2005-05-03, 12:57
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 290
Clip Level
Hi what's up everybody? I got a couple of recording technical problems. My composed songs consist of a lead guitar part and a rhyme guitar part mixed together with the same guitar. When I record I adjust the volume of my playing between the recorder and my pedals/amp to the maximum I can get it without it hitting the clipping level in the recorder. When the lead and rhyme guitar are played differently than mixed together there is no problem. Some parts of my song the lead and rhyme guitar play exactly the same thing. So I decided why not copy and overlap mix paste just the rhyme instead of recording it twice since the lead and rhyme guitar play the exact same thing in those parts of the song. But remember I told you I adjust the volume to the max without it reaching the clipping level. So when I mix paste the same exact recorded file it is like increasing the volume thus clipping the sound. I use the same setup of sound through out a whole song. So I thought if I record the same peace physically twice (instead of once than copy and mix paste it) than mix pasting it won't clip because it isn't the same recorded file and I not increasing the volume by mix pasting the same exact recorded file. But I quickly found out than it still reaches the clip level just like mix pasting the same recorded file. What I was always doing was using same setup of sound through out a whole song. I know for a fact that most songs in the world sometimes have the lead and rhyme guitar play the same exact thing in their cds without it clipping. As I thought about it seemed to me that there is only one other way of solving this clip problem if I want to put two guitar playing the same exact thing when I adjust the volume of each guitar to the max without it clipping between my recorder and amp/pedals setting. As I said above when the rhyme and lead play differently from each other and I mix paste them there is no clipping at all and it sounds good because they aren't the same frequencies and pitches so it isn't like your increasing the volume. So I thought what would solve the problems is either use two different guitars when recording the lead and rhyme when they play the exact same thing since each guitar differs in sound thus differing in pitch and frequency or use a different set up of sound for the lead and rhyme by changing the sound in my pedals and amp thus changing the pitch and frequencies. I know when bands have the lead and rhyme guitar playing the same exact thing the lead and rhyme guitar use different guitars. Children of Bodom have a lot of parts when the rhyme and lead play the same exact thing.
Last edited by Schizoid : 2005-05-03 at 13:17.