2005-06-18, 19:35
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engl savage60 SERIOUS HELP NEEDED NOW!!!!!!!!!!
ok i just bought a engl savage 60 head.
i played it at the guys place, and the gain was just brutal, and lots of it too.
i played through a engl 4x12 cab, nothing in the fx loop or in front of it.
i played through my own guitar
now im at home, and theres no gain  wel there is some but its not what it had back there (its like a slightly overdriven clean channel, compared to at his house), and the volume difference is hardly different than the volume i played it at the guys house.
could it be a cab can make thatmuch difference
the tubes had bout 1 to 2 hour to cool down before i drove home, and i caried it like my own little baby, i didnt bumb into anything etc.
euhm Y!!!!!!!!!????
also, i have a rocktron intellifex, wich always worked perfect on my old rig.
so i put it in the fx loop of the engl savage60, and what happends, its not working the way it should (i did plug it in right i tripple checked that), the leds that indicate the level (the green to red led) dont work, the effects do work if i turn the hush off, wich give an instant fedback through the effects (if i bypass it its ok). i also tryd the intellifex in front of the amp (gtr-intelifex-amp) same thing happend
could it be my intellifex broke from 1 sec to another???
could anything described above be the result of crap cables??
i know my cables arent exactly good, but ive never had crap like this before
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 19:56
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def?? xdx??? please help me sumone 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 20:22
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i posted a couple questions for you in the other thread....
def can probably help you better if it's a problem with the savage.. as he has a savage 60 and i do not.
but checking the cords would be a great place to start.. as well as the tubes, guitar, ect...
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2005-06-18, 20:39
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thnx xdx, ill keep posting in this thread bout the problems.
the intellifex..
basicaly, the effects are like loud, so a delay goes like rilli loud, wich usualy went like normal, cant rilli explain. its like the delay level is at 10, while its at 3, u know what im saying???
i know i have some crap cables, but they always worked before, so either i just fucked em up by pulling em out overfanatic to play the savage, or sumtin else.
bout the gain.
i tryd that without anytyhing in ther fx or before, so (gtr-amp)
it worked amazingly good like 4 hours ago at the guys house.
so maybe the cable i use is crap, wich it definatly is, but can that actualy discrease gain from ur amp??? i guess so.
and im thinking of getting some new tubes for it anyway (if i can get the money) and getting the bias fixed (or whatever its called)
atleast that what my dad says that might be the problem
EDIT: the cable the guy had was a 50 euro cable btw, so a damn good one for sure, so maybe thats y.
< no wonder hes mad!!
Last edited by k13m : 2005-06-18 at 20:41.

2005-06-18, 20:43
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DEF if u read this.
u sayd sumtin bout nice tubes u had for the savage 60.
where did u get them and where did u get the bias fixed?? dr tube if i remember correctly
wich tubes?? sumtin with jj that gave it more gain
im not sure so lemme know please
i definatly wanna keep this head, cuz it sounded so fuxking awesome at the guys place, it was definatly my dream sound so
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 20:48
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I'm not a professional on tube amps, but my thoughts are that you've had a couple of tubes blow, in the last couple of gain stages (3 and 4)... possibly the send jack in the fx loop is dodgy, so that would aid in the intellifex mucking up.
Hope you sort the problem out man!
(If not, i'll buy it for £100 off you  )
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
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Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-06-18, 20:50
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hmm could be, if a tube ios broken does it still light up???
cuz they all light up, xept for 1 big tube, well it lights up but a litle bit less than the other.
btw, my intellifex tripps out on my old rig aswell, i just checked
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 20:55
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It could still light up, because the heater may still work, it could be a different part of the tube, like the plate or something (forgive me if im talking rubbish, i havent done that much research into tubes yet).
Unlucky about the intellifex, hope ya get it working again 
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-06-18, 20:56
Master Killer
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fucking wierd man, I think it's something with either your cables or you knocked a tube outta the socked or something, it's damn weird... check everything, the preamp tubes have these iron 'holders' around them, push them to see if the preamp tubes are in allright, the poweramp tubes have a ring at the bottom, but it's probably not the problem!
definetly invest in some good cables, I used to bust up a cable of month/two months, since I got some Spectraflex cables at Feedback I never broke a cable again. they're worth the cash...
ah, about the tubes, yeah, www.drtube.com he's a great guy, plus he doesn't charge much and checks out the whole amp for you when he's changing the tubes.
I use:
Sovtek AX7LPS preamp tubes (hand selected gain/microphonics in V1/V2)
JJ EL34 power tubes.
it's a pretty expensive set, just about the most expensive regular tubes you can buy unless you go out and buy NOS tubes or something.
Try it out with different cabs too, the Engl cabs definetly do have their own tone though I can't imagine it makes that much difference, it just can't, my Engl sound great on my marshall cab.
hmm, you got everything setup right? check out the manual to be sure, maybe you accidently pushed a button you didn't know yet? hehe. I don't know man, it's hard to tell by your describtion. did you set the fx loop to 'wet'?
also, WHAT footswitch are you using? (sounds weird, but some switches work differently and the Savage has a weird mechanism for switching with stereo jacks)
If you can't solve it, call the guy who sold it to you, I don't know but it must be something stupid you're not seeing right now, or either somethings messed up, but I can't imagine that, I've bumped my amps a million times and they never ever broke down!
p.s. sorry for not replying sooner, I was out back with DEP ;p

2005-06-18, 20:57
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by k13m
hmm could be, if a tube ios broken does it still light up???
cuz they all light up, xept for 1 big tube, well it lights up but a litle bit less than the other.
btw, my intellifex tripps out on my old rig aswell, i just checked
doesnt' matter, the savage 60 has EMS which shuts off one power tube if its broken, so it still works on one powertube, running 30 watts!
also, don't bother with the intelliflex yet, just get the amp working like it should and check out the rest later.

2005-06-18, 21:07
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thnx for the reply def
maybe its just me but it sounded fo full of gain while theres a lack of gain now.
anyway, ill go get some new cable, first 1 to check if thats it.
also i tryd my cab next to 2 other cabs, and mine sounded rilli good, it has some good speakers in it so that cant be it
and ill check that dr tube guy for the tubes u told me, i dont think the tubes have been replaced anytime, since the inside is full of dusty (its worse than my room so)
im also sure i didnt acidently press or unpress a button, i rilli tripple checked everything. also the fx leven button on the back, i messed around with it, i messed around in a milion ways with my intellifex, but soince its crap on my old rig aswell, i asume its a cable thing.
im pretty sure new tubes will do it good anyway, and a bias check might not be wrong so.
THNX MATE, also thnx for telling me bout the amp  cuz when i get it to sound like it did, i ow u lots of beer for it 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 21:09
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Originally Posted by Def
doesnt' matter, the savage 60 has EMS which shuts off one power tube if its broken, so it still works on one powertube, running 30 watts!
also, don't bother with the intelliflex yet, just get the amp working like it should and check out the rest later.
is it posible to take one tube out, or switch it of and use it as a 30 watt amp?? cuz is still kinda loud
just wondering
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 21:12
Master Killer
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no problem man, hope it all works out and it's just a fucking cable or something. how much did you get it for eventually?
Check if the original tubes are still in it, they've got the Engl labels on them, if they're still in there they probably need to be replaced (since they're hard to get in Holland they're probably the factory tubes! same as mine came with, after 8 years, hahaha, it sounded 10x better with new ones..) did they guy tell you anything about the tubes??
good luck!

2005-06-18, 21:13
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by k13m
is it posible to take one tube out, or switch it of and use it as a 30 watt amp?? cuz is still kinda loud
just wondering
well I don't know how good that is for the amp lol, I do know the EMS system works (I tried it, hehe)
it's pretty loud indeed for a sixty watt. I used it in our practise room with the main volume at 6 and that was definetly enough. I also got very hot with the JJ's but it sounded like tonal heaven

2005-06-18, 21:17
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actualy, i didnt even ask bout the tubes, cuz it sounded so awesome, i completely forgot bout it so 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 21:22
Master Killer
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haha, maybe call the guy or something? how much did you get it for in the end man? and what kinda guy was it?
hey, I told you it was better then the fireball!!

2005-06-18, 21:42
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Originally Posted by Def
haha, maybe call the guy or something? how much did you get it for in the end man? and what kinda guy was it?
hey, I told you it was better then the fireball!!
i got it for 800, i tryd to get some of it but it didnt work, and it sounded so fucking awesome, i would have payd more if it was necasary  , the guy was rilli nice, me and my dad came theere at 12 and left at 4:30, just rilli nice peeple.
i believe bout it beiing better than the fireball, its awesome (if it works the way it did  ) i think its also the best looking ENGL head, i like the way those round bars are, instead of (gaas??) lol
, im already talking to my dad bout lending me money for a good cable and tubes 
howmuch did it cost u?? like 100 euros??, does he set the bias (or sumtin)

< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 21:53
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with the intellifex it just sounds like you must have either the head and/or the intellifex set all wet with little to no dry.
for the gain,
speakers arent going to effect you gain(if they do it's because they're distorting, which is still adding gain)
sounds like a tube to me. a preamp tube goes out, and that's a gain stage or two missing already.
buy a decent 12ax7 preamp tube or two, and try swapping it with each tube until you find the culprit. if that doesnt work, you're only out $8 and you have a spare tube or two.
if they're stock tubes, change em all asap.
check your cables too. quality cables are worth it. your rig is only as good as it's weakest link. why cut corners on the cheapest parts?
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2005-06-18, 22:05
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by k13m
, im already talking to my dad bout lending me money for a good cable and tubes 
howmuch did it cost u?? like 100 euros??, does he set the bias (or sumtin)

check out the website of dr tube, I posted the link above, I'm sure you can get tubes and the bias set for 100e, probably a bit less.
good cables are a must, those spectraflex things work fine for me, I don't know if you can get them there, I bought mine at fucking feedback Utrecht. the guys there are wankers but they do have decent stuff.
and yeah for the rest, check the tubes, unscrew the backcover and there you go. (watch out, don't touch the capacitator and unplug the amp first!)
also, what footswitch are you using?? the same as over there?

2005-06-18, 22:13
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il checked the drtube site.
il get a new GOOD cable when i have the chance and money, im also just gonna replace the tubes, the original ENGL tubes are still init so their just crazy fucking old
btw, i didnt use a footswitch
anyway, i think ive got it all clear now, new cable, new tubes :d
many thanx to all of u, i rilli apreciate it, ill post some pics after a while when it all works properly 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 22:18
Master Killer
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what, you didn't use a footswitch? wtf? haha.
explain please, how the hell did you change the four channels? how did you get it to change over there? 

2005-06-18, 22:22
Join Date: Jul 2003
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The gain.. your probably aren't on the highest gain channel..
The fx loop... is probably set to dry...
If so, funny.. 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-06-18, 22:29
Master Killer
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man, I'm thinking the same about the channels BLS, it has 4 channels.
if he can switch to clean and crunch then it would make sense, you need a different switch to use all 4 (the Engl Z4 or the double marshall ones)
how the hell are you switching it without a footswitch?! because you can't! (well, only one channel, thats clean/crunch dude)

2005-06-18, 22:33
Supreme Metalhead
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^^^^this is why i need a Replifex, for beautiful MIDI switching for my 530.
And get those pictures up! I'd throw pics of mine up but a preamp sitting on top of a cab doesnt look as intimidating as an ENGL head.
Today i'm starting my job hunt anyway. Really late in the game but who knows!

2005-06-18, 22:40
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2005-06-18, 22:45
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Its people like you that make me sick
Nice rig though 
The Freedom of Chaos
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Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-06-18, 23:29
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Originally Posted by Def
man, I'm thinking the same about the channels BLS, it has 4 channels.
if he can switch to clean and crunch then it would make sense, you need a different switch to use all 4 (the Engl Z4 or the double marshall ones)
how the hell are you switching it without a footswitch?! because you can't! (well, only one channel, thats clean/crunch dude)
euhm what???
i mean, clean (boost knob = crunch)
lead (lead boost = high lead or whatever?? right???
thats all the buttons i could find, btw the pic u atached, thats ur powerball and savaga right??
cuz mine only has 1 row of buttons
like this one
AND THE FX LOOP WASENT SET TO DRY im not a fucking idiot!!!!!
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 23:31
Master Killer
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yeah, but its not my Savage, that's a Savage SE...
eh, now you still didn't tell me how you switch the channels.. because you can't without a footswitch! how did you change them over at the guy's place?

2005-06-18, 23:34
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theres some buttons, next to the volume knobs there a little button that says
then theres a button next to the GAIN know that says bright and rhythm boost
and a button called lead boost
so ui wanna tel me theres more chanels than that 
cuz i dont even think the guy i bought it from knew that if its true
EDIT so i obviously changed through pushing those buttons
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 23:34
Master Killer
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wait, give me 700 and you got my powerball, Z5 and flightcase
I could use another Savage 60, haha.

2005-06-18, 23:36
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Originally Posted by Def
wait, give me 700 and you got my powerball, Z5 and flightcase
I could use another Savage 60, haha.
NAh im more than broke already  and i like this baby, i just need new tubes, still the engl tubes init so that explained i guess
now what bout those 4 chanels??
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 23:38
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by k13m
theres some buttons, next to the volume knobs there a little button that says
then theres a button next to the GAIN know that says bright and rhythm boost
and a button called lead boost
so ui wanna tel me theres more chanels than that 
cuz i dont even think the guy i bought it from knew that if its true 
dude, you're not on the right channel. get a fucking footswitch NOW!
you're talking about the two gain knobs on the left and the two booster buttons, those say rythm and lead boost....
see if it's on clean and you boost the rythm you get the crunch and if you got it on lead and boost it you get the high lead (see, four channels, you just need the right footswitch..)
OK, if you want to change from clean to leads you can also try and stick a guitar cable in it, touch the tip of the other side (thats not in that amp) and connect the thing with your hands (like holding the jack) see if it switches over, haha, in case you don't have a switch at hand
if you're not using a footswitch, then there's no way you're on distortion, you're only on clean or crunch. I don't know, did the guy have a footswitch over there??? (it seems so!..)

2005-06-18, 23:40
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by k13m
NAh im more than broke already  and i like this baby, i just need new tubes, still the engl tubes init so that explained i guess
now what bout those 4 chanels??
I like them too man...
but you need to get an Engl Z4, shame I allready sold the one I had extra!! you can also get a double marshall, works just the same

2005-06-18, 23:40
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Thats what I was thinking.. My Blackmore is similar.
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-06-18, 23:41
Master Killer
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I know... I was thinking it from the start, when you said it too, haha.
you got a Z5 with the blackmore BLS?

2005-06-18, 23:42
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dude i played al those 4 channels
i played clean, and with the boost crunch
same for lead, and lead dboost
so i dont need a fucking foot switch cuz there buttons on the amp to switch from rhytm (clean) to lead
just wondering are u drunk high on crack??
or is it me beiing a dumbass
btw yes the guy had a 2 switch marshall footswitch that he unplugged so i could switch by just pressing buttons
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 23:44
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Originally Posted by Def
I know... I was thinking it from the start, when you said it too, haha.
you got a Z5 with the blackmore BLS?
No footswitch, I dont need it to switch channels.. but I will get one if I find one for a good price.
But apparently his does.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-06-18, 23:46
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goddamned al of u stop fucking confusing me and start talking sence  lol
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 23:46
Master Killer
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haha, no no, we just though you had it on clean and was pressing the wrong button
then it's just fucking weird though, I know theres a switch for clean/crunch too, the one with the led, the one with the led takes it from clean to mean.
you got the lead wide open, the lead presence a bit up and the lead boost on? I can give you my settings if you want them but I guess it must be another something.. still I would just give the guy a call man, it's an 800 bucks top and its not working like it should, I would beat the fucker up, even if he was a nice guy. hell the guy might have moved back to Aruba now and he's laughin his ass off.

2005-06-18, 23:48
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by k13m
goddamned al of u stop fucking confusing me and start talking sence  lol
haha, sorry, forgot about the knob with the little red LED, it's just gay anyway..
hm. seriously dude, call the guy, can you decribe what it sounds like? just less gainy or also losing the overall tone?

2005-06-18, 23:50
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the button w3ith the led says rhythm lead
and rhythm and lead both have a BOOS button, wich make it 4 channels, else they would make a amp with 2 secret chanels that hidden??? i mean wtf lol.
btw, i know whats wrong, stil those engl tubes, i probaly fucked while driving home or sumtin, my dad drives like a itiod sumtimes
aand i mean, i played it at the dudes place, and it was completely brutal witch nice high gain, so it is either MY cable or a tube broke.
anyway THNX for the confusions and the answers 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 23:52
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Originally Posted by Def
haha, sorry, forgot about the knob with the little red LED, it's just gay anyway..
hm. seriously dude, call the guy, can you decribe what it sounds like? just less gainy or also losing the overall tone?
just less gainy  im starting to get rilly sure that its a tube thing
so says my dad also, wich is a dumbass but he knows some stuff 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 23:56
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I doubt cables can make that much differences in sound, of course it probobly takes out some hum and so on but the big deal in expensive cables is life-length

2005-06-18, 23:56
Master Killer
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haha, just get the damn thing fixed!
maybe it got bumped in the care, who knows, if the guy didn't take it out every now and then it could have been waiting to happen, just your luck..
your button says rythm lead? haha mine's rythm crunch like in the manual, maybe they changed it in the later range to avoid confusion.
ah well, get rid of those tubes, they must be fucking old. be sure to hook up with Dr. Tube, he'll set you straight. Also take a look at the amps the guy has at his place!!!

2005-06-18, 23:57
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by k13m
just less gainy  im starting to get rilly sure that its a tube thing
so says my dad also, wich is a dumbass but he knows some stuff 
well, was it like that right away after you put it on your cab and played it for the first time when you got it home?
then it's probably something that got messed up during transport. god I love my flightcases!

2005-06-19, 00:00
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yeah ill get it to dr tube lol
it must have happend in the car, cuz right after plugging it in it wasnt as bruutal as before  it ws an emotional thing  but i got the cure  tubes
sry im getting crazy of tireness and a ovedose of frustration from tday.
anyway, now ive gotbout all my answers so thnx
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-19, 00:02
Master Killer
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you're welcome, I can imagine it's been a pain in the ass! haha. well at least you got to hear how it SHOULD sound. which is fucking badass.
keep us posted, goodnight!

2005-06-19, 09:33
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Originally Posted by Def
you're welcome, I can imagine it's been a pain in the ass! haha. well at least you got to hear how it SHOULD sound. which is fucking badass.
keep us posted, goodnight!
lol, now i have to make evenmore overhours to be able to buy tubes and a cable  lol
maybe i should write a song bout it  whahaha
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-19, 19:22
Supreme Metalhead
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^^^^^I'd like to hear that song in death metal form

2005-06-19, 20:53
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Originally Posted by HalfmastTrousers
^^^^^I'd like to hear that song in death metal form
whahaha thats an awesome start 
to bad im no good at writing lyrics.. or songs 
< no wonder hes mad!!
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