2005-05-09, 21:10
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 7
A pressing issue regarding the position of EMG's!
Firstly, hey to all. I've read many of the threads in the past for advice, but have never signed up until tonight.
As mentioned above, I'm going to get a set of EMG 81 and 85 humbuckers. However, I'm unsure as to where each should go. As in, in the bridge or neck.
Now, on the site, it says that Zakk uses the 81 in the bridge for lead. Being a rythm guitarist, I have always fully selected the bridge for my playing as it gives a heavier, chunkier, and more trebly sound.
I'm into your usual Black/Power/Death type bands.
To give you a bit of background into my kit:
BC Rich Ironbird NJ.
Marshall JCM 800 Head, Peavey Cab with Celestions.
Running this through a,
Boss CS3 Compression Sustainer
Boss M?? Metal Zone
Boss DD6 Digital Delay
Boss GE-7 Graphic Equaliser
Boss NS-2 Noise Suppresor
This is set with the Metal Zone and JCM gain cranked up, fired into the high output jack slot.
Any help would be most appreciated, please let me know what the deal is and what would sound best for me as I'm still a freshly popped cherry in the installing pickups game.
Cheers everyone,

2005-05-09, 21:24
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well... I don't really know about the pickups but, throwing that metalzone out the window would probably be a good start.
And this should be in the gear zone 
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2005-05-09, 21:38
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81 in the bridge 85 in the neck.
And this should be in the gear forum, welcome to MetalTabs. 

2005-05-09, 21:44
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Correct. Pickups are a GEAR talk.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-05-09, 22:14
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Originally Posted by ManOwaR
well... I don't really know about the pickups but, throwing that metalzone out the window would probably be a good start.
And this should be in the gear zone 
yea do wat manowar said, get rid of ure mt2, tis crap and pointless seemin that u have a jcm800, get a boss ds1 instead.
anyways 81 for the bridge, and 60 for the neck, mucho better cleans than a 85
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-05-10, 14:52
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Just bash the MT2 to dust and boost the amp with either your eq or a DS-1/Tubescreamer.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-05-10, 19:07
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 7
Okay, thanks everyone.
Could you please enlighten me as to why it's done this way? Take note about what I said above, with my bridge pickup being used for my rythm. Is this wrong?! Is the neck pickup generally regarded as the rythm position? Not that I think I'll change, mind, it's just to satisfy my curiosity.
Also, what's so wrong with the MT2? I've only had two distortion pedals, one being the Dime sig, which was complete wank, so I bought the MT2 to replace it.
I don't have a music shop near me, alas my neighbours are farmers who have never heard of music that involves new fangled electrickery. Due to this, any advice on Dist pedals would be good too, being that I can't try before I buy, so to speak. Could you also give me some reasons why I should get said pedals over my MT2, rather than, "'cause it's a shit one"!

2005-05-10, 19:14
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Well the with the said pedals you only boost the amplifiers input stage, i guess you can say your giving it steroids. With the MT2 you boost a little but also add the pedals distortion to the amps, the amps is great but the mt2's sucks ass.
Okay this was messy, ill say it like this:
With the DS-1/Tubescreamer you will turn the JCM800 kitten into a fucking lion. You can boost the gain with your EQ pedal if you want too.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-05-10, 19:29
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 7
Really?! How so? What difference will it make?
I really love the sound I get from my JCM, but obviously it's not as high gain as I need it to be for my style. Is the DS1 the way forward? What advantages does it have over the MT2?
Sorry for so many questions! It's just good to get some free advice!
Edit: Also, would the sound achieved from a DS-1 and cranked Eq be correct for my style of play?
Last edited by Hardcore Harrison : 2005-05-10 at 19:45.
Reason: Addition

2005-05-10, 20:32
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fuck the ds-1(unless it's a keely modded one) buy a maxon overdrive pedal like the 808.
that way you get the cool crunch and huge tone of the jcm 800, with a much more "tight" gain.
the proco rat's rock too, but they're not so transparent.
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2005-05-10, 20:43
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+1 The 808 is awesome..
The Digitech Bad Monkey is great too, only $30.. I was surprised.
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-05-10, 20:49
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Originally Posted by BLS
The Digitech Bad Monkey is great too, only $30.. I was surprised.
never played that... but it's a digitech, so i'm very skeptical 
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2005-05-10, 21:01
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Believe me So was I... I cant stand ANYTHING digitech released.. except for the Bad Monkey.
For $30 its an awesome pedal, overdrives my buddie's JCM 900 awesome.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-05-10, 21:14
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 7
Had a look at the 808, they're selling for £125 over here and the DS-1 is £39!
Decisions, decisions...

2005-05-10, 23:08
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Originally Posted by Hardcore Harrison
Had a look at the 808, they're selling for £125 over here and the DS-1 is £39!
Decisions, decisions...
Check eBay, brother, take advantage of the strong £/weak $
Also, playing your bridge pickup for rhythm is fine. It all depends on what you think sounds best; there's no right or wrong pickup position to use

2005-05-11, 11:55
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 7
Well that's what I thought, but should I then use the 85 in bridge for rythm and the 81 in the neck for any lead I may do?
Or should I just stick the 81 in and use it for both?
I suppose it doesn't really matter, these EMG's have that quick hookup thing, so I can try out both.
Cheers for your help.

2005-05-11, 12:00
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 7
One more thing, is the Maxon 808 definitely the way to go? I can get it Shipped from America for £70, but having never heard it, I'm relying totally on your opinion.
I'll def. go for it, if you think it will suit the sound I'm after. It's just a lot of hassle returning if it's no good.

2005-05-11, 14:47
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well, maxon overdrives are commonly the secret weapons in studio recordings. like unearth for example... and they play framus cobras & dragons,5150's, and mesa rectos... all amps that have insane amounts of gain anyways. the maxon just adds the tight s.s. drive that kicks the tubes in the face and it screams. over a jcm's crunch, you coul manage all sorts of gain.
it's amazing what a $100 overdrive pedal can do to a $1,000+ amp.
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2005-05-11, 17:43
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There is a least 20% on this forum that hate till death MT-2, and others 30% that doesn't even played it, and just because a guy said its bad, they just says so, more 30% who just played it for a while, than come here and see people saying that Mt-2 sucks and the guys that have one, have to get rid of it, so, they just say so, than we have others 20% that really likes MT-2, but thats only a matter of time, other people who doesn't likes it, will make their idea and thats the end of history...
I have a MT-2, i like it, so what? i'm pretty sure i have a better tone (for my taste) than any you rich cunts.
At least i have an EMG. 

2005-05-11, 18:17
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I have EMG's too  .
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-05-11, 20:25
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Originally Posted by obrien20
There is a least 20% on this forum that hate till death MT-2, and others 30% that doesn't even played it, and just because a guy said its bad, they just says so, more 30% who just played it for a while, than come here and see people saying that Mt-2 sucks and the guys that have one, have to get rid of it, so, they just say so, than we have others 20% that really likes MT-2, but thats only a matter of time, other people who doesn't likes it, will make their idea and thats the end of history...
I have a MT-2, i like it, so what? i'm pretty sure i have a better tone (for my taste) than any you rich cunts.
At least i have an EMG. 
1. you speak poor english...
2.your math skills suck
3. you have no idea what any of our tone sounds like, and if you did hear some of it, i'd bet money you'd wish your rig sounds that good.
4. i'm not rich by any means. i just know how to get and manage money.
5. you having an emg doesnt earn you any credibility... hell i have two emg's(81/85 set)... they're good pickups(the active ones anyways, you probably have the hz's :P) but good pickups are a dime a dozen. emg's arent the end all be all.

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2005-05-11, 22:25
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
2.your math skills suck
Uhhh, 20 + 30 + 30 + 20 = 100?

2005-05-12, 01:22
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Originally Posted by ukfswmart
Uhhh, 20 + 30 + 30 + 20 = 100?
not that they don't add up. i ment his ability to guess percentages.
honestly, if you were to take a poll with those 4 categories. those %'s would be very, VERY off.
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2005-05-12, 12:08
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23+35+19+23, what about now?
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
you having an emg doesnt earn you any credibility... hell i have two emg's(81/85 set)... they're good pickups(the active ones anyways, you probably have the hz's :P) but good pickups are a dime a dozen. emg's arent the end all be all.
Nope, mine is 81.
Last edited by obrien20 : 2005-05-12 at 12:19.

2005-05-12, 12:18
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
not that they don't add up. i ment his ability to guess percentages.
honestly, if you were to take a poll with those 4 categories. those %'s would be very, VERY off.
Wow, look at this guy claiming Marino speaks poor English. xdislexicx, You have both worse grammar and spelling than O'brien. 

2005-05-12, 12:20
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2005-05-12, 19:41
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 7
Just bout the Maxon 808 for £75 pound on Ebay, gets shipped tomorrow from the states.
Hope it's good! Thanks for all your help. 

2005-05-12, 21:03
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Originally Posted by Infinity
Wow, look at this guy claiming Marino speaks poor English. xdislexicx, You have both worse grammar and spelling than O'brien. 
 ROFLMAO  ARE YOU KIDDING? don't burn your lips on that crack pipe dude
i might be a bit sloppy and lazy on caps and punctuation but if you honestly think i'm as bad as, or worse than this bro, then you need to take an english class.
half the shit he says makes no sense.
Originally Posted by obrien20
There is a least (is AT least) 20% (20% what? PEOPLE) on this forum that hate till death MT-2, (that hate the MT-2 to death) and others 30% (and THE other 30%) that doesn't even (that HAVENT even)played it, and just because a guy said its bad, they just says so (they just SAY so), more 30% (ANOTHER 30%)who just played it for a while (that have only played if for a while), than come(THEN come) here and see people saying that Mt-2 sucks and the guys that have one, have to get rid of it, so, they just say so, than we have others 20%(THEN we have ANOTHER 20%) that really likes MT-2(really LIKE THE MT-2), but thats only a matter of time, other people who doesn't likes it, will make their idea and thats the end of history...(i don't even understand what the fuck this is all about but it's totally full of bad english)
I have a MT-2(I have AN MT-2), i like it, so what? i'm pretty sure i have a better tone (for my taste) than any you rich cunts.
At least i have an EMG.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-05-12, 21:04
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Originally Posted by obrien20
23+35+19+23, what about now?
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-05-12, 21:38
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
 ROFLMAO  ARE YOU KIDDING? don't burn your lips on that crack pipe dude
i might be a bit sloppy and lazy on caps and punctuation but if you honestly think i'm as bad as, or worse than this bro, then you need to take an english class.
half the shit he says makes no sense.
Originally Posted by obrien20
There is a least (is AT least) 20% (20% what? PEOPLE) on this forum that hate till death MT-2, (that hate the MT-2 to death) and others 30% (and THE other 30%) that doesn't even (that HAVENT even)played it, and just because a guy said its bad, they just says so (they just SAY so), more 30% (ANOTHER 30%)who just played it for a while (that have only played if for a while), than come(THEN come) here and see people saying that Mt-2 sucks and the guys that have one, have to get rid of it, so, they just say so, than we have others 20%(THEN we have ANOTHER 20%) that really likes MT-2(really LIKE THE MT-2), but thats only a matter of time, other people who doesn't likes it, will make their idea and thats the end of history...(i don't even understand what the fuck this is all about but it's totally full of bad english)
I have a MT-2(I have AN MT-2), i like it, so what? i'm pretty sure i have a better tone (for my taste) than any you rich cunts.
At least i have an EMG.
Score !!!!!! 
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-05-12, 21:47
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
 ROFLMAO  ARE YOU KIDDING? don't burn your lips on that crack pipe dude
i might be a bit sloppy and lazy on caps and punctuation but if you honestly think i'm as bad as, or worse than this bro, then you need to take an english class.
half the shit he says makes no sense.
Originally Posted by obrien20
There is a least (is AT least) 20% (20% what? PEOPLE) on this forum that hate till death MT-2, (that hate the MT-2 to death) and others 30% (and THE other 30%) that doesn't even (that HAVENT even)played it, and just because a guy said its bad, they just says so (they just SAY so), more 30% (ANOTHER 30%)who just played it for a while (that have only played if for a while), than come(THEN come) here and see people saying that Mt-2 sucks and the guys that have one, have to get rid of it, so, they just say so, than we have others 20%(THEN we have ANOTHER 20%) that really likes MT-2(really LIKE THE MT-2), but thats only a matter of time, other people who doesn't likes it, will make their idea and thats the end of history...(i don't even understand what the fuck this is all about but it's totally full of bad english)
I have a MT-2(I have AN MT-2), i like it, so what? i'm pretty sure i have a better tone (for my taste) than any you rich cunts.
At least i have an EMG.
I like your style 

2005-05-12, 22:07
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
nope, my math sucks, right?
and thanx for your leasson man, i aprecciate it.
you just forggot the part that i say, "any you rich cunts", its suposed to be "any OF you rich cunts" right?  wrong? 

2005-05-12, 22:08
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"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-05-12, 22:09
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Originally Posted by BLS

ohh, yeah, i wish i could be like you, dumbass!

2005-05-12, 22:13
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Why do you want to be like a dumbass? 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-05-12, 22:22
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Originally Posted by BLS
Why do you want to be like a dumbass? 
I don't man, you want, why do you come teasing me, that doesn't make sense, i just said AT least (right xdislexicx?) I have an EMG because MT-2 sucks for most on this forum, so i said that, and just being sarcastic most of the time.
thats all...

2005-05-12, 22:41
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Fucking genius! Let's criticise foreigners that have poor English! 

2005-05-12, 22:46
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
Fucking genius! Let's criticise foreigners that have poor English! 
OHHHHHHHHHH, thats a fuckin' great ideia man!!!
okay, how many languages do you speak?

2005-05-12, 22:47
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Two. English and Russian. 

2005-05-12, 22:54
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2005-05-13, 15:08
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its not a big deal. the only reason i made a fuss was because that retard was trying to knock my english... it's the only language i speak, but i speak it well.
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2005-05-13, 16:30
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My main language is Portuguese, so, i'm still learning English language, I know that what i did type there was fucked up...  but you guys got the point i think.
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