2005-07-05, 14:37
bugfucker strikes back.
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Quarter Stack???
Well, I decided to get a half stack, now that I have a job. But the thing is, I really don't have anywhere to keep a 4x12 cab, and the fact that until I get a permanent jam space, its just gonna be taking up room.
So then last night I thought about just getting the same head, and a 2x12, because it would be more practical considering my setup. Now, I'm going with the Marshall AVT 50h unless I'm told otherwise. I just need a decent 2x12 cab, if anyone could recommend one.
I need a really good clean setting, thats why I'm going with the AVT. And it'll add nicely to my current amp.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-07-05, 14:55
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Well, I decided to get a half stack, now that I have a job. But the thing is, I really don't have anywhere to keep a 4x12 cab, and the fact that until I get a permanent jam space, its just gonna be taking up room.
So then last night I thought about just getting the same head, and a 2x12, because it would be more practical considering my setup. Now, I'm going with the Marshall AVT 50h unless I'm told otherwise. I just need a decent 2x12 cab, if anyone could recommend one.
I need a really good clean setting, thats why I'm going with the AVT. And it'll add nicely to my current amp.
I want to know this as well, for pretty much the same reasons. I tought about building a 2x12 myself.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-07-05, 15:09
bugfucker strikes back.
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Good to see that I'm not the 2x12 outcast.  I am probably just gonna get the head first, and the 2x12 at a slightly later date, just because I don't feel like blowing almost a thousand dollars all at once.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-07-05, 16:21
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Genz Benz G-Flex cabs go for 350$ on E-bay all the time. I have one myself 

2005-07-05, 16:47
Senior Metalhead
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dont get the AVT get a real tube amp, get a used BV or something, or a Laney AOR, or a used marshall full tube amp, hell even the older valvestates OWN the shit out of the new ones. Dont suffer the horrendous tone of an AVT.
- you suck and your stupid
- Rise of Elitism: Yes the bands you like are gay
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it was too hifi for me...
it's like a hot chick that is horrible in bed.

2005-07-05, 17:05
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nothing wrong with 2x12's....
but the avt... yeh, you may want to play that before you make up your mind. 
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2005-07-05, 17:11
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You could also look into a marshal 1936. Decent sound from those.
Definately look around before you get the avt.

2005-07-05, 17:26
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Look into Ear Candy cabinets.
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I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-07-05, 17:32
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i have a jcmc212 2x 12 marshall cab, sounds rilli good to me 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-07-05, 18:39
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Can anybody tell me if the Framus CS 2x12 can be run in stereo like a 1936?
I can't seem to find out if it does or not and I don't have the opportunity to try one out.

2005-07-05, 19:47
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Originally Posted by TheLeviathan
Can anybody tell me if the Framus CS 2x12 can be run in stereo like a 1936?
I can't seem to find out if it does or not and I don't have the opportunity to try one out.
I don't think it can, it appears to be a straight 8ohm cab.... although it isn't too difficult to turn it into a stereo cab 
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-07-05, 20:22
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Mordor/England
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get a ashdown fallen angel 60 head and a marshall 2x12 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-07-05, 21:22
Supreme Metalhead
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G-flex's are only $350 on ebay???
I know what my next cab's gonna be.
Um yeah dont get the AVT. For your own good. And it's not cuase it's "not tube" either, i have a tube preamp/solid state poweramp thing going right now and it kicks ass. It's just that the AVT = ass.
Not as assy as the MG though..

2005-07-05, 22:16
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2005-07-06, 01:07
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by lord_diemos
You could also look into a marshal 1936. Decent sound from those.
Definately look around before you get the avt.
Thats what I was looking at. And I own an AVT 50 combo amp, so thats why I was looking at the AVT. I just don't feel like laying down serious money until I know my music shit is gonna go somewhere.
And btw, my RP7 gives me enough EQ to make my AVT sound beautiful.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-07-06, 01:33
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
What about the Solid State Line 6 Spider II? I've heard good things about it, minus some fuse blowing or something.
edit: And the other hiss you get. I'm getting a rocktron hush to deal with that.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
Last edited by Dissection : 2005-07-06 at 01:36.

2005-07-06, 04:27
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Location: brazoria,texas(south of houston)
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how can you be a post-whore and not know these things?
avt?, line6?, you can get much better amps always. people are always asking about them but theres better. i have been hearing this since i first got on metaltabs, no one has ever said anything good about them. 'cept maybe a yeah its ok for a first amp.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-07-06, 05:18
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Location: Angelskingarden
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Originally Posted by HalfmastTrousers
G-flex's are only $350 on ebay???
I know what my next cab's gonna be ..
Yeah ... I paid 400$ for mine, but the person who owned it previously installed Eminence Delta Pro speakers ... the 400watt handlers ... so I had a really good deal.

2005-07-06, 05:23
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Thats what I was looking at. And I own an AVT 50 combo amp, so thats why I was looking at the AVT. I just don't feel like laying down serious money until I know my music shit is gonna go somewhere.
And btw, my RP7 gives me enough EQ to make my AVT sound beautiful.
Marshall AVT50h < Crate BV

2005-07-06, 08:40
The Stings of Conscience
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Location: Lutz, FL
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Originally Posted by John Holland
go for the blue tolex. older, different internal design, better. BVs have beautiful cleans if you use the right pickups
Last edited by Rapture : 2005-07-06 at 10:27.

2005-07-06, 11:19
Supreme Metalhead
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Posts: 596
I just checked ebay and there arent many g-flex's up, and those that are are in the $500 range.
I would like a 2x12 though. I'm sick of lugging my shitty Marshall MG cab around.

2005-07-06, 11:56
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I got mine for 450 (that includes shipping). Its in mint condition to. Just wait a while, one will pop up. Its deff worth the wait. You can prolly get one for 300-350 if you look hard enough (but might not be in great condition on the outside).

2005-07-06, 12:12
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Outside condition doesnt matter as long as it works good as new.

2005-07-06, 13:42
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by John Holland
I've been looking for a BV but they weren't in my price range. I'll guess I'll start looking again. That 1936 cab is gonna set me back a good ways.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-07-06, 13:57
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by arvina
how can you be a post-whore and not know these things?
I'm not a big gear head. I've heard two sides to everything I've ever been told about guitar equimpent. Amps are not my thing, either. My local shop has Marshalls, Peavy shit, and LOW, LOW, end crate. Thats all they have in the line of heads.
What about this? I fell in love with the BV300, but I don't have $1750 to be throwing down on that.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-07-06, 14:20
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Posts: 141
Then get the 120.

2005-07-06, 14:24
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Jacob
Then get the 120.
And I don't exactly have the $800 for that, either. Trust me, I looked at the 120. I'm not to fond of whoring Ebay to try and find a good deal that someone else will undoubtably beat me to.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-07-06, 15:40
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Randall cabs are pretty good and pretty cheap. There loaded up with some good celestion speakers too. I was gonna build a 2x12, then make my Randall combo a half stack. But after much research and consideration, i relized all the parts (inc speakers) i needed to build the 2x12 would cost almost as much as the well built randall 2x12. I didnt relize how much the cab affects your tone, and that well engineered cab with good speakers can make you sound damn good.

2005-07-06, 16:00
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
Randall cabs are pretty good and pretty cheap. There loaded up with some good celestion speakers too. I was gonna build a 2x12, then make my Randall combo a half stack. But after much research and consideration, i relized all the parts (inc speakers) i needed to build the 2x12 would cost almost as much as the well built randall 2x12. I didnt relize how much the cab affects your tone, and that well engineered cab with good speakers can make you sound damn good.
I'll go so far as to say that the cabinet you use has just as much effect on your overall sound as your actual head. An Engl Powerball will sound like an Engl Powerball no matter what cab you're playing it through, but if you run it through a terrible speaker ... it won't justify paying for an Engl. When you're first building your rig, a 400$ 2x12 is a great option over an 800$ 4x12.

2005-07-06, 16:38
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ok do the smart thing and BUY USED, www.musicgoround.com, before you go and waste money like some newb, BUY USED,
BV > AVT any day of the week, fuck i got my 50watt BV for 215 dollars jebus christ you could maybe not get one that cheap but 300 - 350 wouldnt be that hard to manage man
- you suck and your stupid
- Rise of Elitism: Yes the bands you like are gay
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it was too hifi for me...
it's like a hot chick that is horrible in bed.

2005-07-06, 19:27
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Dorchester, MA
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Ebay can get you a BV for like $400 EASILY.
Hell i'm convincing my second guitarist to get it with money he's getting for his birthday. It'll sure kick the shit out of his spider practice amp he converted into a head >_>

2005-07-06, 19:40
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 95
anyone ever seen a 3/4 stack?

2005-07-06, 19:53
The Stings of Conscience
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Location: Lutz, FL
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Originally Posted by shredaholic
anyone ever seen a 3/4 stack?
.... yea? What kind of question is that?

2005-07-07, 01:29
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
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Originally Posted by shredaholic
anyone ever seen a 3/4 stack?
I'm gonna take a blind guess at this one and say a single speaker cab, and a 2x12? Or the ghetto version, a 4x12 cab with one missing speaker. 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-07-07, 02:08
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Originally Posted by Dissection
And I don't exactly have the $800 for that, either. Trust me, I looked at the 120. I'm not to fond of whoring Ebay to try and find a good deal that someone else will undoubtably beat me to.
Buy used or loose money, a simple fact. I spent 972.50 on my new rig (guitar and amp), and I could of easily paid around 1300 if I bought it all new or in new condition. I saved alot of money (when it comes to my budget).

2005-07-07, 03:32
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
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Originally Posted by shredaholic
anyone ever seen a 3/4 stack?
I used a fourth stack for a while in my now-defunct grindcore band ... that's when I got the biggest compliment on my sound/playing I ever had :
I asked a friend of mine who is extremely blunt and straightforward, how 'biting' the lack of a bass guitar was in our music. He said he did'nt notice it at all.
I was running my Crate Shockwave through my G-flex.

2005-07-07, 06:48
The Stings of Conscience
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Location: Lutz, FL
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Originally Posted by Dissection
I'm gonna take a blind guess at this one and say a single speaker cab, and a 2x12? Or the ghetto version, a 4x12 cab with one missing speaker. 
No... sorry, that is incorrect.

2005-07-07, 07:10
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Originally Posted by Rapture
No... sorry, that is incorrect.
Yeah, that'd be a 3/4 stack. And even then, a 4x12 cabinet with 2 speakers removed will not sound like an actual 2x12 enclosure.

2005-07-07, 16:56
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3/4 stack would be a 2x12 and a 4x12 teamed up... or 3 2x12's.
only have one speaker would make it a 1/8 stack. 
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2005-07-07, 17:02
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Originally Posted by HalfmastTrousers
I just checked ebay and there arent many g-flex's up, and those that are are in the $500 range.
I would like a 2x12 though. I'm sick of lugging my shitty Marshall MG cab around.
Take a look at Avatar cabs. They're nice, xdx owns one I think.

2005-07-07, 17:16
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Originally Posted by John Holland
Take a look at Avatar cabs. They're nice, xdx owns one I think.
i don't own one... but i give dave at www.avatarspeakers.com props...
he sells speakers at the cheapest prices gauranteed... you can buy an unloaded cab, just speakers, or a loaded cab.
not to mention you can select whatever eminence or celestion speakers you want in the cab.. mix and match even...
and with the way things work, an amp maker sells amps to the stores for a certain price, the store then boosts the price(for example $1,000 to $1600 in the case of a mesa dual recto) so they can make a profit.
with avatar you skip the middleman and buy straight from dave. i'd dare you to compare his cabs to marshall and mesa cabs. you be hard pressed to find better bang for your buck. especially on the "new market".
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-07-07, 17:21
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
Yeah, for that reason Avatar is my next cabinet purchase ...

2005-07-07, 22:50
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
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How much do they usually run? I like the sound of the 1936, and from what I hear, every praises the fuck out of it/sucks its cock.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-07-07, 23:32
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
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I decided that I might go with the Avatar G212 Custom and put G-12T-75 Celestion speakers in it. Same speakers as the Marhshall '36, and I'm gonna save about $200 bucks.
I assume their sound compares nicely to other cabs?
Just found a BV120. Cheap. Needs external work. Gonna talk to Pa.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
Last edited by Dissection : 2005-07-07 at 23:54.

2005-07-08, 04:32
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Originally Posted by Dissection
I decided that I might go with the Avatar G212 Custom and put G-12T-75 Celestion speakers in it. Same speakers as the Marhshall '36, and I'm gonna save about $200 bucks.
I assume their sound compares nicely to other cabs?
as i said before, i'd consider avatar's quality right up there with the big boys. the only reason some people doubt this is because they soo cheap. but as i said, the reason they're so cheap is because they deal direct rather than through a store.
hell, even dave's prices on speakers are really good because of this... a new vintage 30 from musiciansfriend.com is like $110+shipping... from avatar, the same speaker, like $89 shipped to your door.
i personally don't need another 4x12 right now so i don't own an avatar, but i've bought some speakers and asked dave some questions.
dave is an awesome fucking guy, and he actually responds when he's e-mailed. promt shipping, cuts deals, ect... A+ shit.
you can get the exact same speakers as a marshall or mesa cab... which is a huge part of what makes a cab sound so good.
and the cabinets build quality is just as good...
now, i'm not saying a vintage 30 loaded avatar is going to sound just like a recto 4x12... but as far as my personal opinion goes... they're up to par soundwise.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-07-08, 13:35
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
as i said before, i'd consider avatar's quality right up there with the big boys. the only reason some people doubt this is because they soo cheap. but as i said, the reason they're so cheap is because they deal direct rather than through a store.
hell, even dave's prices on speakers are really good because of this... a new vintage 30 from musiciansfriend.com is like $110+shipping... from avatar, the same speaker, like $89 shipped to your door.
you can get the exact same speakers as a marshall or mesa cab... which is a huge part of what makes a cab sound so good.
and the cabinets build quality is just as good...
now, i'm not saying a vintage 30 loaded avatar is going to sound just like a recto 4x12... but as far as my personal opinion goes... they're up to par soundwise.
Because you guys recommended it, honestly, I really don't doubt the quality. If I had've found that site myself, it really would've seemed like some shit quality site. But I'm going to get the same speakers in a cabinet as I would for marshall. I don't know how much the sound will compare, but it should be fairly close.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-07-08, 13:52
Supreme Metalhead
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Posts: 596
If i can unload my goddamn MG cab to some fucker for $250 i'm definately gonna get the metal grille/black tolex cab with some Eminence speakers in it....which one of them is optimal for a bass-heavy, sweet-high, slightly-cranked mids metal?
Last edited by HalfmastTrousers : 2005-07-08 at 13:56.

2005-07-08, 17:20
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
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I couldn't tell you much about eminence. But the Celestion G-12t-75s would be my choice for the Bassy heavy/cranked mids.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-07-08, 17:40
Join Date: Mar 2005
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The cab i was gonna get isn't really deep enough for my head  I may have to get the straight cab instead of the slant.
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-07-08, 17:43
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
i prefer the straight heads. The slant doesn't do it for me.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
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