2005-06-27, 03:14
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PA's vs Cabs
i had a dream of playing with 9 marshall cabs behind me being all kvlt and gr1m but then my dad told me that PA systems were the way to go...
i know that usually the 9 marshall cab thing is just a gimick but what do you guys think?
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
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2005-06-27, 04:39
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I have a PA and it gets much louder than any stack could ever get. Plus you can put a whole lot more into it. The only downside is it costs alot for really good shit.
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2005-06-27, 04:41
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Ill post some pics when I take them...
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2005-06-27, 05:11
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you shouldnt really ever need anything more than a halfstack... because no acoustic drumset is going to be able to compete in volume unless it's mic'd. and of course if the drums are mic'd... that means there is a PA and you can be mic'd too.
besides, you get a better mix from a PA than with a bunch of 4x12's.
besides, not all stages are going to be able to fit a bunch of 4x12's... and that wouldnt exactly be ideal for gigging unless you have a huge trailer and a couple roadies..
not to mention people would laugh at you for being a fucking moron showing up to some cafe to play in front of 50 kids with 9 cabs.
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2005-06-27, 05:41
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The only circumstance in which you would need more than four speakers, I guess, would be that if you were the only guitarist ( as in Pig Destroyer ), you would want to spread your sound more. In my band, as I'm the only guitarist, it is essential that my sound is coming from more than just one area of the room. I already have a Genz Benz 2x12, and lately I've been borrowing someone else's 4x12, and setting them on opposite sides of the room, and the difference is as night and day. The best compliment I ever received on my live sound was someone telling me that they forgot there was no bass player.
What I plan on doing is buying two 1x15's from Avatar, and getting another 2x12, and then elevating those 2x12 cabinets. Just put one 15 on each corner of the stage, and elevate the 2x12's above each 1x15, or just keep one of the 2x12's in the back and put a 2x12 relatively near the front. Or instead of another 2x12, a 4x10 ... I'm starting to ramble now.
What do you guys think about that, befitting one drummer, one vocalist, and one seven string guitarist?

2005-06-27, 09:47
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suckers. didn't you know those are dummies?
have you seen lenny kravitz? he plays with 9 too, 7 of them are empty cabs, one is mic'd and the other on top of that is real too. they sell marshall dummy cabs straight from marshall... (metallica even had dummie mesa heads when I saw them live)
And no, there is no point in having 9 cabs except showing off. it's all beeing run through a PA anyway

2005-06-27, 11:32
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Yupp, Kerry and Jeff Have 12 cabs per person and they only use like 4 I think, 2 for dry, 1 for wet and 1 for hearing the other guy, or 1 dry and 2 wet and monitor.
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2005-06-27, 11:40
Pirate Lawd
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I should get a bunch of dummy cabs and build a house with them 

2005-06-27, 17:05
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
Yupp, Kerry and Jeff Have 12 cabs per person and they only use like 4 I think, 2 for dry, 1 for wet and 1 for hearing the other guy, or 1 dry and 2 wet and monitor.
funny you should mention slayer...
i have a home video of kevin talley auditioning for slayer in their gym sized band room. oh man, kerry and jeff are each sporting 10 marshall 1960's. and huge racks. each containing a couple jcm 800's and some other accessories.
for the bass there were two 8x10's...
not sure if any were dummies, but i thought it was funny that they were sporting that kind of shit in the practice space.
oh, and kerry king is now endorsed by krank. 
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2005-06-27, 19:15
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
They're becoming the Microsoft of shitty tube amplifiers.
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2005-06-27, 19:34
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I wonder were Krank is getting all this money to buy all these artist endorsements??
Maybe Dime left them a shitload of money, and instead of putting the money to good use.. they rather whore there amps.
And Kerry is only "using" Krank cabs.. Still the JCM's I belive.
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2005-06-27, 20:26
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Originally Posted by BLS
I wonder were Krank is getting all this money to buy all these artist endorsements??
Maybe Dime left them a shitload of money, and instead of putting the money to good use.. they rather whore there amps.
And Kerry is only "using" Krank cabs.. Still the JCM's I belive.
i'm sure he's using the cabs... but for his heads, i bet he's doing the empty krank chasis's on top of the cabs, but a rack with a couple jcm 800's back stage. just like shadows fall.
the difference between the kick-ass-yness of a jcm 800 and the suck-dick-yness of a chadwick is huge.
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2005-06-28, 05:40
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at this point getting a krank endorsement is easier than buying 6 year old girls in Thailand.
Fuck, I should get one and sell the equipment for BETTER things
"Uh...I'm gonna need another cab...cause um...monkeys took the other one. Again."

2005-06-28, 22:15
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i saw slayer on satday in graspop, and they were definetely not using kranks, they both had marshall jcm 800's
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2005-06-29, 01:07
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PAs are way better. I dont know maybe its just the sheer power that you hold when you are completely deaf after playing one and you realize your power was only running at 1/4 of its master capabillities
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2005-06-29, 02:16
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
PAs are way better. I dont know maybe its just the sheer power that you hold when you are completely deaf after playing one and you realize your power was only running at 1/4 of its master capabillities
..... well.... honestlym the only real reason i think the PA is better is because the mix is better. even in fairly large clubs and venues.. my 100w tube halfstack could hold it's own... but hey, not for the people on the other side of the venue.
projection is key.
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2005-06-29, 02:24
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Projection is indeed key ...
Why does my Crate Shockwave head sound good through the Peavey 1x15 bass cab that I have? I linked it with my Genz Benz G-flex 2x12 cab ... and it only sounded better. There was no "fizziness" or "tin can" sounds ... no farting or anything. I'm definitely keeping that cabinet.

2005-06-29, 03:11
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In reply to xdislexicx I dont know, I never owned a stack and never plan on it. IMO I get a cleaner sound through a PA. I have played stacks and I have play the almighty 5150. But when I get behind a Crown CE4000 bridged blasting to 2 Ev Gladiators, A CE2000 through 2 EV Elimantor Subs, and a monitor, I jizz my pants.
EDIT: I put juzz instead of jizz.
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Last edited by Corpsevomit98 : 2005-06-29 at 17:29.

2005-06-29, 15:28
Pirate Lawd
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I think a one good sounding cab that is miced into a nicely mixed PA will always sound better then a stack of 9 cabs. I like the look of a full stack but I would only want the extra cab so that I could here the other guitarist.

2005-06-29, 22:04
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
I think a one good sounding cab that is miced into a nicely mixed PA will always sound better then a stack of 9 cabs. I like the look of a full stack but I would only want the extra cab so that I could here the other guitarist.
i used to do that... before i got lazy.
i'd have my fullstack, the other bro would have his... then he'd plug into my bottom cab and his top cab, i'd plug into his bottom cab and my top cab.
for bigger shows where we were mic'd it was pretty much for monitoring.. but smaller shows, it definately helped the mix.
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2005-06-29, 22:07
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
In reply to xdislexicx I dont know, I never owned a stack and never plan on it. IMO I get a cleaner sound through a PA. I have played stacks and I have play the almighty 5150. But when I get behind a Crown CE4000 bridged blasting to 2 Ev Gladiators, A CE2000 through 2 EV Elimantor Subs, and a monitor, I jizz my pants.
you mean you don't play through an amp at all? 
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2005-06-29, 22:19
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2005-06-30, 04:14
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Originally Posted by Def
suckers. didn't you know those are dummies?
have you seen lenny kravitz? he plays with 9 too, 7 of them are empty cabs,
Thanks for beating me to it. If I'm not mistaken, I've seen Slayer vids where there is an entire fucking WALL of cabs. There is no reason for it, except showing off, as someone said.
Looks fucking stupid anyway...
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-06-30, 04:51
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
you mean you don't play through an amp at all? 
Yes but I line out, and no sound escapes through the amp so there is no reason to use it as a monitor. If I go acoustic I just mic it. and go straight to the board.
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2005-06-30, 11:08
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most bands with those walls of cabs on the stage got a small miced combo somwhere :>
i'd never put the line-out of the amp straight into the PA
the thing is that the cab is part of your sound creation, thats why guitar cabs exist.

2005-06-30, 12:36
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well sorta. when somone first put the guitar cab together im sure it was just to hold the speaker. now, sure its a large part of yuor sound with a science behind it.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-06-30, 23:46
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
Yes but I line out, and no sound escapes through the amp so there is no reason to use it as a monitor. If I go acoustic I just mic it. and go straight to the board.
well, i can tell i depise your tone already. you're skipping a vital part of the tone building stages. 
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2005-07-01, 04:17
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Id tell you id record something but I do not believe it would sound right. the Tone is just fine for me. I believe I get a better sound than if I miced the amp. My band has tried that and we get a harsher tone to it. The EVs have RMD (Ring Mode Decoupling) Dont ask me how it works cuz I dont know, but it increases the vocal clearity. I also run through a dual channel 31 band EQ (One For the Monitors and One For the Mains, The subs have a single) I think it sounds perfect for the application that we have. Lately I have had to take the amp into a place to get it fixed but Other than that I have had no problems.
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2005-07-01, 04:59
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I've learned that there are no real hard and fast rules to building a great signature tone ... for christ's sake the newest addition to my guitar rig is a bass cabinet.

2005-07-01, 15:29
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but dude... no guitar speakers... imo the sound of stressed speakers is just as, if not more important than power tube saturation. and you'd be getting neither. 
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2005-07-01, 16:38
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btw.: there are EV guitar speakers, rare and expensive though
you can sometimes find them in mesa combos etc

2005-07-01, 18:21
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Youd probably have to hear it to believe it.
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2005-07-02, 04:59
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
but dude... no guitar speakers... imo the sound of stressed speakers is just as, if not more important than power tube saturation. and you'd be getting neither. 
Trust me, it sounds right. And I do know what I want ... and this cab actually does it. I know how a guitar head can sound like shit through bass speakers, but for some reason this cab 'works', and it does sound like its in a tin can. I guess its because I'm running a solid-state head ( Crate Shockwave 350h ) through it, because the 5150 II I had sounded terrible through it.

2005-07-02, 07:31
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Originally Posted by John Holland
Trust me, it sounds right. And I do know what I want ... and this cab actually does it. I know how a guitar head can sound like shit through bass speakers, but for some reason this cab 'works', and it does sound like its in a tin can. I guess its because I'm running a solid-state head ( Crate Shockwave 350h ) through it, because the 5150 II I had sounded terrible through it.
i was talking to corpsevomit... but okay... 
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2005-07-02, 07:41
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i was talking to corpsevomit... but okay... 
Oh shit, I thought you were talking to me ...
I was meaning to ask you why the hell the Peavey bass cab works with my guitar head ...

2005-07-03, 04:12
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i was talking to corpsevomit... but okay... 
I dont know about power tube saturation, Im not a gearhead, I know that the amp I am running it though isnt tube, And I do not believe that my power amp is tube. All I know is that is sounds good, I could try to record something, no gaurantee that it will sound good though.
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2005-07-03, 04:15
Pirate Lawd
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If it sound good to you that is all that matters imo.
I like tube amps but SS grind has always been my lover.

2005-07-03, 05:55
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
SS grind has always been my lover.
 I just read about your Randall Cyclone ... I'm kind of wishing now that I had bought it over my Crate head ... but then again its treating me very well.
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-07-03 at 10:37.

2005-07-03, 06:54
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
I dont know about power tube saturation, Im not a gearhead, I know that the amp I am running it though isnt tube, And I do not believe that my power amp is tube. All I know is that is sounds good, I could try to record something, no gaurantee that it will sound good though.
What amp are you running it through??

2005-07-06, 23:36
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I am running through a line 6 spider II head, and the power amp is a crown CE4000
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