can achieve, they're all pretty much identical,
once again tonedeaf.
how about we just say no, and nobody listen to deifiler's opinion about 5150's.
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2005-07-15, 20:26
Master Killer
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haha, so that's why he didn't come back on his old profile 

2005-07-15, 22:15
El Diablo sin pantalones
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I think defiler plays blakc mettle...
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-07-16, 10:40
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I'm probably one of the few people who actually owns one let alone has played one on this board, so your sceptisism really doesn't bother me, infact it fits nicely into the cliché of a typical online 'forum asshole': having a higher post count than actual minutes invested into your guitar I assume.
I don't play black metal at all, it's boring and lame, not to mention highly uneducated and laughable when it comes to the 'lyrics'.
The presence is too high on those settings sorry, and yes it is a little muddy for a mix, but I said "for an all out beef" which pertains to just a noisy heavy setting.
I'll upload a couple of sound clips if people want them, as long as you'll drop the self-righteous and bias attitudes prior to listening to it. I'll also state in advance that sound clips done with the digital camera exaggerate the bass and muddiness though, due to the relatively poor microphone they posess, but excuses arn't particularly my interest. Let me know where I can upload a few video clips...
As for the remark of low input, I do have that at times (as explained earlier my guitar's jack isn't perfect nor is my cable, both of which I don't seem to get round to mending.)
But... I really don't feel the necessity to explain myself/appear good to online forum peers, so bitch and whine all you will. It's wonderful that this community is already proving to be exactly like every other internet forum 
Last edited by deifiler : 2005-07-16 at 10:56.

2005-07-16, 14:37
Master Killer
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metaltabs.com is far from 'every other internet forum' if you ask me...
everybody has different taste in tone, so hey, not everybody has to agree on your settings. I love my mids, cuz mids=tone!
and you're definetly not the only one with a 5150 here, BLS has the coolest 5150 out there.
I've played a 5150 I and II multiple times, also in live situations, BLS owns one and I bet xDx played them at least as many times as I did. So it seems you're mistaken man
the only thing I can agree on is that the 5150 isn't the most versatile amp ever, that's just true. though in this case, it's not really a bad thing, IMO the 5150 is a pretty straight to the point, brutal amp.

2005-07-16, 17:04
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i may as well own one... i was in a band for like a year or so with a guy that had a 5150... and even now, it's sitting in my basement.
the 5150's are amps i know really well. you say turning the knobs wont change the sound much? either your 5150 is broke or you have a cock in your ear.
and having the ability to play your settings through several cabs and with several guitars... hey, they straight up sound like ass bro. a 5150 just isnt an amp that scoops well like an old boogie or marshall. and it also doesnt handle the highes and lows being pushed to the max very well.
you may like your sound. but i don't think any of your comments are valid about no diversity and responsiveness.
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2005-07-16, 23:51
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Yeah mine's the 5150II
Everyone who says it has no versatility etc are often 'outsiders' to the genre of metal, based on the fact that it really isn't a good amp if you don't want to play metal or lead, other than a half assed weak crunchy pathetic tone trademarked to the marshall range. I'm just being honest and avoiding the ignorant view of a metaller, by aggreeing with their comments.
If you wern't so up your arse to try and prove how amazing your amp knowledge is, maybe you'll find the time to re-read my post and discover that it doesn't say they are my amp settings that I use, nor does it say they are the greatest, merely a tone for 'beef' and metal.
I love my 5150, I play metal. If I wanted to play anything else, however, I would be quite challenged. Also since my zoom8080 multi effect thing perished, I have no additional effects - no reverb or compression, which leave the lead tone a little stranded.
Once again, I don't want to argue, as I get little to no satisfaction from arguin accross an online forum with people I don't know and who come accross as 'offensive'. The way I see it, you should find a new past-time and way to prove yourself, rather than responding so irrationally to a suggestion as if you're the guru of all things 5150.
The responsivness from these amps comes with toggling your resonance and presence settings. Tomorow I'll have a jam and upload my 'regular tonal settings' just to satisfy your ego.
If you're going to reply to this, either reply civily and creatively, or be a moron and insist on my banishment/post deletion if they offend you.
EDIT: I know people on here have different tastes, Def, but essentially, I'm getting the dreadful vibe that any other guitar based forum seems to have, imbued with condescending members, and the close-family feel that unites them, thereby meaning that any of my posts in the future are likely to recieve scepticism or negative feedback due to this highly unneccassary 'event'.
I have a couple of files etc to upload, nothing major, nothing fancy. Just a quick clip that shows a few basic things to show a tone (pinch harmonics, triplets, and a bit of shitty lead runs -not solos or shredding- on both pickups)
Apologies on advance, but take my earlier note in regards to your next reply.
Last edited by deifiler : 2005-07-17 at 00:07.

2005-07-17, 01:49
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Originally Posted by deifiler
If you wern't so up your arse to try and prove how amazing your amp knowledge is, maybe you'll find the time to re-read my post and discover that it doesn't say they are my amp settings that I use, nor does it say they are the greatest, merely a tone for 'beef' and metal.
Apologies on advance, but take my earlier note in regards to your next reply.
Then what are your settings?
At a low volume I did everything you had with the "beef" tone, except with lower highs ( 6 ) and higher mids ( 4 ). Of course, this was at a very low volume, I never had a chance to do anything in a band with it.
I am actually starting to like that gristly, "scoop"-ish sound again ... ironically to achieve that sound at high volumes you have to boost your mids 
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-07-17 at 01:51.

2005-07-17, 04:28
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Originally Posted by deifiler
Yeah mine's the 5150II
Everyone who says it has no versatility etc are often 'outsiders' to the genre of metal, based on the fact that it really isn't a good amp if you don't want to play metal or lead, other than a half assed weak crunchy pathetic tone trademarked to the marshall range. I'm just being honest and avoiding the ignorant view of a metaller, by aggreeing with their comments.
you said what you said... and you said it lacks versatility, so are you calling yourself an "outsider" to the metal genre? and then the last comment about ignorant view of "mettalers" or what ever?  you're basically saying that what you said was just you agreeing to what someone else said?
i think it's a fine amp for anything of distorted tones. from classic crunch to super high gain shit.
don't state your opinion as if it's "fact". because there is no fact proving the 5150 isnt a good amp if you don't want to play metal or "lead".
and then the "other than half assed week crunchy pathetic tone trademarked by the marshall range"...
you make it sound like the only two good things an amp can do to make it a good amp is to be really brutal or really clean, and just skip all the sweet medium gain grind? no way dude.
open up a bit. a 5150 may not clean up like a fender twin, and it may be best know for it's high gain.. but i think it has a pretty good range of tones.
Originally Posted by deifiler
If you wern't so up your arse to try and prove how amazing your amp knowledge is, maybe you'll find the time to re-read my post and discover that it doesn't say they are my amp settings that I use, nor does it say they are the greatest, merely a tone for 'beef' and metal.
haha? ok. so you didn't post those settings? hmm... weird.
seriously bro. you posted them, and i don't like them. not much else to it.
and then go ahead and re-read your post about all the non versatility and how moving the amp's knobs arent really going to change the sound much? ha... ok dude...
with your "I'm probably one of the few people who actually owns one let alone has played one on this board" comment you seemed to be questioning my credibility. i'm not the all knowing or anything. so don't get pre defensive. you posted some settings i found to sound like shit and the opinions you stated in your origional post were totally not a fair representation of a 5150 imo.
Originally Posted by deifiler
I love my 5150, I play metal. If I wanted to play anything else, however, I would be quite challenged. Also since my zoom8080 multi effect thing perished, I have no additional effects - no reverb or compression, which leave the lead tone a little stranded.
well, i'd say that would be more in your technical abilities than the 5150's fault. it's not like metal is the only thing a 5150 can do.
Originally Posted by deifiler
Once again, I don't want to argue, as I get little to no satisfaction from arguin accross an online forum with people I don't know and who come accross as 'offensive'. The way I see it, you should find a new past-time and way to prove yourself, rather than responding so irrationally to a suggestion as if you're the guru of all things 5150.
ha, ok, lets not do the overly defensive thing again. you reffering to me as if i think i'm the shit. i may be held in high regard around here for my knowlegde in these subjects, and i do consider myself a total geek when it comes to this shit. but i'm not the gear god or anything.
you came here, made a post that i strongly disagreed with. if you can't back up your own opinions when someone criticises you. you shouldnt have said it in the first place.
Originally Posted by deifiler
The responsivness from these amps comes with toggling your resonance and presence settings. Tomorow I'll have a jam and upload my 'regular tonal settings' just to satisfy your ego.
the responsiveness of the 5150's can come from just about any of the controls. i don't think it's fair to narrow it down like that.
go ahead and record some clips... some may like em, soome may not. thats how it goes.
Originally Posted by deifiler
If you're going to reply to this, either reply civily and creatively, or be a moron and insist on my banishment/post deletion if they offend you.
haha, ok, i think simply in overly defending yourself with childish remarks about "my ego" and me "being so up my own arse". you shouldnt be talking to me about being civil and creative in my reply.
i never insisted you be banned, and your post didn't offend me... i said your opinion, or at least what you posted, of a 5150 came off as completely ignorant and imo should be ignored by people that are looking into 5150's.
Originally Posted by deifiler
EDIT: I know people on here have different tastes, Def, but essentially, I'm getting the dreadful vibe that any other guitar based forum seems to have, imbued with condescending members, and the close-family feel that unites them, thereby meaning that any of my posts in the future are likely to recieve scepticism or negative feedback due to this highly unneccassary 'event'.
if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
honestly, if anybody had posted what you did, i would have said the same shit. i'm not going to disagree with someone because of their post count. i debate with other "postwhores" all the time. thats what happens.
sure it gets annoying when you have the guys comming on here, first posts and they're starting shit and saying stupid stuff. but there are people on here that have passed through the "n0ob" stages without to many problems. because they werent dumbasses from the get go.
Originally Posted by deifiler
I have a couple of files etc to upload, nothing major, nothing fancy. Just a quick clip that shows a few basic things to show a tone (pinch harmonics, triplets, and a bit of shitty lead runs -not solos or shredding- on both pickups)
"do i have to get up?"
"oh, well knock yourself out."

Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-07-17, 09:34
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You can't seem to grasp what I'm saying... Yes I did post those settings, but they arn't my general ones, and even if they were, I wouldn't particularly care if you thoguht they were bad, just your 'holier than thou' attitude is too typical of internet forums and something I have no interest in...
It wasn't to mindlessly aggree with other people's comments, it's more the fact that I aggree with them in regards to the lack of versatility in this type of amp. Technical factors? Sure, if all is play is metal, all I get out is metal. I suck at chords and can't play them too well, but even if I could, it'd reside on acoustic and not the clean channel of this amp.
A total geek? At amp equalisation settings? Or gear in general?
I really can't be bothered to even fully re-read your post in order to form a reply, as it's so dragged out and pointless. Hopefully I've addressed and cleared up the little aspects that bother you so much.
Settings to perhaps satisfy you (if you don't like them, get off your high horse before replying to them)
MID: 3
LOW: 6
I'm sorry to come accross like this, just I really didn't expect to be mocked for suggesting an amp setting
EDIT: Can anyone tell of any webspace for uploading some videos to please? My ISP doesn't seem to support them :/

2005-07-17, 09:46
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Bleh, some people just can not take a subtle hint that they are OWN3D!
And yes, that was a typical forum reply. /sarcasm
I'm sorry to come accross like this, just I really didn't expect to be mocked for suggesting an amp setting
Hey, its futile to expect eveyone to like your sound. Especialy on an "anti-mids scooping" forum like this. Besides, it is your over defensive reactions that are mocked, not your settings.
Can anyone tell of any webspace for uploading some videos to please? My ISP doesn't seem to support them :/
try yousendit.com
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!
Last edited by brainsforbreakfast : 2005-07-17 at 09:51.

2005-07-17, 10:05
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Gah... "Owned" isn't the right word, simply because you don't seem to grasp the concept that the other person is arguing against tone settings that I don't even support/care enough about to defend. As for the versatility, I'll stick by it, as it isn't highly versatile.
I think you'll notice the 'mocking' and general attitude arose even before I replied 'defensivly'.
Yousendit seems more aimed at sending a file to a specific recipient? I'm looking for some space where I can upload to, then link. Thanks anyway though
This is (hopefully) my last response to this thread, so if I don't reply to further comments it isn't cos I'm 'owned' or can't think of a witty remark to further irritate people: it's because I can't be bothered to argue about opinions, especially when I don't even know what/how you all play, or even if you do play guitar.
EDIT: I've fiddled with the settings,and yes increasing the mids does help with the lead tone, so thanks for the suggestion there. It really helps witht he 'screaming' vibratos (like Yngwie's) but I still prefer to scoop it for playing 'metal rhythmn' (JIG JIG JAH JAHHH shit)
Last edited by deifiler : 2005-07-17 at 10:31.

2005-07-17, 12:28
Master Killer
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wow, lots of words used, without saying anything usefull
hah, this is pretty pathetic, everybody is entitled to their own opinions, even though they don't seem to be in line with your own opinion.
I agree with xdx that the 5150's have a good range of tones but that doesn't mean they're ultra-versatile.. it's no engl 580 pre or h&k triamp. doesn't mean it's a bad amp, I think 5150's are good at what they need to do, that's delivering brutal distortion. Everyone has their own tastes, I prefer my Engl Powerball and Savage over a 5150, but others might not, that's just how it works!
ps. yousendit works great, just email yourself the link and post it here, it works!

2005-07-17, 12:34
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by deifiler
A total geek? At amp equalisation settings? Or gear in general?
you have entered the zone.......
where normal thing's don't usually happen.....
this is....
the gear zone, biatch!!! 

2005-07-17, 17:49
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Originally Posted by deifiler
You can't seem to grasp what I'm saying... Yes I did post those settings, but they arn't my general ones, and even if they were, I wouldn't particularly care if you thoguht they were bad, just your 'holier than thou' attitude is too typical of internet forums and something I have no interest in...
ok, so what if you don't use those settings? you posted them and i said i didn't like them. you think just because they arent your normal settings i'm going to like them?
since i can't seem to "grasp" what you're saying. can you clarify?
Originally Posted by deifiler
It wasn't to mindlessly aggree with other people's comments, it's more the fact that I aggree with them in regards to the lack of versatility in this type of amp. Technical factors? Sure, if all is play is metal, all I get out is metal. I suck at chords and can't play them too well, but even if I could, it'd reside on acoustic and not the clean channel of this amp.
a 5150 is a 5150, it's certainly not an amp that you buy specifically for it's clean channel. but it can clean up and handle more styles of music than just metal.
the amp is only part of the tone... you have the guitar, the cab, the pedals, the cords, AND your fingers.
Originally Posted by deifiler
A total geek? At amp equalisation settings? Or gear in general?
umm... pretty much everything. i play every amp i can. i don't settle for anything less than what i consider to be amazing. i'm in to the economics of gear, i'm into all of it. i'm a geek.
the average person simply buys a marshall or mesa because it's something they know. i'm on a different level than that.
Originally Posted by deifiler
I really can't be bothered to even fully re-read your post in order to form a reply, as it's so dragged out and pointless. Hopefully I've addressed and cleared up the little aspects that bother you so much.
um ok so basically you cannot understand what i'm saying or back up your opinions?
Originally Posted by deifiler
Settings to perhaps satisfy you (if you don't like them, get off your high horse before replying to them)
MID: 3
LOW: 6
better, not as favored as my settings.... but i like them better than the ones you posted earlier.
Originally Posted by deifiler
I'm sorry to come accross like this, just I really didn't expect to be mocked for suggesting an amp setting 
deal with it?
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2005-07-18, 02:32
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 138
Deifiler, you sir, are a moron.
xDx is held in high regards around here because hes owned and played through soooooo many amps, he has knowledge, he is wise when it comes to tone. Same with BLS, Def, and many many others around here. Get your head out of your ass and admit you were wrong, arguing until your debating opponent quits is foolish, immature, and just plain wrong. It wont work.
Metaltabs is a close knit community, and from lurking and reading around here, it does have a feel of a "family". But that doesnt mean new users dont ever become part of the "family". You just seem to be a very misinformed person that assumes too much.
I personally own a 5150, ill never go back to SS amps ever again. The opinions and views expressed by xDx and BLS about the 5150 were what pushed me to buy the 5150. For a high gain tube amp for metal(thats what i wanted) it was perfectly priced. The amp is versatile, but only to a point, but it isnt just one tone with a few knobs to shape it a tiny bit.
You have lost your argument, the settings you posted were perfect for a shitty tone, too much lows and highs, not enough mids, too much pres. Accept it and move on. Dwelling on this matter and continuing to argue will get you that "dumbass who never will stfu when hes wrong" persona.
Ok I have said what I wanted to, im going back to playing with my 5150!

2005-07-18, 05:07
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Originally Posted by etherealprince
xDx is held in high regards around here because hes owned and played through soooooo many amps, he has knowledge, he is wise when it comes to tone. Same with BLS, Def, and many many others around here.
well, i don't think a post count should really be the deciding factor in a debate. shit, if def or bls would have made a retarded comment like that, i would be giving them just as much shit.
i call em as i see em.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-07-18, 05:38
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
I know the 5150 can pull off heavy ass shit like Death Metal, but is it good for more lead tones like....let's say Zakk Wylde? Like just plugging it in with some wah and stuff to do like Hard rock leads and stuff.

2005-07-18, 06:09
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
The 5150 has a godly lead tone.. better than my Engl Blackmore IMO.
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I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-07-18, 14:43
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
well, i don't think a post count should really be the deciding factor in a debate. shit, if def or bls would have made a retarded comment like that, i would be giving them just as much shit.
i call em as i see em.
you'de just get way more shit in return, or I'll just ban you, haha
anyways, this has gone far enough, thanks for ruining a perfectly fine thread guys...
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