2002-06-29, 23:40
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I am looking from some new pickups for my Jackson Kelly, the one's in there right now are not stock, but Seymour Duncan Super Distortion(or Performer). The bridge pickup sounds like it is out of phaze, in other words it does not have the sensitivity it should have. This is a wiring problem that I will get fixed, but I was thinking of getting some new pickups in the process.
I was looking at the George Lynch Screamin' Deamon, or other passive seymour duncan pickups. I dont want to convert to an active setup because I dont want to butcher my guitar. I do want the most deathmetal, saturated distortion sounding pickups. Does anyone have any suggestions?

2002-06-30, 07:11
New Blood
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Try a Duncan Invader or Full Shred...or a bill Lawerance(sp?) L-500XL

2002-07-12, 15:46
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Duncan Invader....
Oh yeah, its fucken awesome. Got it put in a couple days ago and I havent put down my guitar since. It has more output than the duncan Trembucker that used to be in it before and it sounds a bit deeper but not muffled it is clearer. Its a sensitive pickup with big ass bolts sticking out of the top.

2002-07-13, 08:49
Symbiotic In Theory
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i only have one piece of advice..i dont know any pickup makes..or anything
but if its any make..make sure they are very sensitive u get a very good sound if they are..dont get a dampened pickup other wise its a really crappy soun ask the bloke at the shop to advice u on which are sensitive or wherever ur gettin ur new pickups from..k cheers!

'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2002-07-20, 06:09
New Blood
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Two words:
Duncan Dimebucker

2002-07-21, 20:53
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It is true that the dime bucker has a tiny bit more output than my invader, but I do not like "glamtera's" sound.

2002-08-29, 20:31
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EMG!! GOGOGO emg!!!
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2002-08-30, 09:36
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ain't that the truth

2002-09-12, 16:49
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seymore duncan george lynch screamin demon!

2002-09-12, 19:19
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wait, if the pickup's more sensitive, doesn't it mean it'll pick up on that annoying high-pitched noise your pick makes when it hits the string?

2002-09-13, 15:08
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an artificial harmonic?

2002-09-13, 16:35
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no, when you play anything on your guitar with a pick, the pick makes a high-pitched clicking noise when it hits the string. listen to a song that has alot of tremolo picking, you'll hear it if you listen closely

2002-09-14, 04:40
New Blood
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I had a Duncan Distortion in a platnum warlock, it sucked
Duncan sucks
now i have an emg 81 running 18 volts in my mick 7 Sig series warlock
Holy shit that thing is so metal
its more metal than i can handle
its more metal than metal
its loud

2002-09-17, 02:24
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mick is gay...he is not metal and you cant handle much metal i see....and of course Duncans suck...Seymour Duncans are good...shut up and dont answer to this post...or i will stick my gay american handcrafted warlock down your throat...warlocks suck..especially the mick one...i wanted to see how gay it would sound, so i tried it out and my predictions about it were right

2002-09-17, 13:39
New Blood
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EMG !!!!!

2002-09-24, 22:17
New Blood
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all i can say is emg all the way even if u dont like em to bad then, there to power full for u 

2002-09-29, 17:24
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I have a grassroots gmm-60 and I'm thinking of changing the
pick ups,I asked for the duncan Invader but the salesman told
me it's not good and told me to get EMG-81.The thing is that they are
active pick ups and the ones that I have in my guitar are passive,
I'm only going to change one pick up(the bridge) and I
don't know how it's going to work!So if someone could help
I would appreciate it
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2002-09-29, 19:49
New Blood
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u can only have either passive or active not one of each

2002-10-02, 19:55
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I want to play death metal,so would you say
that it would worth to change both the pick ups with
EMG(probably 81 and 85)?Everyone says they are the best
pickups for extreme metal.
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2002-10-03, 02:41
New Blood
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yhea tahst what i ahve and there r so fuckin powerful

2004-08-23, 08:53
New Blood
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I know this thread is way dead already... but I'm sick of fucking electronic noobs telling people this:
u can only have either passive or active not one of each
That's fucking bullshit mate who told you that?

2004-08-23, 22:21
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fuck emg's, up their fucking asses, u dont want that common shit in your guitar, u want something different like a dimarzio x2n in the bridge and a seymour duncan 59 in the neck or even a dimarzio paf pro. 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2004-08-23, 23:08
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mmmm JB!!!
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-08-23, 23:27
El Diablo sin pantalones
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I have a JB........IN MY STRAT TYPE GUITAR!!!
oooooh how sinfull I am....
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-08-23, 23:28
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i have an invader... a tad bit muddy, but otherwise its great. you probably should go for the jb, not as much output, but its just a great all around pup. or an xn2
.../.............................._ _..\

2004-08-24, 02:00
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jb's are great all around pickups... they're the kinda pickups that only sounds as good as the guitar it's in and or the amp it's running through... not too much gain but not very weak either, well balanced sound with lows mids & highs....
most quality active pickups will usually sound good in whatever....
but something like a $2,000+ prs,gibson,or parker doesnt deserve to be wasted over em' imo....
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2004-08-24, 19:34
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Originally Posted by Diztorted
Two words:
Duncan Dimebucker
I had one in my USA Jackson Kelly. It was the worst sounding Pickup I ever had.

2004-08-24, 19:37
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
jb's are great all around pickups... they're the kinda pickups that only sounds as good as the guitar it's in and or the amp it's running through... not too much gain but not very weak either, well balanced sound with lows mids & highs....
most quality active pickups will usually sound good in whatever....
but something like a $2,000+ prs,gibson,or parker doesnt deserve to be wasted over em' imo....
I personally hate JB's and I find your opinion of active pickup's based off the cost of the guitar ridiculous.

2004-08-24, 20:51
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Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
I personally hate JB's and I find your opinion of active pickup's based off the cost of the guitar ridiculous.
beleive it man... active pickups like most emg's ignore the tonal woods of the guitar n' such resulting in that generic emg tone... because one guitar with emg's will sound alot like a completely different guitar with emg's... more than say a dimarzio tone zone in one guitar vs. a tone zone in another guitar...
don't get me wrong, emg's are great if you like there sound.. but thats just how pickups are... i sure as hell aint gonna spend a couple grand on a guitar like a prs custom 24 just to slap some emg's in it... not that it wouldnt sound great, but it seems kinda pointless to me...
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2004-08-24, 20:52
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Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
I had one in my USA Jackson Kelly. It was the worst sounding Pickup I ever had.
+1, i hate them too... as i do alot of dime stuff....
thin, mucky,shrill, yuck... just a bad pu in my mind...
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2004-08-24, 21:02
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Originally Posted by Mordor
u want something different like a dimarzio x2n in the bridge and a seymour duncan 59 in the neck or even a dimarzio paf pro. 
exactyl what i have and i love the fuck out of them!!
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
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2004-08-25, 00:06
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The built in Preamp of an EMG makes the EMG sound like and EMG.
no way to avoid it. Thus the tonal quality's of wood are ignored.
and the dimebucker dosent have SHIT on an Bill Lawrence XL-500
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-08-25, 00:42
bugfucker strikes back.
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I'm happy with my Dimarzio. I've got a Tone Zone in the bridge, and a Steve Special in the neck.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-08-25, 22:09
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I think EMGs are good .
But is the Livewire better?

2004-08-26, 01:23
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Originally Posted by blackdimmu
I think EMGs are good .
But is the Livewire better?
i like the duncan livewire more than an emg 81 or 85 in the bridge... but for the neck 60's sound amazing....
but non of em sound alike so it's personal preference...
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2004-08-26, 01:29
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Well I like the EMGs but I will try the Livewire.

2004-08-26, 17:03
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
beleive it man... active pickups like most emg's ignore the tonal woods of the guitar n' such resulting in that generic emg tone... because one guitar with emg's will sound alot like a completely different guitar with emg's... more than say a dimarzio tone zone in one guitar vs. a tone zone in another guitar...
don't get me wrong, emg's are great if you like there sound.. but thats just how pickups are... i sure as hell aint gonna spend a couple grand on a guitar like a prs custom 24 just to slap some emg's in it... not that it wouldnt sound great, but it seems kinda pointless to me...
I have multiple guitar's including a PRS loaded with EMG's and they are drastically different sounding. Yes EMG's arent as sound sensitive to different wood's as much as passives but they still sound very different when used with guitars made with different wood. Anyway's I have no regret's about having put them in one of my Prs's at all and it wasnt pointless cause it gave me the sound I wanted.

2004-08-26, 17:04
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Originally Posted by blackdimmu
Well I like the EMGs but I will try the Livewire.
I had a Charvel loaded with them and I liked the EMG's much more.

2004-08-26, 17:31
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Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
I have multiple guitar's including a PRS loaded with EMG's and they are drastically different sounding. Yes EMG's arent as sound sensitive to different wood's as much as passives but they still sound very different when used with guitars made with different wood. Anyway's I have no regret's about having put them in one of my Prs's at all and it wasnt pointless cause it gave me the sound I wanted.
i never said they would sound exactly the same... just more the same...
and i never said it wouldnt sound good either. if that's the tone you know you want then go for it.
but passive pickups sound more different from guitar to guitar than actives... it's just the way things are.
which is better in your mind is up to you.
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2004-08-26, 22:18
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Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
I have multiple guitar's including a PRS loaded with EMG's and they are drastically different sounding. Yes EMG's arent as sound sensitive to different wood's as much as passives but they still sound very different when used with guitars made with different wood. Anyway's I have no regret's about having put them in one of my Prs's at all and it wasnt pointless cause it gave me the sound I wanted.
Dragons would sound better
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-15, 23:30
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Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
I have multiple guitar's including a PRS loaded with EMG's and they are drastically different sounding. Yes EMG's arent as sound sensitive to different wood's as much as passives but they still sound very different when used with guitars made with different wood. Anyway's I have no regret's about having put them in one of my Prs's at all and it wasnt pointless cause it gave me the sound I wanted.
Thats not to smart. I would much rather have seymour duncans. I have heard some of your sound samples( Well I think I have. You own rocksolidamps.com right?) and it sounds good but its prolly the ENGL. Put some passives in there!!

2004-09-16, 00:00
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Originally Posted by blackdimmu
Thats not to smart. I would much rather have seymour duncans. I have heard some of your sound samples( Well I think I have. You own rocksolidamps.com right?) and it sounds good but its prolly the ENGL. Put some passives in there!!
what do you mean its not smart?
its whatever sound you want ,ass
excuse me, im a little on the moddy side this evening

2004-09-16, 01:06
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Well its kinda a waste.

2004-09-16, 01:21
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Originally Posted by blackdimmu
Thats not to smart. I would much rather have seymour duncans. I have heard some of your sound samples( Well I think I have. You own rocksolidamps.com right?) and it sounds good but its prolly the ENGL. Put some passives in there!!
well.... it's plenty smart really... but to some it's a waste... a prs with emg's can sound great... and you wont be able to get any other pu' in a prs to sound like an emg.... so if that's his dream tone, then why the hell not?
duncans don't sound like emgs.... personally though i normally prefer passives... but i'm not against actives at all...
and where the hell does it say he owns rsa.com? man.... that'd be cool.
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2004-09-16, 02:41
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Yeh.. wth??
I doubt its DerekB
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-09-16, 22:08
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yeah, i talk to DerekB on harmony central but thats about it, hes a really cool guy. 
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-16, 22:49
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Originally Posted by BLS
Yeh.. wth??
I doubt its DerekB
I have actually heard him talk about rocksolidamps before.

2004-09-17, 00:50
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well, rocksolid is a good place to buy an amp if youre looking for engl or framus or splawn.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-17, 03:27
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well i think it is... i just checked his posts.... and he reffered to rsa.com as his website and at the end of the message was a:
so i actually think it is....
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