2005-06-16, 07:00
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: The West.
Posts: 4,433
Originally Posted by Josh
.......if you use an EMG you might as well have made the guitar out of plywood.....
you must have a dildo crammed in your ear if you can't hear a difference between a plywood guitar with emg's and a mahogany guitar with emg's. all other specs the same.
sure actives are "sterile" and more "isolated" in their sound. but that doesnt mean you can have a shitty wal-mart first act fitted with emg's and it's just gonna sound the same as a custom built ran soloist style guitar.
and for the passive realm. there are other great pickups other than duncans and dimarzios.
most of the metal i listen too probably has active pickups in it. and alot of it sounds fucking amazing. why? because they are good pickups in good guitars, used buy good musicians, in a good studio, ect....
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