2005-06-14, 15:02
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sngl fireball?? thunder?? screamer???
im selling al my rack amp stuff cuz i want a head
thing is i dont want to have a 100 watt head cuz its too loud in my litle room before it sounds like sumtin, so im looking into a thunder, fireball, and savage
i dunno wich has most gain of the three, i guess it obvious the fireball has more gain and balls than a thunder but what bout a savage, and what bout the savage combo?? is that any good??
i basicaly want as much gain as possible (thats my top priority ir sumtin)
ive heard most clips oin rocksolid amp, but a thunder sounds asif it has more gain than a fireball, but i dont know cuz they dont tell wich setting were used etc.
so wichone is recomendable for most gain and balls??
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-14, 15:44
El Diablo sin pantalones
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I sure could use some head too 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-06-14, 16:12
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yeah me 2
but I think the savage is pretty brutal distortion wise. And the fireball is the amp before the powerball i think. And the powerball kicks ass. so the fireball will have much usuable gain I think.
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-06-14, 16:26
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by k13m
im selling al my rack amp stuff cuz i want a head
thing is i dont want to have a 100 watt head cuz its too loud in my litle room before it sounds like sumtin, so im looking into a thunder, fireball, and savage
i dunno wich has most gain of the three, i guess it obvious the fireball has more gain and balls than a thunder but what bout a savage, and what bout the savage combo?? is that any good??
i basicaly want as much gain as possible (thats my top priority ir sumtin)
ive heard most clips oin rocksolid amp, but a thunder sounds asif it has more gain than a fireball, but i dont know cuz they dont tell wich setting were used etc.
so wichone is recomendable for most gain and balls??
you obviously didn't search hard enough, try harmony central too.
there is NO savage combo. there's only the screamer and the thunder combo's. In a higher range, there's the Sovereign and ofcourse the discontinued straight/jive combos.
the savage has way more usable gain then the screamer and thunder but they don't come in combo versions. there's the Sovereign though but it's not as brutal as the Savage and Powerball.
The fireball and powerball are basically the same, though the powerball has four channels, more wattage, double EQ's, four seperate volumes, A/B volumes, contour switching, a noise gate and a tube monitoring system with leds on the front panel.
It doesn't matter much though, I think all these have more gain then you'll ever use. If you want the highest ammount of useable gain, I'de say the Savage and SE's are your best bet.
There's only one smaller (wattage) sized Savage and that's the sixty. good luck finding one of those, I have one and it's pretty damn rare. you can try ebay.de, thats where I got mine. sometimes they're for sale in Holland too, but mostly for insane prices. if you find one, that is.
The savage 60 is way superior to the fireball, they discontinued it because of the fireball/powerball series, the savage 60 was damn expensive new so it never sold that well. (that was all BEFORE Engl was all the hype...)

2005-06-14, 16:53
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thnx def  , i made a little mistake btw, i meand screamer combo, instead of savage sombo (all those damn names  )
i think im getting my mind to a firebal, since i liked the powerball pretty good for the crap surcomstances i played on it
anyway merci  lol
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-14, 17:04
Master Killer
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Well, if you're considering a fireball, I would definetly check out the savage 60 too...
it's got a fuse monitoring system with leds, four usable channels instead of 2, more eq options and great recording outs. (also, it's 60w, it's just a more advanced fireball, or, better said, a tuned down savage 120)
and are you gonna buy it new? I drove to Germany twice for amps and it worked out fine, saved me a LOT of money...
Also, I see used powerballs go for pretty good prices on gitaarmarkt.nl... and there's a Savage 60 on marktplaats right now, its a shitty ad without pics and price but you never know... maybe it's a good deal, you can allways try!

2005-06-14, 20:37
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THNX MAN  , ill definatly give that savage 60 guy a mail or call whatever
i wouldnt mind getting a powerball, its just 100 watt is to much, so is 60 but its more usable for me in my rom i think
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-14, 20:41
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you're welcome, good luck with the guy on marktplaats, maybe you'll get a great deal, those amps are damn rare but fucking kickass.
60w is still loud enough to play gigs in pretty big places, though I had it turned up over 5 during band practise, my powerball is at 3 or something. (with the channel volumes way up)
the 60w heads will work a bit better though because you can use the volume knob at lower volumes without scaring the crap outta yourself, if you're not carefull with the powerball's volume knob, it'll kill you, hehe.
what kinda cab do you wanna get with that? a 2x12 for at home or something?

2005-06-14, 20:49
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The savage is my favourite ENGL 

2005-06-14, 20:51
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i have a 2x12 marshall cab 2x 70 watts, and it sounds damn nice, with some celestion heritage speakers (or sumtin)
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-14, 20:52
Master Killer
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cool, that'll work just fine.

2005-06-14, 21:05
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howmuch do u think a savage 60 2nd hand wil cost?? like whats a reasonable price like 1000euro ?? cuz thats probaly the MAX i can spend, i dont even have it yet so 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-14, 21:30
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well, I know it was very expensive new, like about the same as a powerball is now. the savage 120 is like 1800 and the powerball 1500 euro's, right?
I got very, very lucky getting mine in an Ebay-auction for about 500 euro's, which is a total steal. I've never seen them go for that price after that either so don't expect to get one for that kinda price. (I was the only bidder and last minute, the guy mailed me and I picked it up the same weekend, a 4 hour drive from home to germany and back)
I think a fair price would be around 6-800, I could have sold mine for 700 a while ago, a friend wanted to buy it off me.
Ok, so these are a little bit cheaper then a NEW Fireball, but it's basically a better amp and it's rare, it will be worth more then a used Fireball and it may even be a collectors item in some years, I'm definetly not letting mine go.
You'de probably need to get it re-tubed if it still has the original tubes, I experimented quite a bit with my Savage and the Sovtek AX7LPS preamp tubes gave me insane ammounts of usable gain, I used EL34 JJ's in the power section. (I think it was around 80 euro's to get it biased and setup + tubes)
good luck with the guy, let me know if you can work something out!

2005-06-14, 21:41
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ill definatly caal the guy tommorow, im already asking peeps if i can loan money of em and shit  maybe my dad will chip in a little, sure hope so
i asume the sounding of a savage 60 will be a lot like a savage 120???
cuz those clips sound SICK

< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-14, 21:48
Master Killer
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yes, it does sound a LOT like it's big brother, that's why I love it so much!
here's a clip of my Savage 60: drift away
maybe not you're kinda music but you get an idea on the tones it gets through an ibanez rg with passive pu's.
the only downside the savage 60 has is that it has a shared EQ, but the fireball has that too. the savage 120 has seperate ones, same goes for the powerball.
I never had any problems with that though, I just set it up for KILLER distortion and the cleans didn't even sound bad with those same eq settings.. it's got really good recording outputs, fx loop, a great safety system, (same as on the Powerball!!) fuse monitoring with leds (back), emergency backup system (even works if one tube fails!)
here's the manual I used with it:
good luck man, I hope you can get a good deal.

2005-06-14, 21:51
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2005-06-14, 22:02
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damn  man im gonna force the guy to sell it to me  aah must have savage 60 aaargh lol sry im kinda hyped and shit  it feels good knowing thast il maybe get rid of that mt2 sound.
i already started working my ass of (well kinda  ) to get some extra cash
NICE CLIP BTW  sounds rilli good
< no wonder hes mad!!
Last edited by k13m : 2005-06-14 at 22:15.

2005-06-14, 22:18
Master Killer
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thanks  keep me posted about that deal man, hope the marktplaats dude is selling it for a good price!

2005-06-15, 00:45
The Stings of Conscience
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2005-06-15, 09:55
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by Rapture
DUD!!!! LEIK WTF???!!!1!
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-06-15, 13:51
Supreme Metalhead
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What rackgear are you selling? I'm looking for some. 

2005-06-15, 15:52
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Originally Posted by Exodus666
What rackgear are you selling? I'm looking for some. 
not much, i already sold me preamp, im keeping my intellifex, so all i have for sale is my marshall valvestate poweramp (2x80watts)
BTW i talked to the guy with the savage 60, and im going there this saturday to check it out, he wants 800 euros for it  seems like a good deal to me, since a fireball is new around 1000 in germany
weehee im exited    
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-15, 15:58
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sound like a good deal, but I'de try to talk the guy down to 700 or 750 euro's! take it or leave it. that's a good price for it man, 800 isn't bad but I'm pretty sure he'll sell it for a bit less. (not many people know about the savage 60, so it might be harder to sell then a fireball, even though its rare, only gear freaks know about its greatness  )
good luck there man on saturday, be sure to bring your own cabinet and guitar!!! the cabinet influences your tone by a mile.
anyways, have fun trying it, I hope you like it as much as I do, if you don't LOVE it, you won't love the Fireball either I guess!
if you can get it for 700 you can spend another 100 on the best tubes for it  I got mine at dr tube, the guy rules, he services all my band's amps.

2005-06-15, 16:14
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yeah ive noticed the cab tonal difference a lot when i played a powerball in germany, it sounded so crap on a peavey cab, but on a marshall and a hughes an skettner it sounded sweet. but i know my cab sounds awesome so
the tubes can wait, first i have to get that amp, and then finaly start paying off my guitar a bit quicker than 20 euros a month  lol
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-15, 23:36
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yeah, once you get an engl everything else sounds mediocre.
Fuck i played a 6505+ the other day and it sounded lifeless compared to my ENGL 530.
Which I have to use the solidstate poweramp for.
Through a marshall MG cab.
(that eased my pain about the possibility of me buying a solid state poweramp to pair with my ENGL...i dont need much tone coloring, as it's fucking incredible already, but i might grab a mosvalve)
I'd buy that marshall off you if I had money and you wanted to ship it to the US

2005-06-16, 06:38
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Originally Posted by HalfmastTrousers
yeah, once you get an engl everything else sounds mediocre.
never had that problem.
i mean... i don't own an engl... but i've played some, and heard alot(recordings,live)... and i'm still pretty in love with my splawn. and for that kinda cash i could have easily snagged a powerball or alot of other amps engl has to offer. but i didn't. i bought the splawn.
engl makes a ton of great products, and they do sound amazing. but alot of people really think they're super superior to all other amps.
hell, bls has a bitchy crackwhore(richie blackmore), and he's still sporting the 5150. because it's a great amp.
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2005-06-16, 06:42
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I own a Engl Richie Blackmore... and I'm still VERY fond of my 5150.
Honestly.. both the amps lead channels seem to be voiced pretty similar.. just the Engl is more articulate with a tighter low end..
You all act like Engl's are the end all be all, it isen't an amp unless its an Engl, Engl's are the best.. blah blah blah
Just stop already.. half of you haven't even played an Engl.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-06-16, 06:44
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
bls has a bitchy crackwhore
You know how mad BLS gets when you talk about his mum!

2005-06-16, 12:19
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2005-06-16, 12:58
Master Killer
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I would buy it for that cash if someone here offered it.
Though BLS is kinda right, you have not got the right to hype up an amp if you haven't played it, I've been down with Engl amps for quite some time now and it kinda sucks that they're getting popular, haha!
(who knows, I might actually get that SLO someday.)
I allready got a 1300 euro offer on my powerball, with z5 and superb flightcase.

2005-06-16, 13:00
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Originally Posted by BLS
You all act like Engl's are the end all be all, it isen't an amp unless its an Engl, Engl's are the best.. blah blah blah
well I wouldn't say they're the best but they're definetly among the best if you like at their price/quality ratio. especially if you look at the thunder/screamer/fireball
Though if you look at the Engl SE, it surely is one of the best amps I ever played but I'de rather get something else for that cash, like a Diezel VH4s or SLO100.
See I think they're doing a great job in the 1000-2000 bucks range but above that they're kinda losing their value/price ratio compared to other boutique amps.

2005-06-16, 13:33
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are Engls considered Boutique's?
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-06-16, 16:32
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Originally Posted by User01
$1,100 for a savage?????? that guys crazy... he could easily throw it on ebay and get like $1,700 out of it.
man, i wish i would have seent hat.
Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
are Engls considered Boutique's?
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2005-06-16, 17:02
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I'm pretty fond of my powerball. Bt I liked my dual recto very much also. I only wish I had some matching cabs with the powerball. I heard it on engl V30 cabs. And it sounds so sweet 
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-06-16, 17:35
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
$1,100 for a savage?????? that guys crazy... he could easily throw it on ebay and get like $1,700 out of it.
man, i wish i would have seent hat.
see if its still for sale, he hasnt said that hes sold yet
btw, it comes with a footswtich aswell

2005-06-16, 17:36
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I never said that Engl's weren't great amps.. I love the Blackmore.
But they're not the best.. there are many other choices.
And that Savage is local sale only.. I already e-mailed the dude a few days ago.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-06-16, 18:20
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by BLS
But they're not the best.. there are many other choices.
there is no such thing as a 'best amp'

2005-06-16, 18:32
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2005-06-16, 18:35
Master Killer
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whatever is 'best' for you man 

2005-06-16, 18:46
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-06-16, 19:12
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Originally Posted by Def
there is no such thing as a 'best amp'
Exactly.. so people need to stop sucking Mr. Horst Langer's wanger.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-06-16, 19:22
Master Killer
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haha, you know you love the German brattwurst you kinkay boi 

2005-06-16, 20:24
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by Def
haha, you know you love the German brattwurst you kinkay boi 
BLS likes any kind of sausage
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-06-16, 23:12
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its called bratwurst 

2005-06-17, 08:53
Master Killer
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hey, don't blame me, I'm Dutch!!
you got in touch with the Powerball guy yet, Wicked?

2005-06-17, 11:43
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yea he answered to my mail and i probably will drive there to get the amp in a few days, thanks man 
i already have one ENGL 4x12" S straight, after the amp i'll have a look at anoter cab
and then i need the z5..

2005-06-17, 11:47
Master Killer
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well, you can get the Z5's from ebay.de, thats where I got mine for 80 euro's including shipment, not bad...
good luck with the amp and enjoy the Dutch highway, haha, it's hell for Germans! lots of people here are still angry because you guys still have their grandpa's bicycles and shit 

2005-06-17, 12:54
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hehe won't be a long way on dutch highways cuz he lives near venlo, whats just 125km from me :>
just heard that the price was without flightcase, i'm trying to get the price down a bit
and i won't come there with my grandpa's bicycle, instead with an audi a4 or a ford probe 

2005-06-17, 14:05
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so i guess the engl family is growing bigger and bigger  oehhh almost saturday, man cant wait 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-17, 14:25
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got an appointment next sunday, for 1k€ 

2005-06-17, 21:13
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Originally Posted by Wicked
got an appointment next sunday, for 1k€ 
the USD needs to be worth more than the euro like it used to be, america should always be on top DUH  atleast thats what were taught in schools

2005-06-17, 21:16
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2005-06-18, 16:25
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< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 17:31
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can i have it when you're done with it?
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-06-18, 19:18
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y doesnt my intellifex work properly on it???, i tryd it in the fx loop and in front of it, and its just shit
also, the gain seems to be gone???
it feels like a overdriven clean channel, and it felt like a brutal gain monster when i tryd it at the guys place, i didnt play it loud when i tryd it over at the guys place, bit like the volume i could use at my own house, and there were no pedals or anything infront or in the loop when i tryd it.
onlty difference, there i played through a 4x12 engl cab, and atr home i play through and marshall 2x12 cab
i feel like crying  HELP!!!
goddamned this is pissing me off 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 20:19
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Originally Posted by k13m
y doesnt my intellifex work properly on it???, i tryd it in the fx loop and in front of it, and its just shit
also, the gain seems to be gone???
it feels like a overdriven clean channel, and it felt like a brutal gain monster when i tryd it at the guys place, i didnt play it loud when i tryd it over at the guys place, bit like the volume i could use at my own house, and there were no pedals or anything infront or in the loop when i tryd it.
onlty difference, there i played through a 4x12 engl cab, and atr home i play through and marshall 2x12 cab
i feel like crying  HELP!!!
goddamned this is pissing me off 
for the intellifex:
do you have the loop set for a line level signal?
is a cord damaged?
how exactly is it "not working properly"?
for the gain:
is it like this when you don't use the intellifex?
have you checked the tubes?
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2005-06-18, 20:44
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
for the intellifex:
do you have the loop set for a line level signal?
is a cord damaged?
how exactly is it "not working properly"?
for the gain:
is it like this when you don't use the intellifex?
have you checked the tubes?
for further answers suggestions etc, please post em in the other thread, ull see
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-18, 20:46
Master Killer
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I'll post in the other thread in a minute, I think xdx basically covered it!
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