From: Eric
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:24 PM
To: David
Subject: Godin, Engl, Ampeg - FOR SALE - $200
Hey, Im very interested in the ENGL Blackmore head. Im just curious as to where you are located in Chicago and if there is anything wrong with the head.
From: David
Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 5:49 AM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Godin, Engl, Ampeg - FOR SALE - $20
I bought the amp a few months ago but never gigged with it.... yet. I've got my fair share of
decent amps and cabs so I never really even needed it. I think I bought it cuz I'm a Ritchie
Blackmore fan and couldn't pass it up. The amp and cab are in perfect working order and show no
cosmetic flaws either. I'm out of town until Sunday so let me know if you'd like to check it out
next week.
From: Eric
Date: Sunday, April 24, 2005 9:16 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Godin, Engl, Ampeg - FOR SALE - $200
Hey man, just checking up to see if your back from your trip. Im in the
process of selling all my Cabinet's and rack stuff.. and most of it is sold
so just shoot me an e-mail when you can.
From: Eric
Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:29 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Godin, Engl, Ampeg - FOR SALE - $200
Hey, sorry to bug you again, but I wasen't sure if my previous e-mail went
through. I have the money and am still interested in the ENGL Ritchie
Blackmore head and Cabinet. So if their still for sale send me an e-mail.
Sorry if you recived my previous e-mail.
From: David
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:26 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Engl amp & cab
To everyone inquiring about the Engl:
I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, my travels on the road were extended and email was
not an option until now. Anyway, yes the Engl amp & cab are still for sale and to answer your
questions, they are both in perfect shape - both cosmetically and operationally.
As you can tell by the selling price, I'm not interested in making a profit on these, I just want
to clean up my space and pass on to others what they may be able to get more use out of than
myself. This amp is loud, and in my opinion it's a better choice than a Marshal. I'm returning to
Chicago on Sunday and can show it as early as then.
Some of you were only interested in the amp, and some in just the cab. My first inclination is to
sell these as a combo unit but if I have a buyer for each piece then I'm willing to split them.
Again, the gear is in perfect shape and the price is firm so don't reply unless you're serious.
The gear is in my studio located near Sacramento & Grand, I'll forward directions when a date and
time are set. You can either bring your own axe or jam out on one of mine(Gibson SG, Cort
Thanks again for your patience,
*Having read the previous e-mail I was worried that other interested parties might make the purchuse before I could get the chance.. So I decided to buy his Ampeg 4x12 aswell, he needed to sell it and I was willing to buy it all*
From: Eric
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2005 3:51 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Hey, I have a few questions about the Ampeg V412 you have for sale, is
it made out of plywood or partical board? Does it seems solid, would you gig
with it? And what kind of speakers does it have, what ohm's are they? And
would you happen to know how many watts its rated at? Since I like to leave
one cabinet at my band's practice space and one at home, I'd like to leave
the ENGL cabinet at home so it dosen't get beat up and use the Ampeg cabinet
for moving around. Sorry for all the questions.
From: David
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2005 2:40 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Though I'm technically not home til Sunday, I'm swinging through town and into my studio tonite
but back out on Friday morning until Sunday. Long story short: if you can make it in tonite then
great you get a sneak preview, otherwise it'll have t wait til Sunday.
Lemme know
(Phone Number)
*So here's my chance.. of course I read this e-mail at around 5:00 and there is no way I can make a trip out to Chicago*
From: Eric
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2005 5:27 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Sorry, but I cant make it out tonight

Sunday sounds great though.
From: David
Date: Saturday, April 30, 2005 5:04 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
No problem. I'll have answers to all your questions next time I'm in my space(Sunday/Monday) I'm
pretty sure it's plywood right off the bat and it's pretty solid too. A couple tears in the tolex
but it sounds good, I'd keep it but I already play through an Orange 4x12 with Vintage 30's. I'll
check on speakers, watts and ohms.
From: Eric
Date: Saturday, April 30, 2005 7:19 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Tomorrow would be great! Can you pick a time you'd like for me to stop by
and check the amp out, I'm available as early as 9:00am I just need an
address so I can print out a map. I'll most likely buy the Ampeg cabinet as
well as the ENGL Half Stack.
From: David
Date: Saturday, April 30, 2005 5:59 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
The earliest I can do would be around 3pm. The space is located on the South/West corner of
Sacramento and Carroll. It's a warehouse so you'll need to call my cell when you get there for me
to let you in. If you don't have a cell, there's a pay phone right there on Sacramento.
Does 3pm work for you?
(Phone Number)
From: Eric
Date: Saturday, April 30, 2005 8:40 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Alright that will work out, I live about an hour away so I'll leave a little
after 1:30. I want to buy the ENGL Richie Blackmore Head, ENGL Cabinet, and
Ampeg Cabinet so that should be $950 correct?
Thanks alot man!
From: David
Date: Saturday, April 30, 2005 6:48 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Correct. Call me before you leave as I'm estimating time. I just got back in town and my girl made
plans with friends for "brunch", nuff said.
*Well, I call him the next day.. he is stuck at brunch.. he says he cna be at his space at 8pm.. well I'll be 8 blocks away rocking out with Anthrax.. figures*
From: David
Date: Sunday, May 01, 2005 7:51 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Hey man sorry for not being available at the time I had expected, I know the feeling of just
wanting to get your hands on an anticipated piece of gear so again I apologize for delaying the
transaction. Anyway I just want to ensure that you're coming out tomorrow so I can notify everyone
else inquiring that it's sold. I'm holding it for you cuz you decided to buy the Ampeg as well -
BONUS! I'll be expecting your call around 3:30, please let me know otherwise.
From: Eric
Date: Monday, May 02, 2005 12:27 AM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Thats no problem at all man, I just got back from a concert so its all good

I'll definetly be giving you a call tomorrow around 3:30.
*Alright.. I call him at 3:00, he tells me his guitarist's Marshall head breaks down.. so he needs to use the ENGL and might buy it.. I agree to just buy the cabinets, we arrange a time.. 4:15.. so I head out.. I get there.. complete ghetto, stripped cars on cement blocks, a grocery cart lane.. bums everywhere.. and a cool liquor store that accepts food stamps! Im sitting on Caroll St. not knowing which one of these huge buildings he's in.. turns out his phone battery dies so I cant reach him.. he's running late and I'm tired of waiting in the Ghetto for two cabinets.... So after waiting for 20 minutes I figure the deals no good.. and leave*
From: Eric
Date: Monday, May 02, 2005 6:08 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Hey man, I'm really sorry about today. I went out there but was
expecting your spot to be up north more.. hoping to the avoid the ghetto. I
managed to find the correct street and all and waited for a good amount of time but wasen't going to wait
around forever their was some suspicious people out and about. Sorry for wasting your time
man.. once again I'm really sorry.
From: David
Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 11:39 AM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
I thought you were familiar with da hood, I shoulda warned you. It looks scary, especially for
someone driving in from 90 minutes away but the studio building is bustling with musicians all the
time. I'm coming and going sometimes at 2AM, as long as you've got business there, nobody fucks
with you.
Anyway, the head is back on the market. Our first show was cancelled so we're in town until Friday
and the guitarist is bumming another Marshall from a buddy. It's all yours(all for $950) if you
still want it. I'm reposting again and soon.
From: Eric
Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 2:53 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
You were in the nicer look red buildings correct? If the head is still up
for grabs then I'll make another trip out. Just give me a time thats good
for you and I'll get back to you.
From: David
Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 6:07 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
From: Eric
Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 8:26 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Alright thats cool, I have work til' 5 but I can have one of the truck
drivers from the company I work with pick up the Head and Cabinets since he
will already be making stops out there. He would probably be around that
area in the early afternoon, I can give you an exact time tommorrow after I
talk to him. Would that work out with you?
From: David
Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 6:47 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Yep! Let me know when. I'll wait to hear back with confirmation.
From: Eric
Date: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 8:51 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Some bad news, the driver isen't making any stops near Chicago so he cant
stop by, and I myself cant make it out tomorrow. When will you return from
your shows? If you still have the head and cabinets for sale when you return
then I can talk to the driver and ask him what day he will be in the area..
probably Monday/Tuesday sorry for making this transaction so complicated lol
From: David
Date: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 10:37 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
No problem. I'll be back next week, I'll let you know when I'm back.
From: Eric
Date: Friday, May 20, 2005 3:04 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Hey, I was just wondering if you got back yet? Send my an e-mail when you
From: David
Date: Friday, May 20, 2005 4:28 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
I was back for a couple days but I'm in San Fran now. I'll be back in Chicago on Tuesday evening
if you're still interested.
From: Eric
Date: Friday, May 20, 2005 6:51 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Sure am, do you know what other days you will be in town aswell?
From: David
Date: Monday, May 23, 2005 4:13 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
I get back tomorrow afternoon/evening. I'll be at my space tomorrow night and Wed or Thu as well.
From: Eric
Date: Monday, May 30, 2005 1:29 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Hey man, will you be able to arrange a pickup on June 6th(Monday) or will
you be out of town?
From: David
Date: Monday, May 30, 2005 12:19 PM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
The 6th'll work and..........the head is 99% back on the market if you're still interested in the
same deal. My guitarist is checking out an Orange right now but I'll know for sure this week.
From: Eric
Date: Friday, June 03, 2005 1:25 AM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Hey man, I am 100% positive that I can make it out Monday, so if the head is
still up for grabs tell me, if not I'll just buy the cabs off you.
From: David
Date: Friday, June 03, 2005 2:20 AM
To: Eric
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Monday's good.
Please call if you can't make it.
(Phone Number)
what time?
From: Eric
Date: Friday, June 03, 2005 12:47 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: Engl amp & cab
Alright, we should be there around 3-5 but I can call you when were about an
hour away to give you a heads up. I can have a more exact time Monday
morning. I'll leave you my cell # incase you need to call me (Phone Number).
So did your guitarist purchase the Engl or decide to go with the Orange?
From: David
Date: Friday, June 03, 2005 11:09 AM
To: Eric
Subject Re: Engl amp & cab
I told him of your persistence and gave him until Sunday to make up his friggin mind, otherwise
he'd leave me in limbo forever on this one. Funny how indecisive people can be when it's not their
own $$ that's being put on hold. Regardless, all the equipment is at my space as I write this so
if it's not paid for beforehand then it's yours.
Talk to you Monday.
*So I head out with the Truck Driver monday.. we do all our stops and were done by 2.. so we have an hour to wait outside his space. We laugh at the bums.. and play with the CB Radio.. then David shows up! We go up a
flight of stairs and enter his bands rehearsal space I see the beauty.. hand him the money, and we talk a bit. He gives a FREE copy of his bands cd!! YES FREE!!! OMG!! and he offers me some gigs with his band. He's a cool guy and I'm sure I'll be gigging with his band sometime soon. Check his band out at its not metal but I enjoy it..*