2005-06-23, 06:49
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Peavey XXX v.s. Line 6 Flexatone II
I'm debating on which one to get. I don't know a lot of Death Metal bands that use Peavey products besides Suffocation but their new tone sucks compared to the early days when they used Ampegs. Anyway, I know a lot of Death Metal bands that use Line 6 products like Disgorge, Vehemence, Sleep Terror, etc. But I have not played off the Line 6 Flexatone II in awhile. Is it discontinued??? I saw one on ebay for $300. I currently use the Peavey XXL with a BBE 482i Sonic Maximizer but either one of these amps would be better then my XXL. anyone have any opinions on these two amps and which one is better? I know the XXX is all tube and the Flexatone is s/s so that puts the XXX in an advantage so far. But I don't think the XXX will get that Death Metal sound I'd want it too.

2005-06-23, 06:54
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Originally Posted by BTP
.... I don't think the XXX will get that Death Metal sound I'd want it too.
That's why Peavey has the 5150/6505.

2005-06-23, 06:55
New Blood
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the triple xxx can nail alot of different sounds. at times it seems slightly sterile in my opinion but it has lots of gain, tight low end, and it's pretty versatile.

2005-06-23, 07:00
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I play death metal with my XXX.

2005-06-23, 07:03
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the XXX can do Death Metal no problem, its a pretty articulate amp.
Its miles ahead of any shitty line 6 product.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-06-23, 07:34
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Originally Posted by younguitarist
I play death metal with my XXX.
by any chance do you have an mp3 sample of you playing some Death Metal with it?

2005-06-23, 08:03
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XXX eats Line 6 for breakfast...
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-06-23, 11:06
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
XXX eats Line 6 for breakfast...
and dinner!

2005-06-23, 11:19
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I even think the XXL wins over the flextone

2005-06-23, 12:21
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
XXX eats Line 6 for breakfast...
hey now, that's half my username! I demand royalties!
Seriously, I tought only poser nu-metal bands played shitty line6 products?
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-06-23, 13:03
The Stings of Conscience
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actually, higher end Line 6 stuff isnt as terrible as their lower stuff. Still not my amps of choice, but they have some decent products out there.

2005-06-23, 16:39
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Originally Posted by BTP
by any chance do you have an mp3 sample of you playing some Death Metal with it?
Here's a clip of a recording I did a while back. No vocals though.

2005-06-24, 07:51
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Originally Posted by younguitarist
Here's a clip of a recording I did a while back. No vocals though.
I think this sample proves that Line 6 Flexatone II is way better then the Peavey XXL. What are you tuned to in this recording too by the way? and how was it recorded? If I tune to D standard does the Line 6 Flexatone II have enough gain and crunch for me? I'd also have a BBE 482i Sonic Maximizer
hooked up to it 

2005-06-24, 07:52
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or was that recording done with the Peavey XXX???

2005-06-24, 11:33
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by BTP
or was that recording done with the Peavey XXX???
just read the guys other post int his thread you ignoramoose 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-06-24, 12:20
The Mountie From Hell
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Take it from the guy who is looking into XXX's for a while, 90% of the time you need an EQ to boost the mids, that will get her humming!
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-06-24, 12:48
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young guitarists sample would have been done with an XXX combo
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-06-24, 13:00
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when i saw meshuggah, they used line 6 amps, sounded fucking good, but yeah.

2005-06-24, 17:55
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Originally Posted by BTP
I think this sample proves that Line 6 Flexatone II is way better then the Peavey XXL. What are you tuned to in this recording too by the way? and how was it recorded?
I tuned to Eb. Recording was done at a studio.
Originally Posted by BTP
or was that recording done with the Peavey XXX???
Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
young guitarists sample would have been done with an XXX combo

2005-06-28, 06:57
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What channel were you on and what were your settings if you don't mind me asking?

2005-06-28, 07:04
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I don't know the settings since I have it at my friends house. It was in the ultra channel.

2005-07-09, 23:26
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I meant to post this sooner but I was waiting on my Mic Preamp to come in to start recording with. This is another sample of a what a triple XXX can sound like. Just a note though, this is with beheringer cabs (which holds back this head a good amount sadly) and and the guitar is double tracked.

2005-07-09, 23:40
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oh lord....

2005-07-09, 23:45
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Originally Posted by younguitarist
oh lord....
I didnt see you were online  I really liked your clip by the way the drums sounded awesome was it a drum machine or a person? If it as a drum machine what kind was it?

2005-07-10, 03:25
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it was a drum program called drumkit from hell.

2005-07-10, 03:55
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Cool thanks for the heads up. Im using a cheapie drum machine a Zoom MRT-3b and it's taught me about sequencing and things but it's not very diverse when it comes to the actual kits. I just cant find a kick/snare combo that sounds very good to me but the kick drum on your clip is awesome. Ill have to see if I can check it out sometime.

2005-07-14, 22:30
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Line 6 Amps suck
Ive had the line6 Flextone it blew I have a XXX and Ive played the Satriani head as well as the 5150 5150II or 6550 ,
Ill be honest get a Marshall ,The peavey triple XXX is 100times better the line 6 and the satriani I think is even better , I didnt care for the 5150s or 6550
And I think marshalls are even better than the Peaveys , think of how many top pros use Marshall , They use it for a reason , they kick ass .
I got a DSL 100 kicks metal ass 

2005-07-15, 17:43
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
Ive had the line6 Flextone it blew I have a XXX and Ive played the Satriani head as well as the 5150 5150II or 6550 ,
Ill be honest get a Marshall ,The peavey triple XXX is 100times better the line 6 and the satriani I think is even better , I didnt care for the 5150s or 6550
And I think marshalls are even better than the Peaveys , think of how many top pros use Marshall , They use it for a reason , they kick ass .
I got a DSL 100 kicks metal ass
think of all the pros that also use peavey. if you're in the metal/hardcore scene and you go to a show... the peavey to marshall ratio will make you eat your words.
they're called endorsements. anyband that is REALLY BIG, probably has one.
give me a 5150 or 5150 II over a dsl or tsl any day of the week.
if you want to talk sound quality, it's subjective.
if you want to talk build quality, mass produced marshalls like the jcm 2000's are probably at the same level as the peaveys.
if you want to talk price, peavey is reasonably priced, marshall is not.
if you want to play a real line 6, try the hd147, or the vetta, or a pod xt....
judging line 6 by the spiders and flextones is like judging marshall on the mg's and avts.
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2005-07-16, 23:18
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leave the line6
line6 amps suck , peavey is cool the JSX is better than the XXX INHO , I have the XXX and Ive played the JSX , Ive played the 5150 6550 , The JSX is the best peavey , But a Marshal DSL is still better yet
line6 makes good modeling pedals but crud amps even the overpriced vetta blows

2005-07-16, 23:23
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most metal guitarists suck
I hate to say it most arent very good , give me zakk , give me slash , priest maiden UFO , schenker , to name a few
tell me can you even name half the guitarists in most metal bands , I can tell you the guitar players in mercyful fate , saxon , Scorpions , etc
Look I have a XXX , its cool amp , but its limited , the JSX is a better amp that one Id use quicker 

2005-07-17, 02:56
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
line6 amps suck , peavey is cool the JSX is better than the XXX INHO , I have the XXX and Ive played the JSX , Ive played the 5150 6550 , The JSX is the best peavey , But a Marshal DSL is still better yet
line6 makes good modeling pedals but crud amps even the overpriced vetta blows
line 6 doesnt suck, a couple of their amps do....
i'd take a hd147, vetta II or pod rig over alot of tube amps... shit that vetta II that "blows", i'd rather have than a marshall dsl.
no the jsx is not "the best peavey". it's all a matter of opinion. my favorite peavey is the 5150 II...
and no the dsl is not "better". once again it's all subjective. i like the jsx, xxx, and 5150's all better than the dsl.
trust me, i've probably played more amps than you've heard of. i know my shit. don't come around here acting like your opinion is fact, we don't by that shit.
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2005-07-17, 02:58
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
tell me can you even name half the guitarists in most metal bands , I can tell you the guitar players in mercyful fate , saxon , Scorpions , etc
what the fuck are you talking about now?
if you're implying marshall is the #1 most used amp in metal, you'd be very wrong.
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2005-07-17, 20:44
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dont get personal
what are you some metal god in waiting , Ive played them all soldano , bogner , mesa , marshall , the only amp I havent played and Im dying to is a Krankenstein , And as far as guitars I own 20 and ive played almost every brand
Whats your claim , Nobody I know , whose a real guitarist not a tune to Z and play 1 finger chords with no solos would play a line 6 live its just not cutting thru , people use Marshall for reason , and believe me Im not a marshall zombie , I own the XXX its decent , The JSX I think is better the 5150 are 2 muddy for me as well as mesa dual and triples ,believe me ive been looking for the holy grail of amps too.
So if you want to play live with your line 6 feel free


2005-07-17, 22:03
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"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-07-17, 22:07
Crusher of Skulls
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
what are you some metal god in waiting , Ive played them all soldano , bogner , mesa , marshall , the only amp I havent played and Im dying to is a Krankenstein , And as far as guitars I own 20 and ive played almost every brand
Whats your claim , Nobody I know , whose a real guitarist not a tune to Z and play 1 finger chords with no solos would play a line 6 live its just not cutting thru , people use Marshall for reason , and believe me Im not a marshall zombie , I own the XXX its decent , The JSX I think is better the 5150 are 2 muddy for me as well as mesa dual and triples ,believe me ive been looking for the holy grail of amps too.
So if you want to play live with your line 6 feel free


My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-07-17, 22:09
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Suffocation uses XXX's.
Yes they can do death metal.

2005-07-18, 00:49
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whats the real pros use
whats maiden , UFO , Schenker , priest , zep , hendrix, saxon , slash megadeth , zakk among others use MARSHALL,
Im not a Marshall zombie matter of fact I use to hate em , but since I got my DSL , Im sold , Pros use em because theyre quality, Suffocation no disrespect is not headlining any big arenas any time soon, Look its all what you think is your tone , peace out

2005-07-18, 00:59
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
Suffocation no disrespect is not headlining any big arenas any time soon, Look its all what you think is your tone , peace out
Yeah, that's right, only losers use Peavey
For me, 5150 > Any Marshall head

2005-07-18, 01:02
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
whats maiden , UFO , Schenker , priest , zep , hendrix, saxon , slash megadeth , zakk among others use MARSHALL,
Im not a Marshall zombie matter of fact I use to hate em , but since I got my DSL , Im sold , Pros use em because theyre quality, Suffocation no disrespect is not headlining any big arenas any time soon, Look its all what you think is your tone , peace out
Last time I heard such an analogy was an idiot saying that Linkin Park is good because a lot of people listen to them.
They use it because they like the tone, what does that prove, except that they like it?

2005-07-18, 01:08
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Originally Posted by Local_Hero
Last time I heard such an analogy was an idiot saying that Linkin Park is good because a lot of people listen to them.
They use it because they like the tone, what does that prove, except that they like it?
Hey, mushroom boy, you heard the man ... Suffocation does not headline arena tours, end of discussion!
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-07-18 at 01:11.

2005-07-18, 05:03
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
the only amp I havent played and Im dying to is a Krankenstein

Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-07-18, 14:54
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sorry to change the subject a bit but i was looking for a peavey xxl amp. are they anygood (i would be getting the combo version) and can you get a death metal sound like dying fetus or morbid etc etc?

2005-07-18, 15:21
The Mountie From Hell
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xxl's are somewhat ok, not the best, but alright for a SS combo/head.
but watch out their tubes can overhead and blow up. 
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-07-18, 16:14
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are you the all knowing
I guess theres one person in here who knows all , yet I havent heard you on any Cds or on a major tour , or anything else.
look i dont claim to know everything , But Im 47 been playing guitar since early teens , I grew up when you had to be a great player to make it , not tune down to ZZ and play 1 finger chords and not solo, I ve seen almost every major act , barring a few, including randy rhoads with ozzy .
So the point being Im not some snot mosed teeny with 2 months of experience , My friends own guitar and music shops , I v have close friends who have toured and recorded ,So if you want to talk shit , lets do it , you know whom im talking about,
otherwise , ill talk gear or guitar 24/7 , and im open to all ideas,
oh yeah BTW I had a flextone II , it sucked I promptly sold it , So therefore having a Line6 and a triple XXX and a Marshall and a Koch , I think I know somewhat what Im talking about. 

2005-07-18, 16:48
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Originally Posted by FearFrost
but watch out their tubes can overhead and blow up. 
hahahah that was one of the funniest metaltabs moments
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-07-18, 18:36
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
I guess theres one person in here who knows all , yet I havent heard you on any Cds or on a major tour , or anything else.
know it all? hell no... know alot? sure. at least enough to call your ignorant remarks.
hah, ok, lets see your band, your cd.... yeah that's right. you can't give me shit for not being some famous musician, and then you? where's your major label band.
i've been in small label bands, played shows, recorded music, ect...
but then again, what does that have to do with anything we're talking about?  nothing. me being in bands isnt something i brag about so people listen to me.
Originally Posted by foxguitar
look i dont claim to know everything , But Im 47 been playing guitar since early teens , I grew up when you had to be a great player to make it , not tune down to ZZ and play 1 finger chords and not solo, I ve seen almost every major act , barring a few, including randy rhoads with ozzy .
age and music prefference is no excuse for ignorance. i'm a young college guy, been playing since i was like 12-13... i've owned alot of amps, h&k triamp, rivera tbr-1m, mig 100, engl, splawn, marshall, mesa, peavey, bogner, ect... i've been to over a hundred shows easy. who cares?
who the hell cares if you've seen ozzy? fuck, in month i'll be seeing him again too... do i get some kind of badge of credibility?
Originally Posted by foxguitar
So the point being Im not some snot mosed teeny with 2 months of experience,
could have fooled me.
Originally Posted by foxguitar
My friends own guitar and music shops , I v have close friends who have toured and recorded ,
shit, i have friends at guitar shops too. so what? i actually have toured and recorded. so what?
Originally Posted by foxguitar
So if you want to talk shit , lets do it , you know whom im talking about,
 ha, whoa dude, count to ten and punch a pillow.
Originally Posted by foxguitar
otherwise , ill talk gear or guitar 24/7 , and im open to all ideas,
so far you're off to a bad start. lets work on your "open to all ideas" and not stating opinions in forms of facts. and thus making you appear like such an asshat.
Originally Posted by foxguitar
once again, you can't judge an amp maker by their low end products. shit, that's like me saying your dsl100 is garbage because my first amp was an mg.
marshall dsl, good head, but IMO far from the best, same with the triple x. the koch stuff is pretty good too. i'm not saying your amps suck. but i'm saying all this stating your opinions like their facts, and acting like your marshall dsl is handsdown better than X amp. it's bullshit.
you come in here and straight up line 6 just plain sucks. as if it's some sort of fact? your opinion aint a fact bro.
i have no problem getting a line 6 head to sound great. sure it's not my personal favorite. but opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
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2005-07-18, 18:41
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Originally Posted by FearFrost
xxl's are somewhat ok, not the best, but alright for a SS combo/head.
i've played s.s. amp's i've liked more or less.
Originally Posted by FearFrost
but watch out their tubes can overhead and blow up.
oh you're bad.
i really liked the part when we're like "uh dude, that's not even a tube head"... and then he was like "YES IT IS FEGGT!!q I BET YOU FEEL STUPID N()W!!1qa"

Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-07-18, 19:08
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
I guess theres one person in here who knows all , yet I havent heard you on any Cds or on a major tour , or anything else.
look i dont claim to know everything , But Im 47 been playing guitar since early teens , I grew up when you had to be a great player to make it , not tune down to ZZ and play 1 finger chords and not solo, I ve seen almost every major act , barring a few, including randy rhoads with ozzy .
So the point being Im not some snot mosed teeny with 2 months of experience , My friends own guitar and music shops , I v have close friends who have toured and recorded ,So if you want to talk shit , lets do it , you know whom im talking about,
otherwise , ill talk gear or guitar 24/7 , and im open to all ideas,
oh yeah BTW I had a flextone II , it sucked I promptly sold it , So therefore having a Line6 and a triple XXX and a Marshall and a Koch , I think I know somewhat what Im talking about. 
you should buy my band's cd.. we played shows with pretty big UK/US bands on their euro tours :P
what kinda Koch have you got? they're Dutch amps so I know all their models, they're pretty damn good... I'm guessing you've got a Powertone?
I prefer my Engl Savage and Engl Powerball over the Powertone, they're more aggressive but maybe a bit less refined as the Powertone. I'm thinking of buying a studiotone for playing at home.
On another note, it doesn't matter how old you are, I'm 22, in a signed band, played shows with some big American bands, got my own custom made guitar, a nice collection of tube amps and I teach guitar and bass guitar.
That doesn't matter much either, there's probably people here that can outplay me when it comes to shredding, there's allways someone better then you, no doubt about that..
fact is, we're both no snot nosed teen. but that doesn't grant you the right to say you're better then them. not even if you're an old fuck with 13490182 years of experience. I'm on my 7/8th year of playing guitar and I teach guys twice my age that can't play for shit, doesn't mean they're not enjoying themselves.

2005-07-18, 19:11
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
bogner, ect... i've been to over a hundred shows easy. who cares?
who the hell cares if you've seen ozzy? fuck, in month i'll be seeing him again too... do i get some kind of badge of credibility?
what Bogner did you have man?
I've seen Ozzy too, four times now. unfortunatly not with RR. (duh)

2005-07-18, 19:15
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ive been looking for the mother of all amps
believe me wish I wish Line6 amps was good , I like their modeler pedals , I have the 4 modeling pedals all good shit , I wish their amps were good too , I like the idea behind line 6 .
all Im saying the vetta is a great idea , but the 1600 they want for the combo or just the head , you can do better , Tell me if Im wrong, I never said the peavey XXX is bad , I have one , its a great head for the money less than 800 when I got it , But I think its limited , If you want that one tone its pretty cool , a real gain monster , but the JSX IMHO is more versatile, I did not like the 5150 or 6550 s too bottom heavy for my taste . Look is Marshall the best probably if you want to spend big bucks on a bogner or a soldano or a engl than Id say no , but for the average guitar player you cant go wrong with a marshall , maybe not the DSL if you dont like it but the JCM 800 will more than do , I used to jones for a boogie , but the new ones I feel are too muddy ,
Look if I came across as a expert , than Im sorry , all I was trying to do was convey my OPINION, ok
so truce dude , im sure if we met we , d hoist a few suds together jam out and form a band lol 

2005-07-18, 19:24
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to all the flamers
relax dudes its all about guitars and gear , what you think is good , is good , I was getting flamed , so I stated that im not a punk kid , hats off to you for being signed, I hope I check your band out , I have a Koch Powertone II, I think its a pretty good amp ,
Id like to jam with u guys im sure we have a blast , look im not here trying to make enemies, I love guitars and gear , and I love talking about them so if i came across like a expert Im am  J/K
So peace gents , ok , we all are here for the same purpose ,
Im not going to ozz fest , after BLS sabbath and Maiden all of which ive seen ,Ive seen almost everyone one of the second stage , Arch enemy , who I love the brothers guitar playing , as far back as carcass ,i liked them when the dude was singing , killswitch etc, Last year I thought had better line up
just my opinion ,
wanna see a great band check out SAXON , they rock 

2005-07-18, 21:03
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Marshall makes a lot of great stuff for more 'hard rock' or 'heavy metal' orientated players, but it is lacking in versatility and gain neccesary for the more modern metal variations. And I'm not talking about Drop-Z "nu-mettle". Plus their way overpriced now.
But ok, you came back from your statement that "marshall owns all".
Also, no insult intended, but you said you were 47. How come your incoherent posts looked like they've been made by a 14-year old fat goth nerd? 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-07-18, 21:27
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Posts: 809
you almost made it
I was digging what u had to say but you had to go throw in the dig , first off , cause im speaking from experience, The marshall and again im not a marshall groupie sounds how you play , you cant hide shitty playing with them , whereas as alot of inferior amps you can play like balls and sound great, look maybe im old school , when you had to know to play , and not drop tune everything, when you had to be able to solo your ass off , thats who i want to hear , players like zakk , schenker , yngwie, saxon , priest , maiden , even testament with james murphy .
so if you disagree fine , thats your right , just lay off the flames,

2005-07-18, 21:44
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
Posts: 4,321
Originally Posted by foxguitar
just lay off the flames
agreed, if you lay off plugging the same bands over and over

Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-07-18, 22:22
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
Originally Posted by foxguitar
I was digging what u had to say but you had to go throw in the dig , first off , cause im speaking from experience, The marshall and again im not a marshall groupie sounds how you play , you cant hide shitty playing with them , whereas as alot of inferior amps you can play like balls and sound great, look maybe im old school , when you had to know to play , and not drop tune everything, when you had to be able to solo your ass off , thats who i want to hear , players like zakk , schenker , yngwie, saxon , priest , maiden , even testament with james murphy .
so if you disagree fine , thats your right , just lay off the flames,
Lots of players who drop-tune to "Z" ( Anyone from Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, etc. ) can hang with Schenker, Yngwie, Zakk, Testament, etc.
And no one seems to have brought up all the shitty musicians who use Marshall ...
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-07-18 at 22:30.

2005-07-18, 22:45
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: NY just south of heaven
Posts: 809
Originally Posted by John Holland
Lots of players who drop-tune to "Z" ( Anyone from Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, etc. ) can hang with Schenker, Yngwie, Zakk, Testament, etc.
And no one seems to have brought up all the shitty musicians who use Marshall ...
ok I can see you know your shit NOT, yeah ok , Cannibal Corpse , ok haha, compared to what your band maybe .
your havent named one good player , oh yeah pardon me the dude in morbid angel is cool ,
look jerkie you cant compare those guys with real players , what are you a high school kid just learning to play , If you werent you know real players who can play. see ya 

2005-07-18, 23:06
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
Originally Posted by foxguitar
ok I can see you know your shit NOT, yeah ok , Cannibal Corpse , ok haha, compared to what your band maybe .
your havent named one good player , oh yeah pardon me the dude in morbid angel is cool ,
look jerkie you cant compare those guys with real players , what are you a high school kid just learning to play , If you werent you know real players who can play. see ya 
Terrence Hobbs, Jack Owens, Trey Azagthoth, Karl Sanders/Dallas-Toler Wade, Scott Hull, all virtuosos and masters of their instrument. For you to refer to them as 'sub-par' musicians shows that you trust in a great deal of assumption. And yes, I know virtuosic playing : I own more Dream Theater, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, BLS/Zakk Wylde, Frank Gambale and Greg Howe records than you can shake a stick at. And I can tell you that "Frantic Disembowelment" is just as hard to tackle as Paganinni's 5th Caprice, because I can play both.
And about my musical project in my sig, there you go with the personal insults. I'm not the best player on these boards, but I'm no slouch either, and I think the rest of MetalTabs will agree with me. But we all know that any high school beginner can play the staccato solo with the 32nd notes and wide interval jumps in "333"  .
Listen to Necrophagist, and then repeat what you've said with a straight face.
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-07-18 at 23:14.

2005-07-18, 23:11
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
Posts: 4,321
Originally Posted by foxguitar
ok I can see you know your shit NOT, yeah ok , Cannibal Corpse , ok haha, compared to what your band maybe .
your havent named one good player , oh yeah pardon me the dude in morbid angel is cool ,
look jerkie you cant compare those guys with real players , what are you a high school kid just learning to play , If you werent you know real players who can play. see ya 
You know how ignorant you sound?
God, this dude reminds me of that guy here who asked why people listened to growling 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-07-18, 23:35
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: NY just south of heaven
Posts: 809
ok maestro
Originally Posted by John Holland
Terrence Hobbs, Jack Owens, Trey Azagthoth, Karl Sanders/Dallas-Toler Wade, Scott Hull, all virtuosos and masters of their instrument. For you to refer to them as 'sub-par' musicians shows that you trust in a great deal of assumption. And yes, I know virtuosic playing : I own more Dream Theater, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, BLS/Zakk Wylde, Frank Gambale and Greg Howe records than you can shake a stick at. And I can tell you that "Frantic Disembowelment" is just as hard to tackle as Paganinni's 5th Caprice, because I can play both.
And about my one-man band project, I'm not the best player on these boards, but I'm no slouch either, and I think the rest of MetalTabs will agree with me.
Listen to Necrophagist, and then repeat what you've said with a straight face.
If what you say is true you wouldnt have said the silly ass comments
first off unless you know me , how the hell do you know who or what I listen to , and I how many CDs I have .
my favorite death bands out of the ones you mentioned is morbid , I like Vader as well ,
I agree with yu about Trey , he a great player , as is James Murphy .
oh and by the way I probably have about 10,000 cds , bought and downloaded ,
Il take bands like Cathedral , force of evil , stratovarius . blind guardian , nevermore , at the very least the singers can sing not growl every song .
As far as Gambale , Howe , etc Ive seen them in the 80s , i know the shrapnel catalog too , joey tafalla , viinie moore macalpine etc , chastain , SO What , all great players they aint in death metal bands , my only complaint with death metal is not really the guitar players alot I grant you are good , I hate the cookie monster vocals,
So can we agree to disagree 

2005-07-18, 23:58
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by foxguitar
So can we agree to disagree 
or you could just shoot yourself in the face 

2005-07-19, 00:45
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: NY just south of heaven
Posts: 809
no i rather shoot u asshole
your a stupid little jerk , u pint sized little jag off 

2005-07-19, 01:01
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
How old are you again?

2005-07-19, 01:07
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
guys, all this is is a troll looking for trouble. i guarantee hes not 47, hes just trying to get a rise out of you guys. dont feed into him and refuse to reply to his antagonistic posts. i bet he even tries to suck onto me (like a leach) after i post this. he'll probablay acuse me of sucking, or not knowing what im talking about, or being gay, etc. either that, or he'll pretened to take the high road and not comment on my post. because he wants to seem somewhat human, so he can continue trolling.
you have been preempted.

2005-07-19, 01:13
Forum Daemon
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Point, Transient.

2005-07-19, 02:20
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: NY just south of heaven
Posts: 809
Back At ya , Jag OFF
Originally Posted by Transient
guys, all this is is a troll looking for trouble. i guarantee hes not 47, hes just trying to get a rise out of you guys. dont feed into him and refuse to reply to his antagonistic posts. i bet he even tries to suck onto me (like a leach) after i post this. he'll probablay acuse me of sucking, or not knowing what im talking about, or being gay, etc. either that, or he'll pretened to take the high road and not comment on my post. because he wants to seem somewhat human, so he can continue trolling.
you have been preempted.
What I say that pissed you off nancy boy , whats a matter cant argue about gear with facts just your babble , glad I pissed you off , because if you had a ounce of intelligence you would argue your case or state your opinion without the attack , which by the way scrote sack you are very brave in cyberland , but wouldnt have the balls to say to my face .
Most of you guys have been cool , its ok to disagree but if you must throw stupid shit that shows your a ignorant fuck who knows shit about guitar about guitar playing about gear, Oh I forgot if its not DETH METAL it sucks right ,
You asslicker Ive probably seen more deth shows than you ever will
Morbid , Cannibal Corpse , to name a few, Been to European fests , as well as most of the 50 states to see shows , does that make me great , no just better than you ,
and Im 47 and you know what Ill bet you a million dollars my guitar collection will blow yours away Ibanez man
So if you want static you have come to the right place ,
you wanna dance we will dance

2005-07-19, 02:23
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I like tacos
This is my signature.

2005-07-19, 02:25
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me too.

2005-07-19, 02:26
The Mountie From Hell
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well this dude took my ears away from my Judas Priest high... so lets see this collection!
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-07-19, 03:04
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No collection will be seen. This thread is dead.
Everyone shut your hole, your all terribly ugly in my book!
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i'm so bonery
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