2005-05-29, 05:25
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 30
guitar tones using metal zone 2
i was wondering does anyone know if it is possible to obtain the amazing tone of Immortal using a metal zone 2 pedal?

2005-05-29, 05:51
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 17
Yes and no. Depending on your rig, you can obtain a similar tone, but ultimately your hands will not sound like Abbas' or Demonaz' so you will never be 100% there.
What gear are you using aside from the MT-2?

2005-05-29, 06:12
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 30
well im running my mt-2 through 2 seperate marshall amps via a/b switcher
the one amp is mgdfx30 and the other is a valvstate 8080 from i think the late 80s

2005-05-29, 06:13
New Blood
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Posts: 30
what setups did abbath and demonaz use?

2005-05-29, 06:23
New Blood
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Posts: 17
I have no clue on what they used. If I were you what I would do is start at a comfortable volume level and set your drive and tone controls on the amps at 12:00 and then start trying to get yourself within their ballpark. Add the MT-2 into the mix. Set the level so that there is no volume jump between when the pedal is switched on or off. Set the tone controls at 12:00 again, then start bringing up the drive until you get the distortion similar to what Immortal was getting. Lastly fine tune the eq knobs on the pedal until you have what your ears say is their tone. Thats the best advice to give you on trying to nail their tone.
A better suggestion is to try and find your own tone. You can base your tone off of theirs but I think if you try to mimic their tone you will find yourself chasing your own tail. The MT-2 is a really harsh sounding pedal and it can be a fuggin pain in the arse to get something that doesn't go overboard into the waspnest level of distortion.
You may also want to think about using an EQ pedal instead of the MT-2. Either in front of your splitter or one for each of the amp's effects loops.

2005-05-29, 09:36
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Hammy
i was wondering does anyone know if it is possible to obtain the amazing tone of Immortal using a metal zone 2 pedal?
On my setup, with the MT2, I can achieve a sound that's not the same, but it comes close (in the sense that it just sounds fucking great if you play Immortal riffs, so).
As far as I have seen, a lot of blackmetal bands use the MT2 for live occasions as well.
As I have said before: the pedal sucks, except for black and thrash metal, in which case it rules.

2005-05-29, 13:53
Supreme Metalhead
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Well in an earlier thread there was this guy who said that if you take three MT-2;s and use 'em togheter, it sounds really good. Dunno if that's true but i've never tested it.

2005-05-29, 14:00
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2005-05-29, 14:50
New Blood
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Posts: 30
Originally Posted by Exodus666
On my setup, with the MT2, I can achieve a sound that's not the same, but it comes close (in the sense that it just sounds fucking great if you play Immortal riffs, so).
As far as I have seen, a lot of blackmetal bands use the MT2 for live occasions as well.
As I have said before: the pedal sucks, except for black and thrash metal, in which case it rules.
what do you set your mt2 to?

2005-05-29, 15:11
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Originally Posted by IRON90
Well in an earlier thread there was this guy who said that if you take three MT-2;s and use 'em togheter, it sounds really good. Dunno if that's true but i've never tested it.
it does. its the best set up. you get sooo much extra gain, and because having 3 distortion pedals hooked up, they cancell each other out - making what is like a sound gate. I'd try it out if I were you, its definitely worth it!
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2005-05-29, 16:30
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Originally Posted by DeathCS
it does. its the best set up. you get sooo much extra gain, and because having 3 distortion pedals hooked up, they cancell each other out - making what is like a sound gate. I'd try it out if I were you, its definitely worth it!
I use that setup all the time it gets me such a brutal tone. 
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2005-05-29, 16:58
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don't forget the new line 6 ubermetal pedal... i threw one right after my dual metalzone setup... omiasms(oh my god i almost shit myself)
sure it's pricey, but my tone is expensive.
anyone wanna buy my 3rd metalzone?
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2005-05-29, 19:30
El Diablo sin pantalones
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They should make an DeathCS signature distortion pedal, with is basicly 3 metalzones combined, but only 3 knobs: "Suck", "Blow" and "Wuss - Brootal"
it has no on/off stomp knob offcoarse 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-05-29, 19:33
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Originally Posted by DeathCS
it does. its the best set up. you get sooo much extra gain, and because having 3 distortion pedals hooked up, they cancell each other out - making what is like a sound gate. I'd try it out if I were you, its definitely worth it!
Say it ain't so!!
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-05-29, 22:41
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2005-05-29, 23:14
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by User01
OMG!  post the settings please!
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-05-30, 04:00
Wasted Custom User title
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it would sound better if you plugged it into a 5150 and turned the gain all the way up on that.
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2005-05-30, 06:23
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Originally Posted by DeathCS
it would sound better if you plugged it into a 5150 and turned the gain all the way up on that.
Indeed, but he can't boost the mids, its gotta be all scooped.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-05-30, 06:28
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What I like to do is have different pedals of varying distortions ---- like a Boss DS-1, an MT-2, and a Digitech Metal Master  all chained together. It gives you like a "cascaded" gain sound, very rich and full. The other members here are giving you good advice on your mids : DON'T HAVE ANY!!!1!!1 What you should do is buy an EQ pedal and use it to cut the mids even more. If you can attain all that equipment you'll have an unspeakably brutal sound.

2005-05-30, 06:32
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Originally Posted by John Holland
What I like to do is have different pedals of varying distortions ---- like a Boss DS-1, an MT-2, and a Digitech Metal Master  all chained together. It gives you like a "cascaded" gain sound, very rich and full. The other members here are giving you good advice on your mids : DON'T HAVE ANY!!!1!!1 What you should do is buy an EQ pedal and use it to cut the mids even more. If you can attain all that equipment you'll have an unspeakably brutal sound.
haha.... This kid in this Local band has a setup very similar to that.
Ibanez RG1570L
Digitech Bad Monkey
Boss MT-2
Digitech Tone Driver
plugs into Randall RG100ES... Then a sonic maximizer in the loop.
I guess "rich and full" is one way to describe it. 
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-05-30, 07:34
The Stings of Conscience
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the only real true way to do it is to plug into nothing but MT-2s and death metal pedals (DMPs). No amp required, all they do is squeal.

2005-05-30, 09:30
El Diablo sin pantalones
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I plug in 3 MT-2's and full gain on my amp, and I don't even have to touch the strings to make it squeel. Actualy, all it does is squeel the same feedback in the same pitch. Br00talzorz!!!! 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-05-30, 12:20
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Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
I plug in 3 MT-2's and full gain on my amp, and I don't even have to touch the strings to make it squeel. Actualy, all it does is squeel the same feedback in the same pitch. Br00talzorz!!!! 
but anyways...
Digitech Death Metal has a decent immortal tone. set it to...
Low: 3 o'clock
Medium: 10 o'clock
High: 1:30 or 2.... fuck around with it
i get it through a MG15 DFX marshall though... i dont konw what that will sound like through a stack.
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2005-05-30, 12:38
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Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
OMG!  post the settings please!
turn everything to 11 

2005-05-30, 13:09
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Originally Posted by User01
turn everything to 11 
Apart from the mids- duh! 

2005-05-30, 15:08
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Originally Posted by sqol
Apart from the mids- duh! 
na, i ripped the mid knob of my pedals, now it has a super scoooped "blows my head off" distortion

2005-05-30, 15:43
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by User01
Hey man is that really your rig? Cos it looks like a noob put it togheter.

2005-05-30, 16:02
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lol, na, it aint really my rig

2005-05-30, 16:30
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Originally Posted by IRON90
Hey man is that really your rig? Cos it looks like a noob put it togheter.
You're actually asking if thats his real rig 
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2005-05-30, 16:54
Senior Metalhead
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i had a good combination going -
overdrive pedal - everything on 10
metal zone - everything on 5 except gain which was on 10
v-amp2 fuzz setting, everything on 10 with noise gate on full
into my marshall SS amp on OD channel - gain 10
.....sounded like shit...but lots of gain.....

2005-05-30, 17:12
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Originally Posted by Ademus
.....sounded like shit...but lots of gain.....
And thats all that matters! Fukk tone!
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2005-05-30, 18:38
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2005-05-30, 19:51
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Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
You're actually asking if thats his real rig 
I was kidding you freaking lunatic

2005-05-30, 22:32
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Originally Posted by User01
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,
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