Hello all, first of all I'd like to say that this site kicks ass. I've been playing for quite some time but now I've finally bought my first electric(which I've been playing on a friend's Fender) but I'm having some second thoughts about the amp I'm getting.
I've been quite convinced that the Roland Cube 30 was the best amp in the price range until I heard some samples from Tech 21's Trademark 30 combo. It sure sounds a lot more like an expensive stack compared to the Cube. Thing is I've never really played either of these amps and no guitar shops in my area carry them(one of them did have a MicroCube though).
So my question is: which of these 2 amps is better? The Tech 21 is around $50 more expensive but it seems worth it. Tech 21 isn't a well known brand but I saw someone saying something good about it in another thread about a Roland Cube(yes, I did search

The kind of music I'll be playing is mostly oldschool death/thrash(think Obituary, Sepultura) some old and new Morbid Angel-esque stuff, and I'd like to acheive a ballsy Vader/Decapitated-esque sound with my EMG-equipped guitar. Oddly enough, I'd also like to get a muddy muffled tone like the new Immolation stuff, but I don't mind too much for that.
But I also play a lot of 80's stuff like Maiden, Manowar, and Priest of course, and I'm a huge fan of Megadeth and Kreator, just thought I'd point out the tones I like. I also want some nice bright cleans to play in a friend's blues/rock band. I know active pickups aren't the best thing for that, but the EMG 60 on my guitar's neck cuts in nicely for some solos.
So as you can see, I want something that will sound good in every situation, but I don't want to have to buy a pedal or something in a few months when I no longer think that the distortion is br00tal enough. :P
One more question: which of these 2 amps is more customizable? I've read on some reviews that the depth of the effects on a Cube can't be changed too much, and I haven't been able to find any informative reviews for the Trademark 30 except for 1 at harmony central, but that was some techie guy so I had no idea what the hell he was talking about.
I'll really appreciate any help, thanks in advance.