2005-05-04, 23:43
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
ok, this is my last one...
my last ever "which amp should i get" thread
ok, now im really stuck, i dont know what to get
a line 6 pod xt or a roland cube 30
i really love the flexibility of the pod xt and its updatability...if thats even a real word...
but i also like the tone of the cube
i want something that i can just plug in and crank up, like the cube but with the pod i have to connect it to loads of shit or use headphones.
but i kinda prefere the tone of the pod xt
what do you think i should get?

2005-05-04, 23:57
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: brazoria,texas(south of houston)
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buy a real fuckin amp
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-05-05, 00:00
Join Date: Oct 2002
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no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-05-05, 00:16
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 306
What do you want out of your amp?
Do you got a poweramp and speakers for the pod?

2005-05-05, 00:45
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by arvina
buy a real fuckin amp
well im sorry, im not a rich bitch, im only fucking 16 with a shitty dead end job and i go to school, thats the best i can get for the money
and plus my parents want me to conecentrate on school so theyre not exactly going to spoil me with good guitar shit are they? that would only distract me from school
so im sorry, at the moment i cant afford what most of you lot can and my parents wont really let me get anything better either
thats the best i can do
so stop being a fucking pretentious prick
fuckin troll
neways, Timur, i wanted to get something small and portable with decent tones and good enough distortion.
i dont have a poweramp for the pod, if i was to use it i would just connect it to my stero hifi or my pc, but i dont know how good it will sound on my stero.
what do you think i should get
btw, thanks for giving a serious reply

2005-05-05, 00:48
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Originally Posted by arvina
buy a real fuckin amp
I don't recall that being one of the options.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-05-05, 00:51
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't recall that being one of the options.
thank you
thank god there are some people here that dont look down on people and are actually helpful!


2005-05-05, 00:54
Death to all but metal!
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How much does the Roland cost and how much for the Line 6 ? Also, have you played both or just read reviews on them?
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-05-05, 00:54
Join Date: Oct 2002
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mtm's comment while on your side was not helpful at all
is the pod even an amp? i thought it was just a thing to plug your guitar into your comp?
look at the line 6 2x12 there decent, not great but for a 16 year old just jamming out itll get the job done good, you can get the nu-metal sound prefect with it, im sure if you tweaked it you could get something decent out of it
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-05-05, 01:15
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: brazoria,texas(south of houston)
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Originally Posted by User01
well im sorry, im not a rich bitch, im only fucking 16 with a shitty dead end job and i go to school, thats the best i can get for the money
and plus my parents want me to conecentrate on school so theyre not exactly going to spoil me with good guitar shit are they? that would only distract me from school
so im sorry, at the moment i cant afford what most of you lot can and my parents wont really let me get anything better either
thats the best i can do
so stop being a fucking pretentious prick
fuckin troll
neways, Timur, i wanted to get something small and portable with decent tones and good enough distortion.
i dont have a poweramp for the pod, if i was to use it i would just connect it to my stero hifi or my pc, but i dont know how good it will sound on my stero.
what do you think i should get
btw, thanks for giving a serious reply
What the fuck! im 16, i work at a fuckin DAYCARE, my parents have never bought me anything. i have 2 amps 2 guitars and some effects. over all ive spent like 900 bucks on it. its all paid off as of like a month ago. thang god.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-05-05, 01:34
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by Timur
Something tells me that the pod is a better investment.. but I don't know why..
Personaly, I prefer the tone of the cube over line6 spider series and the pod..
and the cube has also got recording out which works well (I've only heard that it works well, not tested) just as the pod..
Do you need 2 footswitchable clean/dirty channels? If so, I'd say the cube 30, if not, I'd say the microcube..less money, you get a good sound, it's loud enough to pump at your room (I think?), VERY portable, if you get a heavy amp later, you'd probobly still be using it for bedroom, and with the recording out, you could connect it to a PA if you wanna go louder somewhere..
I don't think(notice "THINK"!!!) a cube 30 is loud enough to jam with a drummer? that's why the only reason to get a cube30 over a smaller cube would be if you wanna get louder in bedroom levels and if you want to footswitch between a clean and a dirty channel..
yea, i think i might get the cube now, because i just need it for bedroom jamming at the moment, i dont play in a band or with a drummer just yet.
i might get a bigger better amp later on if i do join a band or something like that.
i also prefer the cube tone when compared to the line 6 spider II. its pretty shit. but the pod xt is probably the best sounding one because of its metal add on pack.
i think i no what im going to do.
im going to get the cube 30 for practising and shit like that and im going to get the line 6 guitar port with the model addon packs for recording.
 what dya think?
Originally Posted by arvina
What the fuck! im 16, i work at a fuckin DAYCARE, my parents have never bought me anything. i have 2 amps 2 guitars and some effects. over all ive spent like 900 bucks on it. its all paid off as of like a month ago. thang god.
yea, well im sure your parents dont really mind you spending that much on guitar gear, my parents certainly wouldnt like me spending a lot on that shit.
and how the fuck did you manage to get 2 (good) amps and 2 guitars and a few pedals for $900? :S
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
How much does the Roland cost and how much for the Line 6 ? Also, have you played both or just read reviews on them?
i tried out the cube, it was pretty kick ass, but i havent yet been able to check out the line 6 pod xt

2005-05-05, 01:45
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 35
I have a cube 30, I fucking love it! It's the most awesome amp out of all the amps I've tried. It's the most versatile too and Ive been able to get a great tone out of it for whatever I'm trying to play. I usually use the R-fier setting for metal but the rest of the distortions it has are great, too. Another great thing about it is that it's louder and better than any other amp its size. I've jammed with drummers and never had any problem with not being able to hear my guitar over their drums. You can get some major volume out of that little box.
Oh yes, I've also tried recording with it through a wire, it works like a charm.

2005-05-05, 01:47
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 306
Originally Posted by User01
i think i no what im going to do.
im going to get the cube 30 for practising and shit like that and im going to get the line 6 guitar port with the model addon packs for recording.
 what dya think?
why get a guitar port for recording, will you need it? save your money
the cube has got recording out!

2005-05-05, 01:56
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
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get the cube... atleast its an amp.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-05-05, 02:19
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally Posted by User01
yea, well im sure your parents dont really mind you spending that much on guitar gear, my parents certainly wouldnt like me spending a lot on that shit.
and how the fuck did you manage to get 2 (good) amps and 2 guitars and a few pedals for $900? :S
marshal avt 275(not that great) pawn shop missing input jack 280, crate blue voodoo 2x12 combo 300 with new tubes added in. schecter c-1 classic 500 used from gc.old yamaha witch has my favorite neck ive ever played(wanna put emgs in it) like 150. oh hell, guess who's failin math...
i use an ab/y pedal to play through one or both amps.its like a half stach in stereo with diff sounds(pretty cool) and i lied my parents did help me pay for a ibanez weeping demon wah pedal.so it still ends up with like 1200 bucks. the rents only put in 50.
my parents hate metal. but they dont mind the guitar.
my apologies for the animosity.id go with the cube.i love them things.....slipknot kid.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-05-05, 05:23
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well, remember the pod xt is no spider... it's much better. and that "loads of shit" you need to run it through is just a poweramp and a cab.. hell, you could jam it into a combo, headphones or computer.
the other thread where we were talking about spider vs. cube, i say cube all the way. but the pod xt, imo is a much better investment. something you might actually use later on. where as the cube would always just be the bedroom amp.
my .02 u.s.d.
oh, and why can't you afford a decent amp? if you can afford a pod xt you could probably snag something else good.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-05-05, 09:41
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 306
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
if you can afford a pod xt you could probably snag something else good.
ye that thing is expensive!
I'm sure you could get other cheaper and better preamps, like a peavey rockmaster or something..
Do you need an amp now? You could always save up money for 1 month more...

2005-05-05, 11:08
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I'd recommend the Pod XT, i have nothing to say but praise from my Pod, and because they're so versatile, they're ideal for bedroom jamming. I currently use mine just going into a 15W Fender combo, and it works fine. I just need a power amp to run with my 1936 2x12. With some tweaking im pretty sure you could get the tone of the Cube
Hope that helps!

2005-05-05, 12:53
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally Posted by User01
yea, well im sure your parents dont really mind you spending that much on guitar gear, my parents certainly wouldnt like me spending a lot on that shit
If your parents will never let you spend the money you plan on spending, don't ask us what you're gonna spend this unspendable money on.
And you're the second person I'm going to kindly ask to change their signature....it's kind of offensive.
That snatch is like a glove fit for God.

2005-05-05, 14:48
El Diablo sin pantalones
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You say you can't spend much money, but you're willing to buy both the pod and the cube?
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-05-05, 15:47
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
no, i wasnt planing to get both, just the cube and the guitar port, but i would have got the guitar port later, much later, like in about 6-7 months
but i think im going to get the pod xt, thanks for all your input, you can close the thread now if you want

2005-05-05, 16:19
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Sweden
Posts: 2,550
You can use the Podxt as a guitar port anyways if you didnt know that  .

2005-05-05, 16:47
The Stings of Conscience
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Location: Lutz, FL
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Originally Posted by User01
well im sorry, im not a rich bitch, im only fucking 16 with a shitty dead end job and i go to school,
im 17, i go to school, and i work 25 hours a week at Pizza Hut... and i play a Crate Blue Voodoo into a Marshall 1960A cab, with a Peavey Supreme XL head and a Peavey MS412 sitting next to it as backup. I also have an epiphone acoustic, an epiphone electric with a JB in the bridge, and an ISP Noise Decimator and Boss GE-7 EQ pedal. Work hard, save money, and look for some good deals and you can get good gear.
PS: Yes, i paid for it all myself

2005-05-05, 20:06
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 368
Show some balls and tell your parents to fuck off, Now that would be metal!!
Of course i would have went witht eh XT because later on it could be more beneficial
and BTW i am 17 almost 18
Engl Thunder -> Avatar cab
Peavey Supreme head -> Peavey 50/50 poweramp -> Peavey MS412
FoXXXe Strat styled Guitar
BC Rich Ironbird
All my self in the past year or so been playing longer but that gear isnt worth mentioning
and Mick and Kerry are not gods of anything...
- you suck and your stupid
- Rise of Elitism: Yes the bands you like are gay
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it was too hifi for me...
it's like a hot chick that is horrible in bed.

2005-05-05, 20:30
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by Rapture
im 17, i go to school, and i work 25 hours a week at Pizza Hut... and i play a Crate Blue Voodoo into a Marshall 1960A cab, with a Peavey Supreme XL head and a Peavey MS412 sitting next to it as backup. I also have an epiphone acoustic, an epiphone electric with a JB in the bridge, and an ISP Noise Decimator and Boss GE-7 EQ pedal. Work hard, save money, and look for some good deals and you can get good gear.
PS: Yes, i paid for it all myself
you've done well for yourself
i guess i have been too wrapped up in my excuses, i should be able to get more then i guess
btw, how long you been playing for?

2005-05-05, 20:31
The Stings of Conscience
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Location: Lutz, FL
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like 2 years

2005-05-05, 20:34
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i think im gonna quit my job and work at dollar general. my job pays more but im the night sub. i dont come in unless they need me. dollar general can work me 4 hours a day for 5.35. my daycar job is 5.50.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-05-05, 21:41
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
man i wanna get a crate blue voodoo head, how much could i get a 120w head for? i dont mind if its used, but it has to be in good condition.
dya reckon i could get it for £250-300?
and where could i get it from? i cant find them anywhere! 

2005-05-06, 01:23
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
Originally Posted by Rapture
... and i play a Crate Blue Voodoo
That's cuz you got it for like $75. 

2005-05-06, 16:14
The Stings of Conscience
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Location: Lutz, FL
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
That's cuz you got it for like $75. 

2005-05-06, 18:47
Join Date: Apr 2003
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Originally Posted by User01
man i wanna get a crate blue voodoo head, how much could i get a 120w head for? i dont mind if its used, but it has to be in good condition.
dya reckon i could get it for £250-300?
and where could i get it from? i cant find them anywhere! 
for some reason crate bv's are so fucking expensive in england. If u really want one try ebay.co.uk cos once in a while theres some for sale. I'd personally rather get an old marshall eg jcm900, dsl 50 etc
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-05-09, 04:08
The Stings of Conscience
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Location: Lutz, FL
Posts: 2,245
i dont like the DSL 50. the JCM900 series is pretty good, but im not a fan of the 2000s

2005-05-12, 12:17
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 53
The cube's not a bad little amp, sounds good when you're practising but doesn't really operate in a situation with a drummer, vocalist, rhythm guitarist and bassist, even mic'd or DI'd it sounds too thin.
I'd say go for the cube, anything to avoid jamming through your stereo right?

2005-05-12, 22:55
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
User 01, BV60's are fucking kick-ass amps, I picked mine up off ebay for around £235 if I remember correctly. Of course you have to buy a cab too..

2005-05-13, 03:44
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 300
get the cube 30.. i went through all this research and shit, and i almost didn't want to buy it just because *everyone* said to get it. finally i just fucking bought it and i love it. you don't even need a distortion pedal with it.. the peavey and mesa models are great. i'm not gonna act like i know how genuine they sound, but i do know the models on the cube sound fucking great. you can't ask for more for $225. don't waste any more time, get the cube. it's nice and loud for its size, and you'll have plenty of fun jamming through it. and oh yeah, way to stand up for yourself.

2005-05-13, 04:20
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by Myrmidonlord666
Show some balls and tell your parents to fuck off, Now that would be metal!!
Holy fuck

2005-05-13, 06:50
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by Bia
Holy fuck
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