2005-05-17, 05:05
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just thought i'd flaunt my new baby.
so i just treated my self to this amazing little one channel beauty...
the story..
this was an old broken sovtek mig 100... sent to be repaired and modded by trace at voodoo amps.
well, it had a thin broken pcb board, and a rats nest of shitty wiring...
trace went in and completely rebuilt it. ptp handbuilt shit. nice neat, and botique quality.
he pretty much made it into a spinoff of his awesome hex series.
straight to the point TONE.
it's only one channel, no fx loop, with your basic high, low, mid, and presence for the eq. plus the master and volume controls.
then you have the global and low end knobs installed on the back... kinda works like a bbe installed. really cool for huge sub lows and clarity in the highs...
and my favorite thing. the brutal/savage switch. basically, in brutal mode, you have the standard 4 stages of gain... witch covers a ton of ground from light ac/dc crunch to some good high gain thrashy slayer type stuff... then the savage mode kicks in an extra 5th gain stage that makes a mesa recto blush.
i've been a fan of the mig's for a long time.. good amps, especially to the money. but this thing is no longer a mig.
with the savage mode, soundwise i'd compare it to a soldano hotrod 50/avenger with a touch of modern engl/framus edge... in brutal mode i'd compare it more to a jcm 900 4100 but with the balls and mojo of a jcm 800.
she cleans up about as well as a 5150, but that's not what i bought it for.
it's not very noisey at all, the gain is all usable, it's loud as hell. oh man i could go on and on about how in love i am with this thing..
if you can live without clean tones, i suggest picking up a used or even broken mig 100 and sending it to trace to make into one of these... oh wait  i want this tone all to myself. so nevermind. 
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2005-05-17, 05:18
Crusher of Skulls
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sounds fucking sweet you greedy tone junky  ...seriously though, congrats on your modified mig....I can't wait till my rec is alive again.... 
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Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-05-17, 05:26
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 79
Congrats. Seems the mods cost more than the original amp though.

2005-05-17, 05:50
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Originally Posted by void
Congrats. Seems the mods cost more than the original amp though.
oh yeah, no doubt about that.
but a used mig 100 can be had for cheap.. especially a broken one.
then a mod through voodoo usually costs several hundred easy...
i just traded my rivera tbr-1m for it thuogh, straight up... what a deal for me.
this amp has got some of the best distortion mojo i've heard in a long time... it's so pure.
with my new parker fly deluxe it's such an amazing combination... just rolling the knobs around on the fly i can come up with such cool sounds.
i'm going to see about having an fx loop installed aswell as having the brutal/savage switch footswitchable.
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2005-05-17, 08:55
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Nice, he's done a really sweet job on the wiring too, shrinked all the ends too, good stuff!

2005-05-17, 09:46
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Congrats man. Your addicted to gear 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-05-17, 11:46
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Niiiiiiiiiiicccccceeeeeeeeeee.(Transferred from my language to yours=Nice).

2005-05-17, 12:35
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 138
Thats awesome! I wish I had the hook-up to get gear like this. But alas, I am still just a struggling student. Although I just scored a 5150 with new JJs for $600 plus $75 shipping  .

2005-05-17, 14:09
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I want one now!!

2005-05-17, 15:15
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Originally Posted by etherealprince
Thats awesome! I wish I had the hook-up to get gear like this. But alas, I am still just a struggling student. Although I just scored a 5150 with new JJs for $600 plus $75 shipping  .
what do you mean the hook-up? i'm just a young bro buying/selling/trading gear.
i was just browsing harmony central classifieds.. this dude said what he had. and he said he was looking to trade it for a nice marshally medium gain tube top... so i sent him an e-mail asking if he'd be interested in my rivera. walla.
he was looking for something with less gain, more channels, more tweakability, ect.. and i was looking for a simple distortion amp. it was a perfect trade.
unfortunatley ups fucked the rivera up pretty bad so now we're going through gay damage claims and stuff. hopefully shit works out for him.
i liked the rivera because it was loud, and stereo and the distortion had tone for days... but this thing owns it in distortion sound quality imo, and can compete in volume.
i'm also on the prowl for an engl straight 100 combo... we'll see how that goes. 
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2005-05-17, 20:25
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hoe much did you pay, first for the amp then the mods. i can add em up meself
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-05-17, 22:06
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Originally Posted by arvina
hoe much did you pay, first for the amp then the mods. i can add em up meself
i didn't pay money... i had bought a rivera tbr-1m for like $650, and my old grundorf 8 space rack case that i bought new for like $130. and then payed another hundred almost to ship it to this guy... so it was a trade. that i think i got a slightly better part of.
the average sovtek mig 100 on ebay goes for about $400-500 these days, and the average "standard mod" from trace costs about $300-400 +shipping both ways.
but then again this wasnt your standard mod, this was a complete rebuild aswell. i'm going to be asking trace a few questions about how much this modding and shit costed this dude..
so total value if i ever decided to sell it for would be about a grand. so i seem to have got my self quite a deal.
right now i'm digging it, just got done jamming it with a drummer for it's first time in my possesion. kept all the eq knobs at about 4, cranked the preamp volume to 10, set the master at about 5, the bottom knob was at about 7-8, and the global was at about 6. once i opened her up(volume-wise) i found i didn't need to even switch on the savage switch. with the tubes cooking and the speakers stressed, i had plenty of gain. but it's nice to know i have a tad more if i ever need it. maybe if i was playing death metal or something ridiculously brutal, but even then.
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2005-05-17, 22:51
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you still have your triamp right?
just how many heads do you have now?

2005-05-17, 23:34
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
you still have your triamp right?
just how many heads do you have now?
well erm... lets just say i had to sell the triamp for a deal that was to good to be true. but ended up being true.
a guy gave me a rivera tbr 1m, a pair of emg's, a big 12 space rack case, and a shitload of money for it(that i used to purchase my new parker fly).
i plan on buying an mkII triamp a ways down the road anyways.
so now i have this thing and my roc pro as a backup/home jam amp.
i'm also in the process of hunting down another head or a combo.
what can i say, i change my mind about my rig almost as often as i change my jeans... weekly, or if it really rocks me, monthly.
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2005-05-18, 00:09
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I really LOVE the sound of a medium gain amp boosted..
Even more so than a high gain amp, I dunno but its just... sexy.
Sound awesome man!
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-05-18, 02:24
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Originally Posted by BLS
I really LOVE the sound of a medium gain amp boosted..
Even more so than a high gain amp, I dunno but its just... sexy.
Sound awesome man!

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2005-05-18, 03:11
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Soon as I get myself a boom arm for my mic stand and a 1/4 to 1/8 adaptor for my sound card, I'm gonna stop with the gear-nerding and go to the woodshed. Practice, practice, practice and songwriting for me for the entire summer :P.
Anyone know if they make a cable so I can hook both my line outs on my ENGL (left and right channels...) to one jack? (y'know, like two male 1/4's on one end, and either one male 1/4 or a male 1/8 on the other) I want stereo Direct recording + cab micing...seeing if that's gonna fill the sound up nicely.
Gear nerds should PLAY once in a while!
*hides jealousy*

2005-05-18, 03:37
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 79
Originally Posted by HalfmastTrousers
Anyone know if they make a cable so I can hook both my line outs on my ENGL (left and right channels...) to one jack? (y'know, like two male 1/4's on one end, and either one male 1/4 or a male 1/8 on the other) I want stereo Direct recording + cab micing...seeing if that's gonna fill the sound up nicely.
You mean a cable with two jacks for input and one on the other end for output? If that is the case, the answer is no, I'm afraid you're in need of a mixer.

2005-05-18, 06:07
Join Date: Jul 2003
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I think he means a Y-Cable?
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-05-18, 06:33
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 79
He apparently wants to take the signal out of two sources ("...so I can hook both my line outs on my ENGL (left and right channels...)"), he was probably asking if there's a "reverse" Y-Cable.
By the way, I remember once when I was a kid I was doing the same experiment (using a Y-Cable to "mix" the L & R audio outs of a VHS player). Luckily, someone arrived just in time before I could manage to damage anything.

2005-05-18, 12:40
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Yeah, i meant the reverse Y thing. the 530 has stereo outs (freq. compensated and just plain ol' line out) and my shiatty marshall cab only has one input...wanted to ask here before anything got damaged.
I'll just get a cheapo Behringer mixer. Thanks for the advice.
anywho, back to xdx's new amp.
*grumbles about being jobless*

2005-05-18, 19:02
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hurry up with some 530 death metal clips

2005-05-18, 19:09
Supreme Metalhead
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why do you think i'm asking about cables? o_O
Someone stole my goddamn mic stand. So unless you want a recording with a shure SM57 aimlessly tossed somewhere near the cab...

2005-05-18, 20:38
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how about you assbags make your own thread for this?
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2005-05-18, 20:43
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Yeah, xdx is getting mad that you're not talking about his new amp  .

2005-05-18, 20:45
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xdx, care to post a few clips?

2005-05-18, 21:03
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Originally Posted by void
xdx, care to post a few clips?
i'll try to set it up to record..
the only real problems are that my equipment in the PA/recording department arent exactly doing so great these days.
but i'll work on it.
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2005-05-18, 21:10
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2005-05-18, 23:59
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hey, i was TRYING to get them to talk about your new amp.

2005-05-19, 01:16
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xdx, which do you prefer more now, in hindsight, your former Triamp or your new Voodoo?

2005-05-19, 05:16
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Originally Posted by John Holland
xdx, which do you prefer more now, in hindsight, your former Triamp or your new Voodoo?
well, for cleans the triamp all the way...
as the voodoo has no clean channel
in flexibility, the triamp owns it.. 6 channels, fx loop, and midi v.s. 1 channel and no fx loop and no midi
distortion quality, i'd say the voodoo wins by a cunt hair.
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2005-05-23, 05:04
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
well, for cleans the triamp all the way...
as the voodoo has no clean channel
in flexibility, the triamp owns it.. 6 channels, fx loop, and midi v.s. 1 channel and no fx loop and no midi
distortion quality, i'd say the voodoo wins by a cunt hair.
For the price, that cunt hair will make all the difference. I would just as soon get a Fender/JC 120/Something reknown for its cleans and use a switch box to select between the two amplifiers live.

2005-05-24, 20:13
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Originally Posted by John Holland
For the price, that cunt hair will make all the difference. I would just as soon get a Fender/JC 120/Something reknown for its cleans and use a switch box to select between the two amplifiers live.
yeh, but it's the no fx loop thing that's eating at me... i'm sooo not a fan of running all fx before the preamp.
for super modern fizzy gain stuff the triamp has got the voodoo. but i preffeder the sound of a medium/high gain amp pushed to the max over an over the top super brutal amp not pushed at all.
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2005-05-24, 20:29
Master Killer
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you sold your Triamp??? 

2005-05-25, 01:15
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any luck with the sound clips?
i wanna hear this biatch

2005-05-25, 03:16
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Originally Posted by Def
you sold your Triamp??? 
i know, i kinda want it back... but i'm gonna try my luck with other amps before going back to something i should have stuck with.
this one's probably gonna get sold or traded for something else. as soon as the rack gets built(just got a furman pl tuner, getting an isp decimator pro rack G & rocktron replifex).
if i get another triamp it's definately going to be an mkII.
right now for my next purchase, i'm looking into: splawn pro-mod 100, soldano hotrod 100, vht pittbull cl, engl straight 100, engl richie blackmore, engl powerball, framus cobra, and the orange rockerverb.
mostly super marshall type stuff though.
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2005-05-25, 06:50
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i know, i kinda want it back... but i'm gonna try my luck with other amps before going back to something i should have stuck with.
this one's probably gonna get sold or traded for something else. as soon as the rack gets built(just got a furman pl tuner, getting an isp decimator pro rack G & rocktron replifex).
if i get another triamp it's definately going to be an mkII.
right now for my next purchase, i'm looking into: splawn pro-mod 100, soldano hotrod 100, vht pittbull cl, engl straight 100, engl richie blackmore, engl powerball, framus cobra, and the orange rockerverb.
mostly super marshall type stuff though.
Aren't the powerball and cobra more 'mesa' like stuff?
edit: what's the difference between mkI and mkII ?
Last edited by Timur : 2005-05-25 at 06:53.

2005-05-25, 12:32
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The cobra is more Marshall, and the Powerball is no Mesa, it actually has clkarity, and tight low end.
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-05-25, 14:35
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Originally Posted by Timur
Aren't the powerball and cobra more 'mesa' like stuff?
edit: what's the difference between mkI and mkII ?
like a said "mostly" super marshall stuff... yes the cobra is super marshally.
engl, well you can't give an engl any other sound description than, it's an engl.
for the mkI and MKII,
the MKI is what i had...
the MKII has a different look
mkii=clear plexiglass / mki=blue plexiglass
mkii=neon-ish lights(soooo sexy) /mki=no lights
mkii shiney chromed out panel & knobs, mkI= silver panel with black knobs
build quality, the mkII has many additions to further make it "botique build".
features, the mkII doesnt have reverb.
sound, same grea MKI sound, but the eq's are tied a bit more closely together. which is the #1 reason i want an mkII.
you have 6 channels over 3 eq's. Amp2a has very little bass, Amp2b has alot of bass, so in order to get a good sound out of one you have to sacrifice the other.
those are the main things.
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